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    Slip/Storage and Property. legal battle ~ Help/advice
    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    Ok, summary

    Purchased a boat.........

    previous owner stated the slip was paid until June 1-2010
    I don't use the slip, however we got a huge storm in and there was a tornado that touched down 12 miles away. Anyway, when the weather flash was up and this place was the closest harbor for safety. We moored in the "paid up" slip.
    Later that week
    Arriving to retreive the boat, it's chained and locked to the dock.
    Talk to marina mgr.
    He stated all previous contracts are null/void with new owner.
    I say, ok. unchain my boat and I will be on my way.
    He stated he would Only do that if I pay for the slip
    He has rights to the property as it is in lein status
    I disagree, talk to the local autorities ~ nothing happens.
    They ask a bunch of questions and say we can't help, it's civil
    So, my boat is still chained up and I have nothing
    Then I go to talk to the mgr, "say ok you want $1300 ~ I'll give you $200 for the time it was here and call it good."
    Under agreement he unlocks it.
    All said and done.................


    the kicker.

    My trailer was on the grounds.
    He stated I owe for the past years storage on the trailer.
    I say negative, I will get a truck and pick it up.
    He stated I will release your trailer for $100 of storage paid up.

    FINE! I will write you a check send me a bill.

    Now, I just got off with the local autorities.
    The trailer is missing......
    He called them yesterday and the trailer is not there, missing

    NOW WHAT do I do.

    Are they liable under Wisconsin state law?

    Seem extremely fishy. Trailer has been on their site, now it is missing.
    What is their responisibility in having a trailer/property on their site?
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  2. Collapse Details
    What place is this?

    If you don't want to give the name, which lake and general location?
    Run until it sounds expensive
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    Charter Member Dude! Sweet!'s Avatar
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    And people wonder why the marine industry as a whole is in trouble... The Ass-hole Epidemic continues. Sorry to hear about your headaches. Sounds like the marina owner is being pretty unreasonable and reactionary. The missing trailer deal sticks in my mind as well... Good luck, I hope it works out.

    "Tear gas and draft beer don't mix."
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    Charter Member MacGyver's Avatar
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    I would have just cut the lock, but thats me

    As for the all previous contracts are null/void with new owner. I'd like to see that in writing on the contract. Just tell him you own the boat and the former boat owner owns the slip

    As for your trailer, sounds like you pissed him off and now he's phucking with you. Was the trailer in a secure storage area?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyver View Post
    I would have just cut the lock, but thats me

    As for the all previous contracts are null/void with new owner. I'd like to see that in writing on the contract. Just tell him you own the boat and the former boat owner owns the slip

    As for your trailer, sounds like you pissed him off and now he's phucking with you. Was the trailer in a secure storage area?
    Me too. If the contract with the last guy is void, then he has no contract with you. You parked there because you thought you could. Misunderstanding. You couldn't dock where you normally could because of weather.

    I would cut the lock, take my boat, and report the trailer stolen.

    Keep the chain. You will use that to strangle him in a year or two when he thinks its over.

    I have a long memory.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    What am I thinking. I am so old fashioned.

    Here's the new way:

    Tell him that he needs to surrender his business to you by Monday, or you will expose him on the internet, post silly pictures of him and harrass everybody who ever met him and everybody who keeps docking there for their own reasons, whether or not they even like the guy until they agree with you and move their boats elsewhere.
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  7. Collapse Details
    You're going to want to call an attorney. They'll file a motion with the judge for a "writ of replevin" which is a court order for the return of your property. You'll then file the writ with either the Sheriff's service office or possibly with the court baliff. They'll make an appointment to serve the individual and recover your property. They may want you to be there to take custody or they may request you have professional retrieval- like a towing company. It then becomes a civil matter for resolution- although it's unlikely the marina owner will press the issue.
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    Charter Member MacGyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    What am I thinking. I am so old fashioned.

    Here's the new way:

    Tell him that he needs to surrender his business to you by Monday, or you will expose him on the internet, post silly pictures of him and harrass everybody who ever met him and everybody who keeps docking there for their own reasons, whether or not they even like the guy until they agree with you and move their boats elsewhere.
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    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    Clarity on this!

    The deal is that we came to the $200 resolve
    He was trying to push me into a slip for the year at 1300 and I said No, but I was parked there for 10 days
    I said well lets work this out~
    Let's call it $1 foot for the days and I gave him $200

    Now, the trailer is/was on the premisis.
    He stated that I could pick it up later in the week.

    Now I get a call from the cops today stating that he reported my trailer missing
    I have my boat
    However, My trailer is missing

    This is out of control. The trailers and equipment are in a secured area.
    So, I would need to get it onto a barge to take it

    Can you believe he called the cops and said I "stole" my own trailer.
    The cop and I were having a chuckle, however I want my trailer.

    What can I do
    Last edited by HiZ; 05-20-2010 at 09:30 PM.
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    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBB725 View Post
    What place is this?

    If you don't want to give the name, which lake and general location?
    Well let's say it is the entrance to the city
    Last edited by HiZ; 05-21-2010 at 07:24 AM.
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    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    You're going to want to call an attorney. They'll file a motion with the judge for a "writ of replevin" which is a court order for the return of your property. You'll then file the writ with either the Sheriff's service office or possibly with the court baliff. They'll make an appointment to serve the individual and recover your property. They may want you to be there to take custody or they may request you have professional retrieval- like a towing company. It then becomes a civil matter for resolution- although it's unlikely the marina owner will press the issue.
    You are spot on:
    He was trying to pull what is like a mechanics lein

    What tow companies use to deal with people to pay up
    Anyway, that's done.
    I want to know what I can do on my trailer
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    Charter Member MacGyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiZ View Post
    Well let's say it is the entrance to Oshkosh
    And has been Falling quite rapidly through the years
    I already saw on FB Starts with P and ends with ioneer
    Last edited by MacGyver; 05-21-2010 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Can't spell for crap.
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    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    Isn't that a metal finishing place?
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    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyver View Post
    I already say on FB Starts with P and ends with ioneer
    You are quick on that Gun
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails postwhore.jpg  
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  15. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by HiZ View Post
    I want to know what I can do on my trailer
    Same thing.
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  16. Collapse Details
    Registered HiZ's Avatar
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    So, if he is hiding/holding my trailer
    Calling the cops saying that I took it
    Where are my rights to call the kettle black

    He is reporting it missing
    Stating my property is not at his location in the secured area

    Then he can call authorities to harass me with the whole situation?

    Where are my rights

    The only thing that I can do is to hire an attorney and escalate this to a cival matter
    Last edited by HiZ; 05-21-2010 at 01:41 PM.
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