Well all the hype in the world about TV, and it still isnt bringing anyone closer to having a combined worlds. Short term thought seems to be, if we have TV everyone will come race with the respective organization. I am sure the production company knows their job.

Now ask yourself this, who is really excited about 12 boats in numerous classes? the general populace could really give a $hit less about something they dont undestand, let alone caputure thier attention for a Hour.

When the organizations/racer's start to realize that this is a form of entertaiment, to the general public not a stroke my ego because I race boats.
It is easy to see other forms of racing capture more attention because it is easier to follow! If there are numerous classes, they show the top tier Period!
all the lower classes get mentioned, but are not the spot light of the show.

Reduction of classes is where this starts, if your boat doesnt fit in a specific class, it more than likely isnt going to get the coverage.

Look at X-cat 20+ boats, all similar in design, same power, and somewhat affordable, and backed by a group that has financial power to offer huge payouts.

So where will Racing be at the end of 2009??