Quote Originally Posted by Edward R. Cozzi View Post
Just because a person has an opinion different from yours doesn't make him a "zealot". I couldn't personally care less if anybody changes their mind due to my opinion. You will continue to be astounded if you keep making generalizations like this, friend.
Um, zealotry goes WAY beyond having a difference in opinion. I guess i just falsely assumed that all the banter, on both sides, was designed to convince others of their way of thought. But, I think I have learned by your reply that it is nothing more than people that want to complain and polarize about/an issue yet do nothing to fix it.

the point i was making, which was obviously lost on a few of you, is it is always better to negotiate/convince from the center than the sides - regardless as to what your personal beliefs are.

but that is just my opinion - flame away - it doesn't bother me.