Quote Originally Posted by MiamiOffshore View Post
Ok guys I have been wanting to do this for years and I am commited to having it occur in 2011! I know a lot of members live in different locations thru out the country so I am trying to pick a date that will give all ample time to plan and get all of our Pantera's in order....
May 21-22 would be ideal and still far enough away that we can all plan. As for a location well I can't think of a more proper spot than Biscayne Bay and the Keys for the first gathering besides it's home to the Pantera factory. So how many are truly up to this?

I'm up for it!!
I'm not sure if I can work out having my boat ready, or further more working out a way to haul from AZ and back...
But, I'll certainly be ready for a vaca and look for an open seat.