Frankie, our 11th grade son, is taking flight training at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. This
weekend his class had a chance to put what they have been learning into practice. Today was "First
Flight Day"! They majority of them were in high performance, acrobatic aircraft know as "RVs".
After the flight the ERAU professor took us to her personal hanger and showed a fabric aircraft.
The day was concluded by an unexpected invitation to tour the tower. A big THANK YOU to
ERAU, CAI (Charlotte Aerospace Institute), EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association), PGD (Punta
Gorda Airport), Prof Candiani, and our pilots and aircraft owners. Check out the photos!

to see all of the pictures, click here

IMG_4606001 by Frank Fasulo (appsyscons), on Flickr

IMG_4629001 by Frank Fasulo (appsyscons), on Flickr

overview-091513 by Frank Fasulo (appsyscons), on Flickr

to see all of the pictures, click here