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    Anyone know or trust Mancow?
    I just saw this. Can he be trusted or is this a hoax? Apparently, he is a conservative radio talkshow host who decided to prove, once and for all, that waterboarding is not torture by subjecting himself. To make it authentic, he did it on air and EMT supervision and a Marine in control.

    I am now convinced.
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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    I would never call him conservative about anything. he is a shock jock trying to elicit responses .
    Parabellum FJ²B
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    anyone else heard of him?

    The left-side bloggers are all over this. the right-side hasn't mentioned a word. It either means this guy is absolutely nobody or he was embraced by the right, but completely cast aside for not towing-the-line on an issue.
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    Registered Magic Medicine's Avatar
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    Mancow used to be a shock jock based out of Chicago, kind of like Bob and Tom or Howard Stern. Years ago he was into all kinds of funnies and pranks. Reciently while riding in the car with my dad I heard on a conservation radio program
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Medicine View Post
    Mancow used to be a shock jock based out of Chicago, kind of like Bob and Tom or Howard Stern. Years ago he was into all kinds of funnies and pranks. Reciently while riding in the car with my dad I heard on a conservation radio program
    I wouldn't put Bob and Tom into the shock jock category. Mancow is a non-talent and annyoing.
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    Registered Magic Medicine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knot 4 Me View Post
    I wouldn't put Bob and Tom into the shock jock category. Mancow is a non-talent and annyoing.
    same way I feel about Bob and Tom. I guess I depends on where you live
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    Registered J.T.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Medicine View Post
    same way I feel about Bob and Tom. I guess I depends on where you live
    Me too.

    Seems like all you hear Bob and Tom do is laugh at each other.

    I'm a Mancow fan, but unfortunatly, the local station that
    carried him no longer carrys his show, and now my ride into work
    is much less entertaining. .....the paint is almost worn off of
    the seek button on the radio.
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    Registered Bgchuby01's Avatar
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    Its ok for the middle eastern azz holes to kill our guys with no thought but if we even think about doing something back we get yelled at. Screw obama and his whole party
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    Registered redhotsommer's Avatar
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    Mancow is on as I type here in Chicago, on the show where the waterboarding was staged last Friday. He's on WLS AM890, which is just about the most conservative station you are gonna find anywhere. He is followed by Rush and Hannity and Mark Levin are on later in the evening, to give you the flavor.

    He still carries the "shock jock" attitude, which I find pretty annoying, but his politics are and always have been right on the money. He is a card-carrying Libertarian, VERY anti-Obama and anti-Liberal. I watched the video this morning, and I think it's probably mostly his theatrical sense kicking in (back in the day, he did stunts like seeing how long he could last frozen in ice, etc). He has a very strong connection to the "vaudevillian" approach to radio a lot of his actions tend to be overblown, but on purpose.
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  10. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Medicine View Post
    same way I feel about Bob and Tom. I guess I depends on where you live
    I said they do not fit the "shock jock" moniker that has been tagged on Stern. I never said I like them. I listen to the Boneyard on my way work. And Mancow still annoys the hell out of me!
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  11. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by redhotsommer View Post
    Mancow is on as I type here in Chicago, on the show where the waterboarding was staged last Friday. He's on WLS AM890, which is just about the most conservative station you are gonna find anywhere. He is followed by Rush and Hannity and Mark Levin are on later in the evening, to give you the flavor.

    He still carries the "shock jock" attitude, which I find pretty annoying, but his politics are and always have been right on the money. He is a card-carrying Libertarian, VERY anti-Obama and anti-Liberal. I watched the video this morning, and I think it's probably mostly his theatrical sense kicking in (back in the day, he did stunts like seeing how long he could last frozen in ice, etc). He has a very strong connection to the "vaudevillian" approach to radio a lot of his actions tend to be overblown, but on purpose.

    Would it seem likely he would turn on the torture-supporting Right wingers and do a stunt simply to appeal to the lefties? If he was a loyalist, like Limbaugh or Hannity, I hardly believe he would do the stunt if it meant he would be debunking the idea that it is not torture.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bgchuby01 View Post
    Its ok for the middle eastern azz holes to kill our guys with no thought but if we even think about doing something back we get yelled at. Screw obama and his whole party
    How about this perspective. . . it's okay to torture, abuse, humiliate or otherwise maim the perpetrators of bad deeds against us. So after 8 years, we have done absolutely nothing to the main guy who got us - Bin Laden. He's still smoking his Hookah and releasing videos taunting our ineptitude. But to simple establish torture rooms, rape rooms and other vile acts while wrapping ourselves in the American flag bragging how much better we are than Saddam is a disgusting hypocracy.

    Yes, if someone beheaded an American, we can behead them. They fly a plane into our building, we get em, hurt em and kill them. That's fine. But to grab people off the street just because they are wearing a towel on their head and waterboard them until they say what you want them to say. . . give me a break. In fact, give all the deeply intellectual Americans a break. We're better than that.
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    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    that is crazy, new trick
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    Registered redhotsommer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    Would it seem likely he would turn on the torture-supporting Right wingers and do a stunt simply to appeal to the lefties? If he was a loyalist, like Limbaugh or Hannity, I hardly believe he would do the stunt if it meant he would be debunking the idea that it is not torture.

    Nope...he would not do this to simply appeal to Liberals...just saying his methods are very theatrical...tries to get as much attention as possible, and in this case, has certainly succeeded. I personally think it was more about attention to HIM than whatever the result yielded. If he found it to be torture...well...that would garner even MORE media, no?

    BTW...I consider myself an intellectual, but more than that, a realist. If we need to torture enemy combatants to get info, I don't think we should hide at all...we should be very upfront about what will happen to those that run afoul of us. The best defense is a good offense. I subscribe to the Ron Paul viewpoint on foreign relations...get the f$%# out of their business, take care of our business.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    How about this perspective. . . it's okay to torture, abuse, humiliate or otherwise maim the perpetrators of bad deeds against us. So after 8 years, we have done absolutely nothing to the main guy who got us - Bin Laden. He's still smoking his Hookah and releasing videos taunting our ineptitude. But to simple establish torture rooms, rape rooms and other vile acts while wrapping ourselves in the American flag bragging how much better we are than Saddam is a disgusting hypocracy.

    Yes, if someone beheaded an American, we can behead them. They fly a plane into our building, we get em, hurt em and kill them. That's fine. But to grab people off the street just because they are wearing a towel on their head and waterboard them until they say what you want them to say. . . give me a break. In fact, give all the deeply intellectual Americans a break. We're better than that.

    Quote Originally Posted by HiZ View Post
    that is crazy, new trick
    There's nothing 'new' about it- been around since the 14th century. There's also a very good reason it was used in the Spanish Inquisition and by wonderful organizations like the Khmer Rouge and the Gestapo.

    We have hanged people in this country for waterboarding.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    How about this perspective. . . it's okay to torture, abuse, humiliate or otherwise maim the perpetrators of bad deeds against us. So after 8 years, we have done absolutely nothing to the main guy who got us - Bin Laden. He's still smoking his Hookah and releasing videos taunting our ineptitude. But to simple establish torture rooms, rape rooms and other vile acts while wrapping ourselves in the American flag bragging how much better we are than Saddam is a disgusting hypocracy.

    Yes, if someone beheaded an American, we can behead them. They fly a plane into our building, we get em, hurt em and kill them. That's fine. But to grab people off the street just because they are wearing a towel on their head and waterboard them until they say what you want them to say. . . give me a break. In fact, give all the deeply intellectual Americans a break. We're better than that.
    You really need to look into this a little deeper.

    First of all, we have some barriers to finding Bin Laden. If you were familiar with the territory, you'd know a bit about what we're dealing with. Second, it's not East Berlin, where our CIA can easily recruit idealistic dissidents looking to escape from an opressive occupying government. Third, it's located in a portion of a sovereign nation- and a nuclear power. Pakistan is barely holding on to what they've got. Do you want to be in a shooting war with a somewhat unstable nuclear state?

    On this-
    But to grab people off the street just because they are wearing a towel on their head and waterboard them until they say what you want them to say. . .
    ...I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but this comment is pretty far off. To begin with, we waterboarded three detaineees. Three. And all were key players. Khalid Shiek Mohammed was the architect of the 9/11 attacks and boasted about being involved in the beheading execution of journalist Daniel Pearl. Is this not someone that briefly after those attacks we didn't have a compelling need to extract information from? And as far as waterboarding being torture- if you watched the videos, you just saw it. It's a trick- it artificially triggers the human drowning reflex. Is it unpleasant? Sure. But it doesn't hurt and you get over it. And if you've got the hardware to hack someone's head from their living body or fly planes into buildings full of tens of thousands of people, I'm pretty sure this isn't going to keep you up at night. And if it does, that's not keeping me up. And your comment shows a basic lack of understanding of pressured interrogation techniques. You're confusing confessions with information. Obviously anyone can be pushed to the point where they'll confess. But that's of no value. What pressured interrogation does is make you willing to provide information. And if you're pushed by fear to start divulging information, you're probably not going to be fabricating it on the fly. That's why it works.

    give me a break. In fact, give all the deeply intellectual Americans a break. We're better than that.
    Being an intellectual carries with it the burden of being significantly well-informed on the topics you contemplate. Simply having a passionate viewpoint isn't a substitute. Beyond that, we live in the real world, not within the pages of theology or philosophy. The longer you live, the easier it will be for you to understand that there's no such thing as a moral absolute.
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  17. Collapse Details
    I just watched the video. My guess that it has to be a hoax. The purpose behind waterboarding is that the recipient thinks they're going to die in a fashion that the body possesses an easily triggered reflex against. The disc jockey went 6 seconds. Nobody only goes 6 seconds- especially when you know the people doing it are friendly and that you get to get up and leave when it's done. If you only had the fortitude to go 6 seconds, you gave it up long before they strapped you down and put the hood on.

    Another thing about waterboarding- the technique was not used by people like the Nazi's, Soviets, etc. Those people had little concern for public opinion and skipped the soft techniques and went immediately to the much more severe, physically-damaging procedures. And these aren't people that needed confesions to try, convict or execute people.
    Last edited by Chris; 05-27-2009 at 11:27 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    Can he be trusted or is this a hoax?
    I am now convinced.
    You let yourself be convinced by a radio DJ who readily admits that when he was a child, he drowned and had to be revived. Oh yeah, that's the kind of person I'm going to trust to evaluate anything associated with water.

    The guy is losing market share and he pulled a stunt to get his name back in the spotlight. I was flipping channels last night and he was on a MSNBC show - the one with the ex-sportscaster. He's a tool looking for an audience.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    I was flipping channels last night and he was on a MSNBC show - the one with the ex-sportscaster. He's a tool looking for an audience.
    We should all remember that those talk show guys are all a joke. O'Reilly was the host of Inside Edition, a tabloid TV show about who's gaining weight in hollywood. The whole lot of them (Hannity, Maddow, Olberman, O'Reilly, etc)are useless. In fact, cable news programming should be required to display a fiction disclaimer.
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    Charter Member Wobble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayboat View Post

    There's nothing 'new' about it- been around since the 14th century. There's also a very good reason it was used in the Spanish Inquisition and by wonderful organizations like the Khmer Rouge and the Gestapo.

    We have hanged people in this country for waterboarding.

    The Catholic Church probably were histories greatest experts on torture, perhaps we can outsource some work to them

    If I remember correctly they tortured people for no particular reason for over 350 years and only officially stopped in the mid 1800's.
    Everybody should believe in something; I believe I'll have another drink.
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