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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayboat View Post
    That's very hard to believe. The number I'm hearing is 45,000 temporary hires.
    Indeed. 1,000,000. Wall Street Journal.

    According to the department of commerce (who I trust less on matters of commerce than the WSJ) it's 800,000 temporary hires.
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    Oby's own staff admitted early on to at least 500,000..

    and when that's over, they will be back on unemployment... again..
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    and when that's over, they will be back on unemployment... again..
    The only difference being that this time it will be for years, not months. I can't wait to pay for that tab.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CigDaze View Post
    Thanks Tim. You're precisely right. This thread is embarrassing. There are quite a few statements contained within here that I would ordinarily clean up immediately, but I was curious to see just how low we could go. I've not been disappointed; some vast depths have been reached.
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    At least Petraeus would know how to deal with the Iranian's. The amateur in chief will sit on his hands until its too late. Probably already is.
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    And he'd more than likely appoint a secretary of state with balls (no pun intended) to deal with our foes. Can you imaging the riotous laughter coming from those guys the moment our current Secretary of State leaves.
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    The military is way more political than everyday life. And way less forgiving. To become a general officer, you're going to have to be a master politician. And you don't get a big staff of supporters and benefactors to get you into the job. You may hook onto a star at points, but the last bit is all you.

    Everyone thought Eisenhower was going to be a flop- they assumed he'd bark orders at congreemen and get his way. And Congress doesn't work like that. But Eisenhower was a master politician- which he so skillfully proved during WW II. In office, he quietly got plenty of things done.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Last Friday it was reported that 162,000 jobs were created in March -- the biggest increase in employment in three years. 48,000 (30%) of those jobs came from temporary hiring for the 2010 Census takers.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    As far as Petraeus is concerned I don't know much about him beyond what I saw from Iraq. Seems like a decent man which would sure be an improvement. We could certainley use an honest President with no preconceived social/political agenda. I like that his name ends in US.
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    I didn't intend this comparison to be taken as a snotty, backhanded snipe at our president. But compare life accomplishments-


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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    I didn't intend this comparison to be taken as a snotty, backhanded snipe at our president. But compare life accomplishments-


    The two men have led entirely different lives. Petraeus is obviously a bright guy... but qualified?

    Ok... maybe compared to the other usual suspects with an 'R' after their name.

    I'm sure most of those on the right feel that military service magically empowers one with some super-enhanced ability to run the country.
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    Registered redhotsommer's Avatar
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    2,320 exactly was Obama qualified, again?
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    Not military service. Accomplishment. Leadership of others. Leading by example.

    But there is something unique about the leadership of men at arms that just isn't duplicable anywhere else.
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhotsommer View Post exactly was Obama qualified, again?
    MTV said so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhotsommer View Post exactly was Obama qualified, again?
    By voting "present"
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhotsommer View Post exactly was Obama qualified, again?
    He still isn't.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Well lets see, he was educated as a lawyer, lectured on constitutional law (interesting that the bill he just signed will be litigated as unconstitutional) and served as a community organizer a State Senator and a US Senator.

    Petreaus' degree was in Public Administration with PHD in International Relations and he commanded the Multi-National Force-Irag and is the current Commander of the US Central Command.

    So we have a lawyer vs an MPA/PHD; a community organizer vs the commander of a multi-national force; and a senator with not much to his name vs the Commander of the US Central Command; a welcher vs a General...hmmm.

    Yes, I guess you could question his qualifications...huh?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I think that this whole notion of Obama being underqualified compared to Petraeus is racist. Wouldn't it be more fair if we compared what Petraeus has done to what Obama might do?
    That's the criteria that the Nobel committee used.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Oh I forgot;

    A "great orator" vs "Public Intellectual of the Year".
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gun View Post
    Well lets see, he was educated as a lawyer, lectured on constitutional law (interesting that the bill he just signed will be litigated as unconstitutional) and served as a community organizer a State Senator and a US Senator.

    Petreaus' degree was in Public Administration with PHD in International Relations and he commanded the Multi-National Force-Irag and is the current Commander of the US Central Command.

    So we have a lawyer vs an MPA/PHD; a community organizer vs the commander of a multi-national force; and a senator with not much to his name vs the Commander of the US Central Command; a welcher vs a General...hmmm.

    Yes, I guess you could question his qualifications...huh?
    Oh, yeah baby- gonna be litigated as unconstitutional. Some real hard facts there. For the record, Obama taught constitutional law at Columbia for 12 years. Seems like good training for the job he has now.

    All those stars in your eyes seem to have confused you- accolades are not 'accomplishments', although I'm sure the certificates look good on the wall.

    I'm not trying to make less of the guy- he never would be where he is if he wasn't good at something. But, again, rising through the ranks of the military does not automatically qualify a person to be president. Without exception, every lifer I've ever known has been extremely inflexible in his thinking.

    I don't think that's a good thing. But, I'm sure there are plenty who think we need to up the DOD budget, and start another war somewhere.
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