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    Am I Scared for Nothin ?
    Registered Euro Scott's Avatar
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    Am I Scared for Nothin ?


    Every day in every way it seem's that the life I grew up with and treasured is being attacked and broke down, every value that I was taught and learned by life is being foreclosed on, and there is nothing I can do except deal with it, I'm the evil, wicked, mean, and nasty with 2 nasties white guy that has to go as well as a middle aged white entrepenaur.. I've been broke before a couple times and it really didnt bother me as I had hope- Today I have none.....
    Take the CIT deal today ,the fed's said no more money for you, you can fail who cares !!! Cit was the only decent company to finance my customers thru on their new copier purchases, the rest out there were much worst, I know what happened to them ,, Their customers went out of business ,,I know I had to re-po their machines and basically put the knife in their back and finish them, I told them (Cit) no way , I'm not going to do it as their more than deadbeats, their my friends as well as customers, I'm not your boy but I do understand that they have to do SOMETHING, they need to go ahead an get someone else ...No Bail out for CIT hurt's me because if Im lucky enough to actually get an order, we cant do it because of funding is not available. So now what, my customer goes to Staples etc. and buys a throw away device that cost them 20 cents a page to operate, we lose a sales person , a service person, admin, shipping, lower size building, janitor etc. etc. And all that revenue goes to China for their crap... How's that going to recover anything. More houses forclosed, families torn apart.. Yea right were never gonna recover from this economic tsunami at this rate ...
    It seems every Gov program or help thing I'm not qualified for or it hurts me and I get boinked again, I mean what the hell is up with this world today and what is going to be the breaking point. If we have a revoulution will our military fire on us and what will be their weapon of choice I wonder, and when and how can we ever take back our country...
    This constant barage of attacks on the small business guy as well as every other nasty thing they have in store for the middle class guy is quite frankly , beginning to get overwhelming on my consious as well as my sub- conscious.. Add to that the recession,lawsuits as Im being sued'ed by the yellow book as I couldnt pay for it and their trying to sue me personally as well as corporate, how the hell can I afford an atty and whats my defense, I dont think that blame it on the economy is going to help, house values,every asset that I own is worth half if I could sell it, taxes, women (got a notice that my ex want more child support for my daughter that I havent talked in 8 years as the court said they could leave Fl and thats the last time I heard from them despite a court oder ), and to quote Vinnie from the movie " Can we possibly pile any more **** on this ". Am I a victim of the media ? Is this 2012 end of world crap have any merit.. What obligation's finacially should I feel bad about not keeping i.e. Credit card companies, mortgages when I owe $400,000 more than my house is worth, it becomes a business decision to give it up, Yea I lose $200,000 that I put down but quite frankly I cant afford the taxes that have gone from $4,200 when I bought it to a tick under $10,000 in 5 years with no end in sight. My business has lost over 55 % of my account base that has pulled their plug and are gone and not coming back. High rent leases that im screwed on, Copier Sales that I have to discount the Hell out of just to get the deal... I mean where does it end !! Maybe I should just liquidate what I can , buy an Rv and survive, do some internet sales where I can and just be ready I quess .. What You think, tell me someone that I'm blowing everything out of proportion as 70% of the country doesnt even know were in a depression they say and it's just the west middle coast of Florida..
    I got rear ended monday by a 99 suburban while sitting at a traffic light waiting to turn left in my Honda accord, lets just say it got accordianed !, I saw her coming and heard her lock em up, I turned my wheel to left and headed to a left turn lane that was un-occupied and nailed it, that minimized the impact substantially and I didnt hit the truck in front of me, however she still nailed me good , I thought about it and almost decided to go victim on it and play the game but really in the end I just want to be made whole , I decided that I still have to look at the guy in the mirror every day and not be the scammer dude but I thought about it, (how sad) ..............
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 3kd3m83p6ZZZZZZZZZ966a3b0b34eea571da4.jpg   wrecked honda.jpg   wrecked honda 001.jpg  

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euro Scott View Post
    Am I Scared for Nothin ?


    Every day in every way it seem's that the life I grew up with and treasured is being attacked and broke down, every value that I was taught and learned by life is being foreclosed on, and there is nothing I can do except deal with it, I'm the evil, wicked, mean, and nasty with 2 nasties white guy that has to go as well as a middle aged white entrepenaur.. I've been broke before a couple times and it really didnt bother me as I had hope- Today I have none.....
    Take the CIT deal today ,the fed's said no more money for you, you can fail who cares !!! Cit was the only decent company to finance my customers thru on their new copier purchases, the rest out there were much worst, I know what happened to them ,, Their customers went out of business ,,I know I had to re-po their machines and basically put the knife in their back and finish them, I told them (Cit) no way , I'm not going to do it as their more than deadbeats, their my friends as well as customers, I'm not your boy but I do understand that they have to do SOMETHING, they need to go ahead an get someone else ...No Bail out for CIT hurt's me because if Im lucky enough to actually get an order, we cant do it because of funding is not available. So now what, my customer goes to Staples etc. and buys a throw away device that cost them 20 cents a page to operate, we lose a sales person , a service person, admin, shipping, lower size building, janitor etc. etc. And all that revenue goes to China for their crap... How's that going to recover anything. More houses forclosed, families torn apart.. Yea right were never gonna recover from this economic tsunami at this rate ...
    It seems every Gov program or help thing I'm not qualified for or it hurts me and I get boinked again, I mean what the hell is up with this world today and what is going to be the breaking point. If we have a revoulution will our military fire on us and what will be their weapon of choice I wonder, and when and how can we ever take back our country...
    This constant barage of attacks on the small business guy as well as every other nasty thing they have in store for the middle class guy is quite frankly , beginning to get overwhelming on my consious as well as my sub- conscious.. Add to that the recession,lawsuits as Im being sued'ed by the yellow book as I couldnt pay for it and their trying to sue me personally as well as corporate, how the hell can I afford an atty and whats my defense, I dont think that blame it on the economy is going to help, house values,every asset that I own is worth half if I could sell it, taxes, women (got a notice that my ex want more child support for my daughter that I havent talked in 8 years as the court said they could leave Fl and thats the last time I heard from them despite a court oder ), and to quote Vinnie from the movie " Can we possibly pile any more **** on this ". Am I a victim of the media ? Is this 2012 end of world crap have any merit.. What obligation's finacially should I feel bad about not keeping i.e. Credit card companies, mortgages when I owe $400,000 more than my house is worth, it becomes a business decision to give it up, Yea I lose $200,000 that I put down but quite frankly I cant afford the taxes that have gone from $4,200 when I bought it to a tick under $10,000 in 5 years with no end in sight. My business has lost over 55 % of my account base that has pulled their plug and are gone and not coming back. High rent leases that im screwed on, Copier Sales that I have to discount the Hell out of just to get the deal... I mean where does it end !! Maybe I should just liquidate what I can , buy an Rv and survive, do some internet sales where I can and just be ready I quess .. What You think, tell me someone that I'm blowing everything out of proportion as 70% of the country doesnt even know were in a depression they say and it's just the west middle coast of Florida..
    I got rear ended monday by a 99 suburban while sitting at a traffic light waiting to turn left in my Honda accord, lets just say it got accordianed !, I saw her coming and heard her lock em up, I turned my wheel to left and headed to a left turn lane that was un-occupied and nailed it, that minimized the impact substantially and I didnt hit the truck in front of me, however she still nailed me good , I thought about it and almost decided to go victim on it and play the game but really in the end I just want to be made whole , I decided that I still have to look at the guy in the mirror every day and not be the scammer dude but I thought about it, (how sad) ..............
    I have had many of those same thoughts. I am kind of holding out hope for the backlash against this backlash, and hope that it happens at the polls rather than on the street.
    Warning: This post may contain language unsuitable for minors or math not suitable for liberal-arts majors.
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    People need to get more positive. I dont know how this will play out, but we can make money in it. You guys act like your beloved team is rated worst in the league. Just jump behind another team and suck off some profit.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euro Scott View Post
    buy an Rv and survive
    I feel like you create your own "luck" so steering clear of the rest of your post, however after selling my house in 06 I moved in to a RV for 22 months watching housing free fall. If you are serious about this idea I'd be glad to give you some pointers.

    ps- good luck and keep your head up.
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    Registered Trim'd Up's Avatar
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    I don't think your alone in your thoughts or your present situation. I know I have some similar thoughts about things, I am doing "ok" financially, but not where I was a couple of years ago. My GF lost her 6 figure job so I have taken over all of her damn bills. Thank god all my chit is payed off. Hang in there.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euro Scott View Post
    Am I Scared for Nothin ?


    What You think, tell me someone that I'm blowing everything out of proportion as 70% of the country doesnt even know were in a depression they say and it's just the west middle coast of Florida..

    First of all, hope you're done. I can see the frustration, but that should be over.

    You own a business, a home, boat, vehicles, etc. So, you're intelligent and hard-working.

    Now, take a deep breath, and lay out everything you said, plus the stuff only you know, on an outline just as if you were doing a short-term/long-term business plan and figure out what you should do.

    You'll figure it out, and if you want some assistance, we all will try our damndest. If you are way under, figure out the best plan, if you can fix it all, figure it out. It may be something as simple as working with a local Credit Union to take over all your leasing and become self financing to make more money. Don't know, but your competition is working on something right now for you to be better than....

    And if all else fails, we'll move....

    I'm very frustrated too. The entire US has lost almost 1/2 it's value. A direct result of doubling the money supply in my estimation while holding inflation in check.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Founding Member cosmic12's Avatar
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    I feel every inch of your pain, I have spent the last 3 years digging out a hole that was dug for me by the corprate powers and the way the economy was headed.
    Had to down size in a big way on everything I save my house for the family and yes it is worth way less than I paid for it and my taxes have doubled but I still have a roof over our heads. I had to go back to basics and get a job thats another story-----try to find one when you are in your 50s and haven't worked for anyone in years and years. But it seems to have started to work out and I am making a come back, it can and will happen. You are not alone in this BS I travel all over the country now for work and see it everywhere but there is alot of hope out there and we will come back.
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