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10 Of The Healthiest Beers You Can Drink

Yuengling FLIGHT
From America's oldest brewery comes Yuengling FLIGHT, the Pennsylvania company's latest reduced calorie, reduced carbohydrate beer. As with other extra light lagers, Yuengling smells and tastes a bit sweet, like corn and apples. But FLIGHT takes wing when its solid malt base mixes with "notes of lemon peel, a grind of white pepper, and a note of dried flowers [to] give the otherwise cracker-crisp beer a light lift," wrote Christopher Null of Drink Hacker.

Thanks to its clean, refreshing taste and ample carbonation, FLIGHT goes down easy. So easy, it might shock you as it did a reviewer on Beer Advocate: "Being an IPA drinker [...] FLIGHT caught me by surprise. For me, it is the most satisfying light I have ever tasted." Another reviewer warned, "Before I knew it, I had downed six while mowing the grass." Whether you're working or relaxing, choosing a healthy beer like FLIGHT means you can down a few fizzy drinks without paying for them later.

Calories: 95
Carbs: 2.6 grams
ABV: 4.2%
Type: Lager

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