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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    I do have a question... What "papers" does someone need to produce when an Arizona law enforcement officer ask for proof of citizenship?
    While y'all think about the answers to these questions, it occured to me that there is a business opportunity here. If all an illegal alien needs to stay here is a "green card", I need to start a business in Arizona to give legal "green cards" to illegal aliens! That would make them legal aliens!

    I wonder how much I could charge per card? $100? Paid in cash, or course!

    Let's see... $100 times 11 million illegal aliens equals...
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    Charter Member boatme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post

    Let's see... $100 times 11 million illegal aliens equals...
    Let's see... $100 times 11 million illegal aliens equals...
    Political payoffs
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    Charter Member ROGUE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    While y'all think about the answers to these questions, it occured to me that there is a business opportunity here. If all an illegal alien needs to stay here is a "green card", I need to start a business in Arizona to give legal "green cards" to illegal aliens! That would make them legal aliens!

    I wonder how much I could charge per card? $100? Paid in cash, or course!

    Let's see... $100 times 11 million illegal aliens equals...
    We could park them on the border with an M16 and they could get a green card for every 25 confirmed kills.
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    I am still waiting for someone to answer these questions...

    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    I do have a question... What "papers" does someone need to produce when an Arizona law enforcement officer ask for proof of citizenship? Is a driver's license good enough? Do you need a ceritified copy of your birth certificate?

    Let's say you don't have the proper paperwork. What happens? Are you taken "downtown?" Are you handed over to INS? If you claim that you were born in the US, are you still deported? If so where?

    Not all "Mexican" are from Mexico. They come from several Central American and South American countries. In Florida they are all considered "Cuban".

    Does anyone know the answers to these questions?
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    Registered htrdlncn's Avatar
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    People are confusing legal immigrants with illegals,, even the latins who are here legally
    think illegals should be thrown out , maybe even more so than people born here because they had to fight to do it the right way.
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    I know I have not fully explained why I use Prohibition as an analogy, but let me try...

    I believe (and Prohibition proved) that people will do whatever they want to do. Market forces of Supply and Demand will always be in play no matter what the law says. Making something illegal (whether it is alcohol, drugs, or undocumented aliens) will only force it into the hands of criminals. It does nothing to stop it.

    Try to stop the "Supply" (of alcohol, drugs, illegal aliens) without doing something about the "Demand" (alcohol drinking, drug use, employers hiring cheap labor) will not stop it. It fact you only make things worse because now the government can no longer control it.
    Ok. When you put it that way, I can see the correlation. Thanks.
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    Charter Member old377guy's Avatar
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    I think that the whole issue should hinge on "Fairness". Every legal immigrant that I know - German, Indian, Cuban, Serbian, Mexican and Canadian had a rather involved process to aquire US citizenship. My life is richer and I believe so is the life of my community for their presence and contribution here. Even though I am sometimes annoyed by some of their cultural quirks, it is entirely their business and with one exception they participate wholeheartedly in the American process. To a man (and woman) every one of my immigrant friends abhors any immigrant circumventing and bypassing the system and getting benefits illegally and unfairly. I do not approve of singling out people for unfair treatment but as people move about in our country and come into contact with our various agencies it is our government's duty to verify and validate a person's identity and status.
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    I am still waiting for someone to answer these questions...
    I assume they would have to show the same kind of documentation that i would have to show a Mexican official if one asked me for mine if I was over there. I haven't seen anything that states that these people are going to plucked off the street and have to prove citizenship on the spot or be deported, lots of distorted facts bieng thrown around but thats politics as usual!
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowride33 View Post
    I haven't seen anything that states that these people are going to plucked off the street and have to prove citizenship on the spot or be deported, lots of distorted facts bieng thrown around but thats politics as usual!
    I need to read the actual text of the law to be sure but, a Facebook page says...

    Current law in Arizona and most states doesn't require police to ask about the immigration status of those they encounter, and many police departments prohibit officers from inquiring out of fear immigrants won't cooperate in other investigations.

    The new law makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. Immigrants unable to produce documents showing they are allowed to be in the U.S. could be arrested, jailed for up to six months and fined $2,500. Other provisions allow lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws, and make it illegal to hire undocumented workers for day labor or knowingly transport them.
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    KVUE News just said a few lawmakers here in Texas are drafting a similar law to that of Arizona.
    2 lawsuits challenge new Arizona immigration law

    Meanwhile, the effect of the law continued to ripple beyond Arizona.

    A group of conservative state lawmakers in Oklahoma are considering pushing a bill similar to Arizona's. In Texas, Rep. Debbie Riddle, a Republican, said she will introduce a measure similar to the Arizona law in the January legislative session. And Republicans running for governor in Colorado and Minnesota expressed support for the crackdown. "I'd do something very similar" if elected," Former Rep. Scott McInnis, told KHOW-AM radio in Denver.
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    Arizona Sheriff Says He Will Refuse to Enforce Immigration Law

    An Arizona sheriff said today that he has "no intention of complying" with the state's controversial new immigration law, calling it "abominable" and a "national embarrassment."

    "We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't," said Dupnik. "If we go out and look for illegal immigrants, they accuse us of racial profiling and we can get sued. And if some citizen doesn't think we're enforcing the state law, they can sue us too."
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    The new law makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally.[/I]
    They're called ILLEGAL aliens for a reason. I applaud Arizona for taking this on. It's about time 'cause Obama isn't going to do jack to negatively impact his voting base.

    Yea, they're here because of demand all right...demand for those entitlement programs legal resident taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for.

    And yes a drivers license is enough documentation in the 42 states that require proof of citizenship to get one. This racial profiling crap has gotten way out of hand; pretty soon a crime victim won't be able to use skin color in the description of the attacker for fear of it being racial. They can ship the ACLU out with the illegals as far as I'm concerned.
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    Registered scottw's Avatar
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    If you cross THE NORTH KOREAN BORDER illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

    If you cross THE IRANIAN BORDER illegally you are detained indefinitely.

    If you cross THE AFGHAN BORDER illegally, you get shot.
    If you cross THE SAUDI ARABIAN BORDER illegally you will be jailed.

    If you cross THE CHINESE BORDER illegally you may never be heard from again.

    If you cross THE VENEZUELAN BORDER illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.

    If you cross THE CUBAN BORDER illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.

    If you cross the U.S.border illegally you get

    1 - A job,
    2 - A drivers license,
    3 - Social Security card,
    4 - Welfare,
    5 - Food stamps,
    6 - Credit cards,
    7 - Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house,
    8 - Free education,
    9 - Free health care,
    10 - A lobbyist in Washington
    11 - Billions of dollars worth of public documents printed in your language
    12 - And the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect

    I just wanted to make sure i had a firm grasp on the situation.
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottw View Post

    If you cross THE NORTH KOREAN BORDER illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

    If you cross THE IRANIAN BORDER illegally you are detained indefinitely.

    If you cross THE AFGHAN BORDER illegally, you get shot.
    If you cross THE SAUDI ARABIAN BORDER illegally you will be jailed.

    If you cross THE CHINESE BORDER illegally you may never be heard from again.

    If you cross THE VENEZUELAN BORDER illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.

    If you cross THE CUBAN BORDER illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.

    If you cross the U.S.border illegally you get

    1 - A job,
    2 - A drivers license,
    3 - Social Security card,
    4 - Welfare,
    5 - Food stamps,
    6 - Credit cards,
    7 - Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house,
    8 - Free education,
    9 - Free health care,
    10 - A lobbyist in Washington
    11 - Billions of dollars worth of public documents printed in your language
    12 - And the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect

    I just wanted to make sure i had a firm grasp on the situation.
    I think u got it !!!!
    Isn't our government great, so real and helping.......just wonder when they clean this mess up here in our country, instead of trying to clean other countrys up where we realy have nothing to do in.

    Gotta love
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    Immigrants unable to produce documents showing they are allowed to be in the U.S.[/I]
    A "citizen" has (is supposed to have) a Social Security number; not too difficult to verify.

    A "foreign tourist" is supposed to have (and carry at all times) a passport and if required a travel document indicating reasons and times for being here and when they're leaving.

    A "permanent resident" is supposed to carry their "residency" card at all times.

    Foreign "students" get a student visa and are supposed to carry documentation at all times.

    If everyone that is "legal" follows the rules, nobody should be unduly burdened by having to prove their right to be here.
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    A "citizen" has (is supposed to have) a Social Security number; not too difficult to verify.
    Really? Do you carry your original Social Security card with you at all times? Are you (and everyone else) going to freely give it out to every law enforcement officer who asks for it?

    It sounds to me like, "Show me your papers."
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    Founding Member Buoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    A "citizen" has (is supposed to have) a Social Security number; not too difficult to verify.

    A "foreign tourist" is supposed to have (and carry at all times) a passport and if required a travel document indicating reasons and times for being here and when they're leaving.

    A "permanent resident" is supposed to carry their "residency" card at all times.

    Foreign "students" get a student visa and are supposed to carry documentation at all times.

    If everyone that is "legal" follows the rules, nobody should be unduly burdened by having to prove their right to be here.
    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    Really? Do you carry your original Social Security card with you at all times?
    As a matter of fact, I do, and always have

    Are you (and everyone else) going to freely give it out to every law enforcement officer who asks for it?
    I have no reason not to if that proves my citizenship, had it ever been in question

    It sounds to me like, "Show me your papers."

    And if that's what it takes to get this country back to where it once was, I've got NO problem with it. All that is saying is that I am here legally, and I have a right to exercise my freedoms granted me by the Constitution.
    I think Sledge has it about right.
    "Keep the bottle on the bar Ira, I won't be long".
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    Every 3RD. ILEGAL IMIGRANT has a social sec. card with # !!!!!

    Just like every second one here in florida has the same name !!!!!!

    just sayin
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    Really? Do you carry your original Social Security card with you at all times? Are you (and everyone else) going to freely give it out to every law enforcement officer who asks for it?

    It sounds to me like, "Show me your papers."
    Who says you have to carry your original card? I said it's pretty easy to confirm the number and matching identity. Your state of residence (by way of your "government issued ID", as required by every state) already requires your social security number to be on file.

    Daredevil: how many of those would give "their" SS number to law enforcement if confronted?

    Clay, I agree with the idea that the "demand" has to be quenched. But what you may be forgetting from your microeconomics class is the idea of alternative choices. Employers have alternatives to illegal labor: more expensive "legal" labor. You see, that's the whole reason employers are drawn to illegals is price. So if you remove that choice from the market, they won't stop hiring people, they will pay more. And consequently everyone will pay more.

    It's like the whole Wal-mart/China thing: everybody hates it but nobody wants to pay the economic and environmental price of keeping it all here.
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