Thread: OPA rally

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    OPA rally
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    To all the boats that are attending the Point race we are going to have a blast. The 40th running of this race makes it one of the oldest race sites in the country. I called around today to see who was racinging in class 5 and other classes. I was shocked to here that some of the OPA teams were racing in NY instead of Point. For those of you that dont understand how this works let me open your eyes. NO org. can put on races if they dont know when there teams will show!!!!! OPA has given you all racing with no entry fees and a small anuall due so that you all can have a place to race your boats in the local north east. OPA has worked a boat load of hours and there staff which works for free has dedicated there time so that YOU can have a place to race. To me and me only thats a slap in the face if you dont race in Point and race in NY. OPA has always said race where you want but in my opinion that means race with family first and if you have free time go race where ever you want. Take hard look at who has supported you over the years and the damage you will be doing by not racing in Point. Its called being selfish and useing the race org. You may not like what I am writting and its my opinion only but this is what demoralizes race producers.
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    Competitor SVL66's Avatar
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    I agree...I would have raced NY too, if it was a different weekend. I have committed to PP and thats where I'll be. NY sounds like it will have a strong showing this year. Unfortunately, we can't be in 2 places at once. see y'all in Point.
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  3. Collapse Details
    Join Date
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    Well said Randy!
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  4. Collapse Details
    Thank you Randy !

    I would like to reflect back to Camden with these images. Does anyone remember the generosity that came with that event to make the racing affordable ?

    Not to mention these die hard medics that are there for you every time you need them.

    This is their home town event.

    I sure hope many take all the years of their dedication as well as the NJOPRA & OPA STAFF into consideration.

    NO ENTRY FEES was not set up so that you can afford to blow all of the savings at one race in NY. If it was a different weekend fine, but to walk away from OPA in a time when they need you the most is just a slap in the face as Randy said.

    Today their is a place to run in the North East. With full support from all of the OPA Racers there will be a place to race here next year.

    Fragment it, and it will all just fall apart once again and history will repeat itself...

    I am sure some teams have a reasonable reason for running there and I can forgive them for those certain reasons, but to race in NY for the sake of racing in NY is not a good enough reason as far as I am concerned.

    That's my opinion and hope many will be in Point Pleasant Beach to support their home Organization.

    Thank you !

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    Competitor Louietherigger's Avatar
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    Randy couldn't have said it better, "Strictly Business" will be at the Point to race. We are an OPA team this is the OPA race and its a Historic one to boot. A lot of important stuff has transpired this year in Offshore and it would be a shame to go backwards. A crappy economy hasn't beaten us, Hurricanes haven't beaten us, and the OPA has maintained no race entry fee's through all of this. The only thing that strong enough to beat us is ourselves. If NYC was a different weekend we would race it ourselves, buts it not and that is that.
    See our teams this weekend,

    PS We are going there to race and win! So watch out Home town Jersey Boyz.
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    Competitor Louietherigger's Avatar
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    Hey Tim,
    I'm sure there was some better shots of me LMAO. That was an awesome time in Camden and we knew that the OPA was where we were gonna race.
    One thing, about a reason for going to NYC instead of Point? There is none. One of our sponsors said we want to go to NYC, I said thats cool, go and let me know how it is. The team he supports is racing in Point Pleasant, they booked there rooms at the Point yesterday. We don't race boats cause were sissy's and can get yanked by the nose.
    Thanks Louie

    PS you got any pics of us holding the Checkered Flag at Camden? OH YEAH!
    Or better yet the big plaque with the guns on it.
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  7. Collapse Details
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    Well said Randy.Smitty and everyone at OPA has worked hard over the last five years to provide all of us a great place to race.The OPA staff is made up of volunteers who do what they do because they love the sport.OPA has supported the racers by offering fantastic race sites,no entry fees and perks like the GEICO Triple Crown.OPA has a solid foundation in place that will continue to get better and better.I know there are some great things in the works for 2010 and beyond!There are also many people with NJOPRA and NJPPC putting forth a tremendous effort to make this race the best it can be despite some difficult circumstances.As you said,we need to rally the OPA teams to get as many boats as possible to Point Pleasant and put on a great race for the fans,sponsors and volunteers.See everyone this weekend!

    Mark H.
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  8. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Louietherigger View Post
    Randy couldn't have said it better, "Strictly Business" will be at the Point to race. We are an OPA team this is the OPA race and its a Historic one to boot. A lot of important stuff has transpired this year in Offshore and it would be a shame to go backwards. A crappy economy hasn't beaten us, Hurricanes haven't beaten us, and the OPA has maintained no race entry fee's through all of this. The only thing that strong enough to beat us is ourselves. If NYC was a different weekend we would race it ourselves, buts it not and that is that.
    See our teams this weekend,

    PS We are going there to race and win! So watch out Home town Jersey Boyz.
    I picked that one because it showed the most yellow jackets...

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    Good to see their is some good common sense, wish I could make it. look forward to seeing some pics. good luck and be safe.
    Some where in Kenya a village is missing an Idiot!
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  10. Collapse Details
    Competitor F1-00 Racing's Avatar
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    I'm being serious when I say nice post. Unfortunatly for 19 years the New York race has scheduled on the second weekend in September. The Point has only been on this weekend for approx 3 years. Remember 2003, we raced Point at its normally scheduled spot of the 3rd Friday in August? We also raced NYC that year. Funny thing is, one of my most frightfull memories comes from you in NYC that year, the class you were holding on how to prevent skidmarks in your drawers.

    In speaking to Jeff and Lorie McCann(promotors of Morehead) I asked them if there was any way that their race could be moved as to not conflict with Cambridge, since Cambridge was established before Morehead. The response I recieved made a lot of sense and I think more than likely applies to the point race, was that the particular weekend of the race was the only weekend approved by the city of Morehead. This creates a bad situation as both the Point and Morehead are wonderful sites, but they were scheduled on top of existing race dates which causes this issue that you speak of. If Point was scheduled back in August as it has been for 37 of the 40 year run, we wouldnt be caught in this scenario. Unfortunatly, it is what it is and as I have said numorous times Smitty has built a hell of a program and I am sure the Point this year will be a great race as it always has. Be safe and good luck to you.


    "El Racing boat es una pasion que se lleva en la sangre"
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  11. Collapse Details
    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Nice thread and conversation from all........

    Maybe next year.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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  12. Collapse Details
    Charter Member / Competitor
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    Thanks Trent. My point is support the org. that supports you all year first and if there is a race in between then go race where ever you want. Races stacked on top of each other is a whole differant post.
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  13. Collapse Details
    Competitor F1-00 Racing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYPHOON View Post
    I was shocked to here that some of the OPA teams were racing in NY instead of Point. Randy

    I understand but as you see by your quote in your initial post, if the races werent stacked then there wouldnt be a case to question someones loyality.

    You and I both know that we can go for days with our beliefs and opinions and at the end achomplish nothing, like we always have. My feeling is that if Point wasnt scheduled the same weekend as NYC then this thread wouldnt have even been created as to question a teams loyality. You said it yourself.

    Bottom line is the racers have caused offshore racing to be in the state that its in. I for one and maybe this is something we can agree to, if a problem is created, I try to find solutions, not whine about it. No matter at the end of the day, you have proven your loyalty, whether its right, wrong, or indifferent to whatever the cause is and all racers admire you for that. Hell I wish my dog was as loyal as you are. It just seems that whoever has the treat gets his loyality. Maybe a lot of racers are like that as well, you never know.

    It is what it is...........

    "El Racing boat es una pasion que se lleva en la sangre"
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    You dance with who brought you!
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  15. Collapse Details
    I would like to thank all of the teams that are coming to Pt. Pleasant this weekened for their support.

    * We have a great dry & wet pits setup
    * Parties Friday and Saturday night at Jenkinsons
    * One of the safest race courses Sunday with 40 support boats including 6 Med Boats, 6 Dive Boats and 2 divers in a helo.

    See you this weekend!

    Dave Patnaude
    Director Water Ops
    NJ Offshore Powerboat Racing Association
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  16. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by F1-00 Racing View Post
    I understand but as you see by your quote in your initial post, if the races werent stacked then there wouldnt be a case to question someones loyality.

    You and I both know that we can go for days with our beliefs and opinions and at the end achomplish nothing, like we always have. My feeling is that if Point wasnt scheduled the same weekend as NYC then this thread wouldnt have even been created as to question a teams loyality. You said it yourself.

    Bottom line is the racers have caused offshore racing to be in the state that its in. I for one and maybe this is something we can agree to, if a problem is created, I try to find solutions, not whine about it. No matter at the end of the day, you have proven your loyalty, whether its right, wrong, or indifferent to whatever the cause is and all racers admire you for that. Hell I wish my dog was as loyal as you are. It just seems that whoever has the treat gets his loyality. Maybe a lot of racers are like that as well, you never know.

    It is what it is...........
    Ok, so I'm sure I'll get chit for speaking my mind but here it goes...

    It's the same chit different day... Last year it was a few select few cheerleading and trying to convince the SBI guys to come to Pt. Pleasant instead of NYC... yadda yadda yadda... yawn........

    You can say support the org you race with but that's not the root of the issue in my humble opinon.

    Pt. Pleasant race was ALWAYS 2nd week in July for as long as I can remember... That was until the townspeople started complaining about having an event during peak season.... Then for a few years the Pt. race was in May (maybe even June a few times?) but the weather was always dicey (foggy)....Now it's the same weekend as NYC. If I didn't know any better I would think OPA purposely scheduled the race that weekend but I know that's not the case.

    I love OPA and it's my favorite organization but I happen to agree with F1-00....

    I have been attending both races since I was a little kid as a spectator. Now I'm forced to make a choice between the two. A choice I'd rather not make because I'd rather go see them both but my choice may actually be NEITHER..

    In the future I say take a look at it from an outsiders perspective and figure out a way to schedule the races on weekends that don't conflict... I think we'll all be much happier...
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  17. Collapse Details
    This might make a decision easier for some.

    If you want to watch Offshore boats in the river go to NY.

    If you want to watch Offshore boats catching major air in the OCEAN, come to Point Pleasant Beach on Sunday Sept 13th. Winds blowing North East & East most of the week will certainly leave a great ground swell for Sunday's race.

    And I will point this out as well.

    Be advised, Jenkinsons is closing the water off to swimmers during the race to allow the race to be kept as close to the beach that is permitted by the Coast Guard.

    Also, I'm not making any promises but I personally put in a request to have the boats leave the Inlet on plane.

    Good news is they are looking into it. So there just might be a possibility. But it is always the final call up to the Coast Guard even if they say yes today, depending on the conditions of the day they have the right to say no.

    Keep your fingers crossed and be at the Inlet. Hopefully we get the go ahead....
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  18. Collapse Details
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    It's easyer to ask for foregiveness than permission. look out inlet.
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  19. Collapse Details
    Competitor SVL66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TYPHOON View Post
    It's easyer to ask for foregiveness than permission. look out inlet.

    you would know about that for sure
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  20. Collapse Details
    Thumbs up
    Quote Originally Posted by TYPHOON View Post
    It's easyer to ask for foregiveness than permission. look out inlet.
    As a Dive Chopper we will be sure to be at the mouth of the inlet waiting for everyone to depart safely...

    Going to make for some great photos....
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