Quote Originally Posted by TYPHOON View Post
Not sure where this idea of staged racing is coming from other than last years first race in OB where we agreed to put on a show at the first race. Fast forward to this year and race on a tight small course and any team can win if you have the pole and dont screw up. The reason I see differant winners is you change the starting position every heat based on your last finish. Its a 2 mile course so when the green goes up you have less than a mile to turn one. If you have the pole and can maintain your position through turn one you have a great shot at winning even in a boat that may be 2-3 mph slower. I can guaranty you there was NO STAGING at the last 2 events in P1. I can also tell you that any of the other SVL boats better be on there game in the turns if they want to race against any of these guys. We have had more turns in 2 races than most will have in 2 years. THERE HAS BEEN MORE SPIN OUTS IN THE LAST 2 RACES THAN THERE HAS BEEN IN YEARS. AND YOU PEOPLE HAVE THE BALLS TO CALL IT STAGED. Kiss our a$$.
this is where it came from

Quote Originally Posted by F1-00 Racing View Post
Classic!!! Now come on J, P1 where your guaranteed a heat victory and a hotel room. Instead of P1, should we start calling it WWE offshore style? I thought the staged racing oops excuse me, demonstration racing was over.....
Quote Originally Posted by imco offshore View Post
Bruce ,i, wasn,t knocking anybody in particular,,I thought they ALL were eligable for the title,,is Simmons the only one , i didn,t know that sorry ,,I guess my point was ,,how does staged racing fit in APBA,s selection ,,,I also agree they have the best options right now,,,,,,,,,,,,,, some pay ,,some figure out how not to pay !
they are all eligible. However, it is Simmons' personal goal.

Quote Originally Posted by F1-00 Racing View Post

Obviously there is a 100 lb elephant in the room, I've been the target b4, why not now lol With all respect to the Time Bandit and his higher hp, I look at the lineup of the 3 remaining and I say this with all due respect, the other two dont and will never hold a candle to you and your ability. So in essence, with all of us knowing how good you really are, an assumption of staged racing always comes to mind if you are to get beat.

and no I aint gonna kiss your a$$, but I will state facts and please dont come back and tell me how great the other teams are, they might be, but we all know that they're not as good as you....

your kissin his ass right now. you have a bad way of being politically correct. There's always a hint of condecending overtone. Get over yourself Trent. Remember where you came from.

the only true advantage Randy has over these other teams is seat time...plain and simple. Add phucking nuts to the equation and you have the makings of a winner.

Put Randy in any one of those boats and he'll probably win. Give the others time, they'll come around.