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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I really like Obama, btw Jay. I am hoping that he does something smart, like lower taxes on the people who actually produce something. I can't wait until his experience catches up with his aspirations. He would have been ok 8 years from now after being a governor or something. I'll bet that he is great in his next job.

    While he was not prepared for this, this will prepare him for anything.

    That's the tradeoff... these jackazzes on blogs aren't as poetic or drunk as me.

    Ok..more cutandpaste.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    The Gays even get it:

    (thank you google)

    From "Queerty"

    Why the hell did Barack Obama just win a Nobel Prize:

    Because he's such a big fan of eliminating nuclear weapons, Barack Obama was just handed the Nobel Peace Prize by the Nobel Committee. Nine months into his presidency. Not even the White House expected it. Us either.

    It's one thing for the gays to ask, What have you done for me lately Obama? And with slagging approval ratings, much of America is asking the same thing. But the water tastes differ in Oslo, where the announcement was made. There, Obama is a symbol of repairing foreign diplomatic relations.

    Which, let's be sure, he's working on. But by no means has he solved all of America's ills around the world. Rather, he's just cleaning up the mess George W. Bush left him. This award, then, says less about Barack Obama as a world leader, and more about his predecessor.
    It's like handing out a karaoke competition trophy to the girl who at least knows the lyrics to that Journey song, simply because she followed the guy who thought the "Macarena" would be a crowd pleaser
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    First it was soccer, where everybody plays. Then it was no more red pens... because that makes the kids feel bad.
    But it led to nothing being acheivement-based anymore... the hand-out guy has just gotten a hand out. If you communicate that you affirm the aspirations of change.... then you get the certificate for having changed something. As if awarding people in advance for not producing something will produce something. Hello.... socialism calling. Mediocrity. Shortages. Poverty. Exodus of wealth.

    Let CNN tell you that it's an unearned downpayment on future performance:

    (CNN) -- The surprise decision to award U.S. President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize elicited swift reaction Friday, with some hailing the choice and others expressing astonishment and skepticism.

    Chairman of the Nobel peace prize committee Thorbjoen Jagland holds a picture of the 2009 winner.

    Praise came from Afghanistan's president, the Israeli defense minister and even a senior official from Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza. Yet an Egyptian human rights activist said he was "shocked" that Obama won. And the Internet hummed with a range of views.

    Afghan President Hamid Karzai -- whose U.S.-backed government is locked in warfare with Islamic militants -- praised the choice.

    "We congratulate, wholeheartedly, President Obama on the award of this prestigious award," said Karzai, who commended Obama's "vision and leadership."

    Yet Hisham Qasim, Egyptian democracy and human rights activist, said he was "shocked" Obama won.

    "He has achieved nothing. He's stumbling. He hasn't achieved any of his promises and nothing is working. He promised to close Guantanamo and now that's not going to happen, and the Arab-Israeli conflict looks like it's going to get very nasty."

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it gave the prize to Obama for his "efforts to strengthen international diplomacy," his "vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons" and for inspiring hope and creating "a new climate in international politics." Why Obama? Nobel committee chairman explains »

    Many questioned what Obama had accomplished to deserve the award.

    Gideon Rachman, a foreign affairs columnist for The Financial Times, wrote an online blog under the headline "What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize?"

    "I am a genuine admirer of Obama. And I am very pleased that George W. Bush is no longer president. But I doubt that I am alone in wondering whether this award is slightly premature. It is hard to point to a single place where Obama's efforts have actually brought about peace -- Gaza, Iran, Sri Lanka? Watch the reaction from across Europe »

    "While it is OK to give school children prizes for 'effort' -- my kids get them all the time -- I think international statesmen should probably be held to a higher standard," he wrote.

    Obama has sought to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and officials from the Israeli government and Hamas sent congratulations and hope that the choice will help pave diplomatic ground.

    Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he believes the prize "will strengthen President Barack Obama's capability to contribute to regional peace in the Middle East, and to an agreement between us and the Palestinians that will bring security, growth and prosperity to all the nations in the region."

    Hamas official Ahmed Yousef also congratulated Obama, "though it is early for him to be awarded this prize."

    Yousef noted that in a June 4 speech in Cairo, Obama "reached out to the Muslim world ... and said many of the right things." Obama, Yousef said, "is a man who thinks of achieving world peace"

    Yousef said he believes Obama represents a "new era in American politics," but thinks "the president has done nothing to push forward peace between Israeli and Palestinians" even though the "intention is there ... it is an uphill battle with the Jewish lobby and Congress."
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Should I report myself for being prolific?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I have been thinking about things, and I have come up with the following:

    If we believe that we can change, there is hope.

    If we hope that we can change, I believe that we can change.

    Together, by believing in hope... we can create change.

    My vision for all of us, is that we aspire to an audacity of hope which can be celebrated and affirmed in a way that fosters belief in change.

    By believing in change, we can give hope to our children, who are going to need it with this freaking debt I just signed them up for. (Dam.... I blew it.)
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    Charter Member Cash Bar's Avatar
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    He should do something right for once. Like decline the award graciously and maintain that it is an award that should be reserved for actions COMPLETED.

    That he is humbled by the honor but thinks his best days are ahead, blah, blah, blah.
    Treat every situation like a dog, if you can't eat it or hump it, piss on it and walk away.
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  7. Collapse Details
    I like this cut and paste :

    Two key White House aides were both convinced they were being punked when they heard the news, reported ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

    "It's not April 1, is it?" one said.

    Upon being called by ABC News at 5:45 this morning, a White House aide said, "This better be good."

    When told by ABC News that the president had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the aide replied: "Oh, that is good."

    They understand....
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    Founding Member Bobcat's Avatar
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    from Jay's own words

    "You Idiot Americans Elected (obama)"

    christ, you can't make this s h i t up
    Parabellum FJ²B
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted View Post
    I like this cut and paste :

    Two key White House aides were both convinced they were being punked when they heard the news, reported ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

    "It's not April 1, is it?" one said.

    Upon being called by ABC News at 5:45 this morning, a White House aide said, "This better be good."

    When told by ABC News that the president had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the aide replied: "Oh, that is good."

    They understand....
    Everybody outside of Berkeley, Oslo, and Jay's apartment understands.
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    Competitor MikeyFIN's Avatar
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    Seems so...

    Actually over here Obama is considered a good so far as he hasn´t done anything to speak of.. but speak and being tolerant..or is he is a question.

    The one who got last year the Nobel peace prize for his actions didn´t get this either...
    Offshore Racing wasn´t designed to be a spectator sport, it's for people or companies with's lots of money to push the envelope of endurance technology and hopefully put a trophy on a mantle. It's man vs the elements, not like boats with like engines running in circles.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Do you suppose that if he gives a speech about believing in the aspiration of hoping for touchdowns and has the audacity to dream of becoming a college football player... that they will give him the Heisman??
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  12. Collapse Details
    Even the liberal community is atonished. They're asking wht someone like Bill Clinton, who has raised billions for charity since leaving office, didn't get it.

    I would be just as dismayed if they gave the award to GWB.

    Ironically, the man that had the greatest global impact since WW II doesn't have one- Reagan.
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  13. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Even the liberal community is atonished. They're asking wht someone like Bill Clinton, who has raised billions for charity since leaving office, didn't get it.

    I would be just as dismayed if they gave the award to GWB.

    Ironically, the man that had the greatest global impact since WW II doesn't have one- Reagan.
    Because he stood alone as the only true super power and stared down the wanna be. That is not the Euro way, better to appease, appease, appease and hope for the best. Ask them how that worked in WW2. And the way Putin is going we may have the need for another Reagan here pretty soon.
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    Competitor MikeyFIN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Do you suppose that if he gives a speech about believing in the aspiration of hoping for touchdowns and has the audacity to dream of becoming a college football player... that they will give him the Heisman??
    FUND for chrissakes now my keyboard and screen is a mess....
    Offshore Racing wasn´t designed to be a spectator sport, it's for people or companies with's lots of money to push the envelope of endurance technology and hopefully put a trophy on a mantle. It's man vs the elements, not like boats with like engines running in circles.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Everything was going along just fine and then the car is brought into the discussion...that's really isn't necesaary is it; there are plenty of legitimate points to debate??
    Warning: There will be no warning shots.
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    Competitor MikeyFIN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted View Post
    Because he stood alone as the only true super power and stared down the wanna be. That is not the Euro way, better to appease, appease, appease and hope for the best. Ask them how that worked in WW2. And the way Putin is going we may have the need for another Reagan here pretty soon.
    Putin actually was in our University studying so I guess he got influenced by us.
    As one of their Generals once said "it was a bad move to attack the finns... we just barely aquired enough land to bury our dead."
    The kill ratio for the land forces was 1:10 for us and in the air 1:33...
    So there´s always an exemption to the rule regarding generalisations...

    Lesson learned : Never let A Russian outside Russia...
    Last edited by MikeyFIN; 10-10-2009 at 12:18 PM.
    Offshore Racing wasn´t designed to be a spectator sport, it's for people or companies with's lots of money to push the envelope of endurance technology and hopefully put a trophy on a mantle. It's man vs the elements, not like boats with like engines running in circles.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    The Gays even get it:

    (thank you google)

    From "Queerty"
    Warning: There will be no warning shots.
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  18. Collapse Details
    Competitor MikeyFIN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post

    ironically, the man that had the greatest global impact since ww ii doesn't have one- reagan.

    Has anybody forgotten the Fact that REAGAN started the effort of getting grips with the Muslims and succeeded. Morocco for example is on friendly terms with U.S.
    But the flip coin is Morocco also had over 600 terrorists accused after 911 of which 400 was missing around the globe...
    Offshore Racing wasn´t designed to be a spectator sport, it's for people or companies with's lots of money to push the envelope of endurance technology and hopefully put a trophy on a mantle. It's man vs the elements, not like boats with like engines running in circles.
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  19. Collapse Details
    Way too many people on this site just want to hate Obama because he's different and hasn't done what they want, which is pathetic because you're all the same people who want your right to free speech and to bear arms, etc. He inherited a presidency that few would want from a guy who barely got the victories in each of the elections he "won." Busch was one of the few presidents to come into office with a surplus and plunged us into one of the nation's worst economic crises in decades. I get going after bin Laden. It needed to be done. But you can't convince me or the parents of all the kids who died there that we were justified going into Iraq. Most of the "experts" on TV are theorizing that Obama received the Nobel Peace Prise possibly because the rest of the world is so relieved that he's NOT ANOTHER GEORGE W. BUSCH. That's the most telling statement of all.
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    Charter Member MacGyver's Avatar
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    Dude, I won the Peace Prize......GNARLY!!!

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