Quote Originally Posted by imco offshore View Post
your right , i will loose,,,damn ,,,i,v lost before ,,but like a cockroach ,,i keep comming back,,,,i have a new driver ,so i need to take time to get use to him,,
tested today ,,went from 55mph to the revlimiter in about 9 sec , i guess something wrong ,,,?
George, i still will never figure out why u take little things like this so damn serious..You and miklos are the 2 best teams out there and Wil...but i do think Mark Niemann is an awsome driver and they should have a HUGE chance... !
I'm just happy for everybody and for the same reason u come back, i do to !
gonna show Will in sarasota my transom..atleast thast the plan in that class !
Can i ...IDK..but shure will try !!