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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo36 View Post
    I don't know all members on a first name basis.
    Sorry. I thought his quoting you and offering to help you would assist in filling in those gaps, contextually.

    Again, my apologies for this confusion.

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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo36 View Post
    I don't know all members on a first name basis.
    My bad, there is more than one Paul.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Maybe people are finally ready to talk about being sick and tired of agenda based hysteria and mob rule group dynamics by a few people trying to control the rest. Yep. We learned about Chris on April 9.

    We learned about many more today.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    That sounds like a glitch.

    The Incorrect Proclamation that ding ding is Chris sounds like the same people who talked each other into going nuclear against this forum just talked each other into a mass decision to give it their "100%" seal of verification.
    Imagine what they could convice each other with a few bottle of Crown Royal.
    I am sure its a glitch. When someone did exactly that with Ding Ding and put in Chris Sunkins went through.

    Thats why the assumption.

    It doesnt answer though why Sunkins email ( personal, not admin ) allows that to happen.

    I'll go back 45 posts.
    I dont care who Ding Ding is. Someone I trust has told me he talked to him.

    I want Ned to pay his bills. Nothing more.

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    Registered Bgchuby01's Avatar
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    Well ding ding it was good talking to you on the phone earlier today, see you for lunch next month. I love watching Alex, and whoever else think that you are chris. As I said for years just a bunch of keyboard commando's.

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    SO Tech Expert: Ford PSD's fixxxer22's Avatar
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    secret secret. shhhhhhh
    Now recruiting Mississippi power boaters.

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    Registered Bgchuby01's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=fund razor;512553]Maybe people are finally ready to talk about being sick and tired of agenda based hysteria and mob rule group dynamics by a few people trying to control the rest.

    I learned that first hand on OSO a few years back. Almost every post that was negative about me was from someone that had no idea who that I was. An OSO member packinair, he talked alot of crap about me and others. When I finally met him he is 5'8 140lbs soaking wet. but behind a keyboard he spoke a lot of crap to alot of people because he was shubles butt buddy so he could do no wrong. Once we met we worked it out, turns out he was an ok guy

  8. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Ratickle View Post
    My bad, there is more than one Paul.
    Paul, thanks for looking into it.

    I've attached screen shots of my test so the "glitch" can be properly fixed.

    Test 1: Entered csunkin email address and dialogue box once I submitted.

    Test 2: Intentionally entered an incorrect address and dialogue box when submitted.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Geronimo36; 07-23-2010 at 06:11 PM.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    All I know is that the engineers of the destruction of CS and the destruction of this site are 100% sure... certainly as sure as any other investigation that they have run, that it was absolutely CS using the screen name ding ding. They quoted him and had great fun. Others jumped on. It became the last nail in a con man's coffin. A feeding frenzy. Glee.

    I certainly hope that it was not just an assumption, as Alec now describes it. If that were the case, and they were wrong.... then they are what they condemn, and people will wake up and start thinking for themselves instead of jumping on a bandwagon, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda.

    If they (and you) are wrong about their 100% verification in their condemnation of a member of this website, their credibilty will land in the same garbage truck as the men that they have ruined.

    Good luck.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    "Jumping on a bandwagon, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda."

    Learn it, know it. Repeat it.

    Think for yourself. Don't join in a mob decision to destroy people.

    Good night.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    "Jumping on a bandwagon, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda."

    Learn it, know it. Repeat it.

    Think for yourself. Don't join in a mob decision to destroy people.

    Good night.
    Geez, now you are quoting yourself.!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whats the matter with you?

    The post whore thread is in another section.

    Frank is trying to show here what others discovered.

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    SO Tech Expert: Ford PSD's fixxxer22's Avatar
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    I'm gonna come out and say that i am not looking to rake anyone over the coals. I just read this stuff. i just piped in when i prolly shouldnt have and asked who that dude was. then it gets frusturating. im not trying to bea keyboard commando and i now understand the glitch. just a little weird if you ask me. but oh well.

    Everyone keep in mind that i dont think a website can really really ruin you. If i made everyone dislike me on a site.... I would just say oh well. But then again this is really it for me. I dont do facebook. I cant delete my myspace (shows how long its been)... But its really as far as it goes right? But again, i dont really know what im talking about. If anyone cares thought I'm 6'2" 210. hahaha and young! Oh yeah, and a Ninja! but seriously im 6'2" 210
    Now recruiting Mississippi power boaters.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastrophe View Post
    Geez, now you are quoting yourself.!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whats the matter with you?

    The post whore thread is in another section.

    Frank is trying to show here what others discovered.
    Frank's question is a separate (and later, let's take them chronologiocally, shall we) issue than the question of whether the pronouncement by every member of the Architects of The Extortion was a damaging and incorrect, grossly unfair assumption, or whether they were "100% verified" in taking action to cause further damage to other people.

    We await that important answer, but in the meantime we will not jump on any bandwagons, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda.
    (Like your daily deathwatch of this site and hopes for its destruction.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Frank's question is a separate (and later, let's take them chronologiocally, shall we) issue than the question of whether the pronouncement by every member of the Architects of The Extortion was a damaging and incorrect, grossly unfair assumption, or whether they were "100% verified" in taking action to cause further damage to other people.

    We await that important answer, but in the meantime we will not jump on any bandwagons, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda.
    (Like your daily deathwatch of this site and hopes for its destruction.)
    You will have to describe what the Architects of Extortion means.

    Who got extorted ?? Chris Sunkin ?

    Who said it was a deathwatch ? Actually the numbers are coming up.

    You can thank me by PM for this thread. Its really helping.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastrophe View Post
    You will have to describe what the Architects of Extortion means.

    Who got extorted ?? Chris Sunkin ?

    Who said it was a deathwatch ? Actually the numbers are coming up.

    You can thank me by PM for this thread. Its really helping.
    I don't need to post the names of the people who announced that it was 100% verified that it was CS and then jumped on the bandwagon in glee for the brilliant (Nice work boys) effort. We all know who you are.

    We'd rather not jump on any bandwagons, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    We can trust you Alec. You protect us from cons and people pretending to be other people. Especially people who use fake screen names.

    Thanks for the call WMF. It was good to reconnect.

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    PROUD stecz20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastrophe View Post

    I dont really give a chit about this mythical perception of the boards.

    When someone is asked to do something and payment amount is established, then when the work is done , they should be paid.

    That includes engine work , painting, parts purchased that are used personally or passed on to a friend, PHOTOGRAPHY and motorcycle parts.

    The language on day 30 is one thing, the language on day 360 is another.

    If I was you I would get off here and race to Serious's paypal acct and change your email address so Stecz isnt made a liar when its proven you are still collecting the $$ here.

    Despite Stecz's assurances I'm within minutes of getting banned from here so I'll say my goodbyes.

    Dont waste your time checking my PMs.
    It is just an answer to the resident boat thief/rat that threatened me.

    Stecz hasnt logged on here in weeks with any of his 3 names, and you are right here every day.

    Allowing people to insinuate people are drug users isnt very bright either.

    What a mess.

    April 9 was your mistake.

    yeah, alec weeks huh... im not sure where your head is at times but ok.... this thread is about to be cut off... ding ding is steve, LONG DUCK DONG... nor do i have 3 names.. i have one and ill use the admin when i dont use this one.... alec i have said you are my friend and still consider you one, but that line is wearing thin. the **** that comes out of your mouth is starting to wear me out... every call you make asking me to explain to you how this transaction is going im done..... ive been kind to you through all of this, ive held your hand through all of this.... ive sahred with you information that was none of your business.. im done...

    alec, you wanna hang out and have a drink, call me.. if you wanna know anything that has to do with this board and what the day to day are... sorry, thats over and done with.......

    as far as ding ding goes, not sure why you have anything to say, esp since what you have been through in the past few years... but hay, have at it fella......

    oso never let me explain anything on there, they blocked my ip and i could never get on there to explain myself..... that sthe only reason i never went on there to say anything, yet everyone cries that their membership here was frozen.. all this baby bull**** is gonna be over soon and the boards will go back to what they were.. everyone will find there comfy place and well be past this.... im gonna ask you guys one favor.....

    in regards to chris sunkin, if you wanna fight him, knock him out, call him out, ill give you his address and his phone number and you can do it face to face like a man.... get off the comp, step away from your keryboard and do it already.. stop talking about how all you guys are gonna get him, you all sound like idiots... go do it already, knock him out.... please stop bringing it to this website.... its old and im about done with it.....
    Hi, Im Dave.. Welcome, glad to have ya.....

  18. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    I don't need to post the names of the people who announced that it was 100% verified that it was CS and then jumped on the bandwagon in glee for the brilliant (Nice work boys) effort. We all know who you are.

    We'd rather not jump on any bandwagons, driven by a will to believe and a past agenda.
    John, are you talking in innuendo's or some kind of code? Agreed that my issue is separate but you say my name then make a reference to 'architects of extortion' then in a later post say its in reference to being sure about who ding ding is?

    Any way, I now have a personal security concern and would like to see it resolved ASAP or have my acct deleted.

    If there is something you would like to discuss I suggest contacting me directly.


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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geronimo36 View Post
    John, are you talking in innuendo's or some kind of code? Agreed that my issue is separate but you say my name then make a reference to 'architects of extortion' then in a later post say its in reference to being sure about who ding ding is?

    Any way, I now have a personal security concern and would like to see it resolved ASAP or have my acct deleted.

    If there is something you would like to discuss I suggest contacting me directly.

    Wasn't talking to you, for you, or about you. Except to answer your forum question for whatever reason directed at me.

    If you are in the group of people that stated publicly that you were 100% certain that ding ding was CS, then that's a coincidence.

    I am surprised that you have an account here, as you earlier described yourself as a non-member in this thread.

    Have a good night Frank. Good luck with your forum issue. I am sure that it is being handled promptly by the staff.

  20. Collapse Details
    I was going to guess LDD, but couldn't imagine why he'd be back after that circus. Nice company.

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