Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
I think that this man represents Buoys position:


I was 21, had a one-room apartment above the locksmith in downtown Perrysburg. I was working construction, and met a plumber on a job-site that "was starting his own business" and he thought "I would be a good candidate to "start a business"". I told him sure, I'd like to hear more...
He showed up at my apartment with a dry-erase easel, and explained the whole Amway business concept.
I was a naive 21 yr old, but I wasn't naive enough to buy into this load of crap. I was polite, and listened to his schpeel, and then told him I would think about it - all the while knowing this was a load of crap.

I'm almost twenty years older now, my time is more valuable, and I'm not as polite as I was at 21. I feel no shame in telling someone to "get the phuck out" if they are trying to sell me a load of crap.
I'm amazed in so many ways how experiences and 20 years can change a Man's entire perspective on life.

(For the record Jeff, my post has absolutely nothing to do with your business, I'm simply reflecting on my own life, and where I find myself today in my life - it has been an amazing journey - AND I'M ONLY TURNING 40. It only leads me to question what will come next in my life...
As I glance upward from my monitor and gaze at a mountain that is glowing with the reflection of the setting sun, I just ask myself, what could possibly be next?
If it never gets any better than this - I'm good, and everything in my world is placid.)
Sorry, I just executed another hi-jack on your thread.
I was just reflecting on how hard I've worked over the years, and the sacrifices I've made to get here. Everyone I've ever had work for me didn't MAKE ME money, they just helped me get a job done, and they were an expense. At many times, a cost to me more than they contributed. And yes, I have owned my own business - a real one, that I started with the help of no one.