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    Does anybody have a dumber (or just gestapo-like) Gov than Michigan's Half-Whit-mer?
    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    This woman is totally off her rocker. Michigan now has the highest unemployment of any state because of her.

    Some of her brighter decisions:

    "Jet skis, motorboats or other comparable watercraft are prohibited, while canoes, sailboats and kayaks are allowed"

    God knows that sailboater's and canoer's stay farther apart from each other than powerboaters

    Grocery stores and other retailers that sell food, medicine and other essentials are allowed to remain open during the stay-at-home order, although they’ll now be subject to additional occupancy restrictions and be required to shut down non-essential areas of the store, including sections dedicated to carpeting, flooring, furniture, garden centers, plant nurseries or paint.

    Wrink and Connie went to Home Depot to buy house wash, they could because it was on the opposite side of the aisle from paint. You can't buy paint!

    Bans all public and private gatherings of any number of people who are not a part of the same household.

    Don't help out your neighbors.

    Travel between two residences, within the state, is prohibited

    Don't for a second think you can go to your vacation house up north! You can travel to a second home in another state though.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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  2. Collapse Details
    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Recall Whitmer. 117,000 sigs so far, need 1,100,000 to put it on the ballot.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Wonder how this will go?

    We are all concerned for those afflicted with COVID 19. Yes, many of the personal behaviors we have been reminded to use are good practices. Wash your hands. Cover your cough. Stay home if you are sick.

    That said, Michiganders are fed up!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Whitmer drive in.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	238.1 KB 
ID:	88072

    Our Governor and her allies are infecting ALL of us with their radical, progressive agenda. There is NO reasoned and public plan to promote our overall physical and economic health!

    Dope stores? Open. Abortion clinics? Open. Churches? Shut down. Local businesses? Going broke!

    Many have asked us: “What should I do? I will go bankrupt if this continues.”

    Here is the brutal truth. Calling your elected Representative, your elected Senator or even the Capitol won’t do a THING. Why? Those offices are all shut down. Plus the electeds have clearly “signaled” that they will do NOTHING to oppose this Governor’s tyranny.

    To “redress our grievances” citizens are reduced to doing one thing: TAKE ACTION IN LANSING.

    People always say: “Conservatives never protest because they are too busy working.”

    Well, guess what. You’re not working-- so it’s time to PROTEST.

    Everyone, every citizen, every business owner needs to get out of their house, out of their chair and get in their car, or truck, or anything that is legal to drive on taxpayer funded roads. Then drive to Lansing to circle the Michigan Capitol Building at 100 N. Capitol Avenue at noon on April 15.

    Come prepared for a traffic jam in Lansing!

    Whitmer wants Michigan to be in gridlock. We plan to give her a gridlock in Lansing!

    Stay in your vehicle as the “Whitmer police” will likely be out to enforce social distancing. That said we need to display our flags, take signs, make noise and make our unhappiness known!

    While pushing her progressive agenda, our radical Governor has announced no plan of any kind to restart the economy. Of course, neither has the Legislature! Citizens can use Operation Gridlock to let Lansing know that citizens are FED UP and expect better.

    To start, our radical Governor needs to treat us like adults (a/k/a taxpayers who fund her JOB) who are aware that we need to take steps to stay healthy. Apparently, she missed that being healthy INCLUDES having a JOB, opening your business SOON and keeping our Constitutional rights.

    There is much to do, but let's start in Lansing at noon on April 15. See you there!

    Share this email with your FED UP friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. Let us know on our Facebook page that you’ll attend. Or follow us on InstaGram at mi_conservative_coalition

    The Michigan Conservative Coalition Team
    500 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, MI 48390
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    Gato RD. Little Torch Key
    I can Picture the Inner City Youth out gallivanting around in Their Salebotes..
    Parabellum FJ²B
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    Registered rschap1's Avatar
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    As much as I want everyone safe and healthy, that BI+CH is doing everything and anything trying to help her political career and make it all Trump's fault (she has been mentioned as Biden's running mate). She has gone too far and what may have helped her somewhat is showing what a total P.O.S. she is and even turned many folks that I know as moderates against her. TOTAL power trip now. She needs to revoke a LOT of sense $hi+ she has enacted. Local sheriff said that they won't ticket, but heard state police have. DNR has been watching boat launches on my lake.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Michigan State Police has pulled over and threatened my guy leaving the shop where my boat is being serviced. Somebody snitched so they staked him out. He owns the building and has other tenants so he was able to "explain" to the "state." Now he can't finish my boat even though he works with one other guy and they work on different stuff. In a huge shop. With a locked door. So my boat is imprisoned behind enemy lines in Michistan. Five digit dollar project and I have the money and my guy can't finish and get paid. (I gave him a bunch of money to keep him going, because I am cool like that... but still.) It has changed how I view the state. Won't be boating there. Won't be spending money there. Phuck her. Damned gestapo s hithole.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Get everybody to sign the petition. It's over 200,000 now!! Only need 1.1million. 10 million people in Michigan!!!
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    Registered rschap1's Avatar
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    Hope this is the end for the power hungry BI+CH.
    Cooking her own goose.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Why Operation Gridlock?

    Is this just a stunt to block the streets of the Capitol area?

    NO, It’s GRIDLOCK, because that is what our Governor has done to the Michigan economy!

    Worse than Gridlock is what she has done to our God given inalienable rights as written in the State Constitution.

    If you are attending Operation Gridlock tomorrow in Lansing starting at noon:

    Please be aware that most/all bathroom facilities in the downtown area will be closed.. It is our understanding the highway rest stops are open. Consider using those before you drive into the Capitol area.
    Fill your tank of gas before you head out

    Don’t get out. (others may be on the Capitol lawn, but that is not our group)stay in your vehicle. At the Vehicle Rally
    Bring food and don’t drink lots of liquids, there may not be restrooms.
    It is possible that not everyone will get to downtown Lansing. Do not be discouraged as even being nearwill help send the message!
    If you get stuck in a traffic jam on the highway or on surface streets heading into Lansing, DON’T TURN AROUND. You're part of the gridlock!
    Post personal story videos on our Facebook page about how bad this lockdown is hurting you, your family and your job/business
    Use hashtag #Operation Gridlock for all social media
    Stay in your car
    Be loud, honk that horn, bring a bull horn if you have one
    Lights on (and use four way flashers when needed)
    Make signs or use washable paint on your vehicle to deliver a message. Be Respectful
    Wave flags
    If you have a CB radio, use channel 15
    Decorate your car--even on top as we expect news choppers and we have contracted with drones that may film the top of your vehicle.
    Keep your vehicle moving, exit the loop to let others in.
    Don’t block any first responders
    STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE. (social distancing)
    ABOVE ALL BE RESPECTFUL. Of police, emergency vehicles, EACH OTHER!

    Don’t let outsiders ruin your and our good name. Don’t engage in trouble. #walkaway

    Share your pictures on our Facebook page Michigan Conservative Coalition. Or email photos to and we will post for you.

    If you can not attend, but want to support this event use print out this graphic. Tape on your home/office window, car, or wherever!

    Have Fun!

    Thanks for participating in Operation Gridlock!!

    Michigan Conservative Coalition

    500 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, MI 48390

    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Here in Texas hunting and fishing listed as essential. My local ramp has a credit card kiosk. Ramp is open. Every other ramp with a person occupied booth in my county is closed.
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    Democrat Mayor in Austin. Republican Governor.
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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    Gato RD. Little Torch Key
    She has a Wisconsin Drawl...Nuff reason to dislike Her alone

    Parabellum FJ²B
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    Registered rschap1's Avatar
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    Sad it has come to this.
    BI+CH using this for political gain and going so far that all these people have to do something just short of rioting to be heard.
    Power hungry BI+CH, needs to go.
    As popular as the recall petition is there is A LOT more ways everyone is expressing their disgust with her.
    I just keep hearing more and more people who I used to consider moderate loosing their $hi+ over how things are locked down in such a STUPID way.
    She is over her head and is ending up without any way out.
    And haven't even heard a lot of mention how she DID ban hydroxychloroquine; was smarter than scientists, doctors, pharmacists; and threatened them all with "professional consequences".
    Wonder how many deaths could have been avoided if she kept her trap shut rather than jumping on a bandwagon without any real science or information related.
    SAD ! ! !
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    The car and trailer at -13.50 is cool
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    this is a country that allowed women to run it.

    This is just a sampling of what pelosis lady army has in store for us .

    ( i love women in their place )
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    Registered rschap1's Avatar
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    Earlier in the day I saw Mlive reporting "almost 3,000 people turned out"....
    Sure looked like a LOT more than that to me.
    I am thinking more and more she has F'd herself more than anyone else could have.
    Hope this is the beginning of her end.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rschap1 View Post
    Earlier in the day I saw Mlive reporting "almost 3,000 people turned out"....
    Sure looked like a LOT more than that to me.
    Who do you think controls MLive??? Just another part of the swamp.

    "Lt. Darren Green of the Michigan State Police estimated several thousand cars were part of the demonstration."
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    Gato RD. Little Torch Key
    Irony....She bans the sale of Farm Products...While Sowing the Seeds to destroy Michigan...
    Parabellum FJ²B
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Wish my boat wasn't trapped behind enemy lines.
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  20. Collapse Details
    Charter Member phragle's Avatar
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    Serious is the BOMB!
    What are you having done to the boat???

    As for the hydroxychloroquine, moving away from it, too many cardiac complications. Covid cause tachycardia in a lot of people , it can also cause blood pressure to go crazy. I normally run a little high 135/85... I topped out at 225/127 with a pulse in the 130s. Same thing with the vents.... they are waiting much longer before putting someone on a vent. Placing a person on their stomach face down ass up has actually been pretty helpful. And a negative test result, you cant bank on that..somewhere between 15 and 30% of negatives are false negatives.
    P-4077 "The Swamp" S.B.Y.C. and Michigan medboat mothership
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