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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JupiterSunsation View Post
    A few ideas:

    1. Cut support to all other nations for 4 years (see what happens without our money)
    2. Stop all wars and withdraw troops to be stationed at our borders and start aggressive enforcement of existing immigration laws (using the troops as muscle).
    3. Jumpstart the rebuilding of our infrastructure (it is falling apart faster than the repair process).
    4. Focus on bringing jobs back to America, start by abolishing unions.
    5. Limit time allowed in govt service for politicians- no more career politicians.
    6. No welfare without drug tests of recipients. Don't want to take a drug test, check for you! Limit time on welfare 2 years and you are done with all help unless you are handicapped/disabled. If you are able bodied, GET A JOB!

    Focus on America and you can make this a better place to live for Americans.....
    I like it all. I would rather see a new era CCC than welfare. Welfare destroys a man's ambition. And in many cases, the CCC built stuff is still standing.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I would change the constitution to eliminate the senate altogether. If 435 people each making $174,000 a year can't decide on something, why do I want to pay another hundred people $174,000 a year to not fix anything either? And like 40 percent of the senate are millionares. They'll be ok.
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastrophe View Post
    And just think

    Jay and Ted will be skipping down the Dock together whistling the theme to Gilligans Island later this month

    Can't wait!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gun View Post
    Better do it soon before we are the minority. Tough to take control with all the vote buying out there, and the Dem's are certainley doing whatever it takes to ensure they maintain control via entitlement programs. It won't stop until all the producers leave and they have no one left to tax.

    At this rate that won't be very long.
    That's certainly the frustration. The kind of person that looks for a direct return for their vote is the same type of person that will do it again, even though they got stiffed the last time.

    The evaporation of the middle class is a scary thing. More people are moving downward than upward. The harsh reality is there just isn't a strong outlook for high-paying jobs that don't require high levels of skill, intelligence and education. The six-figure union autoworker is a thing of the past. So as the first and second generations of the former middle class slide downward, I'd expect the sentiment that forced social equality will become the prevailing sentiment.

    My guess is that we'll have to put a generation through a tough readjustment before people stop looking at "what used to be" and begin focusing on "what's possible" and get the entrepreneurial spark to move upward. I hope I'm wrong.

    I believe the tripping point is when we have to start making cuts on governmental employees. This is the last place where you have good salaries and comprehensive benefits. And their employers (us) have simply run out of money to pay them anymore. Retiring at 50 with a significant pension and lifetime healthcare just doesn't fit into the equation anymore.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    I believe the tripping point is when we have to start making cuts on governmental employees. This is the last place where you have good salaries and comprehensive benefits. And their employers (us) have simply run out of money to pay them anymore.
    The idiots threw around billions to "save" all those gov't jobs (instead of the infrastructure improvements they touted); then instead of focusing on job creation and the economy they're all engrossed in a heath care entitlement we can't afford. Now the money is running out. The tripping point is right here / right now; all that stimulus money??? They're starting to lay off teachers in droves around here...all it did was postpone the much for slowing unemployment. How are they going to explain all those jobs they saved (wasted money on) that will now be lost?

    Problem as I see it is that this administration wants to grow goverment; as far as they're concerned the private sector is only good for one revenue to fuel the machine. They could care less. They'll just keep on trying to extend benefits and increase entitlelments until they break everyone and control it all. November can't get here soon enough.

    This from a business colleague who spoke with Obama face to face about raising taxes...his response "Don't worry, you can afford it."
    Last edited by Tommy Gun; 03-13-2010 at 11:03 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    I received this a few days ago.
    My thoughts exactly. Obama is what he is. The fact that a good number of our "citizens" were foolish enough to elect him is what I find disturbing....
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Lindbergh School District lays off teachers
    By Jessica Bock

    "A total of 42 teaching positions have been eliminated as part of the School Board's budget planning for the new school year, in which 18 nonteaching positions also will be cut.

    "I don't believe our schools will function the way they did a month ago or even a year ago, and that's just a fact," School Board President Ken Fey said.

    District officials say a decline in income is driving the cuts. The district's total operating revenue is projected to be $54.5 million in 2010-11, compared with $60.4 million in 2007-08. That includes decreases in local and county property and sales tax revenue, which accounts for about 92 percent of the district's funding, said Pat Lanane, assistant superintendent of finance."

    There you have it; comparing 2007-08 revenue to 2010-11; 10% less tax revenue; tax revenue accounts for 92% of the dsitricts funding. So hey, I have a great idea...lets pass another trillion dollar entitlelment, on top of a 2 trillion defecit...the rich will pay for it! Can this really be this administration really that fiscally irresponsible...or is it all part of their "Master Plan" for gov't control?????? Idiots.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    In other words, Democrats need to start blowing their own horn on what has been accomplished economically over the course of the Obama administration.[/QUOTE]

    So tell me, if the "Stimuls Bill" passed last year has been the overwhelming success that the Dem's say it is...why do they feel the need to now pass a 2nd stimulus "jobs" bill???

    Could it be because by their own actions they are admitting it didn't work?

    Or could it be that the new bill is simply a gimick to provide pork projects to those Dem's in politcal jeopardy?

    Or will they say they "underestimated" the condition of the economy left to them by Bush, must have been much worse than they thought (when in doubt blame Bush)...which equates to we took a guess like we are on health care becasue we really don't know; and of course the gov't never brings anything in under budget.

    How about all of the above.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger 1 View Post
    My thoughts exactly. Obama is what he is. The fact that a good number of our "citizens" were foolish enough to elect him is what I find disturbing....
    Obama made alot of campaign promises that he has not and likely never intended to keep. There were those (some on this board) that said he'd govern from the middle, they got duped...because Obama lied, continues to lie and will not stop lying. HE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED ON ANY ISSUE.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gun View Post
    So tell me, if the "Stimuls Bill" passed last year has been the overwhelming success that the Dem's say it is...why do they feel the need to now pass a 2nd stimulus "jobs" bill???

    Could it be because by their own actions they are admitting it didn't work?

    Or could it be that the new bill is simply a gimick to provide pork projects to those Dem's in politcal jeopardy?

    Or will they say they "underestimated" the condition of the economy left to them by Bush, must have been much worse than they thought (when in doubt blame Bush)...which equates to we took a guess like we are on health care becasue we really don't know; and of course the gov't never brings anything in under budget.

    How about all of the above.
    None of the above is news...

    there was a general consensus at the time and more since that the stimulus was not large enough but the political climate wouldn't allow another.
    what they did worked... or is working, but slowly.

    Obama was handed a huge pile of it when he took office.
    Repub policies wrecked our economy,
    and dumbya's wars continue to drain our resources...

    Where would we be right now if mclame had won?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayboat View Post
    there was a general consensus at the time and more since that the stimulus was not large enough but the political climate wouldn't allow another.
    what they did worked... or is working, but slowly.

    Obama was handed a huge pile of it when he took office.
    Repub policies wrecked our economy,
    and dumbya's wars continue to drain our resources...
    Totally disagree. The stimulus was pee in the wind. A short term band-aid. It ain't working other than a deferrment of the inevitable.

    (And here you are with dumya again, like you just can't be taught to act like a grownup and the emotional resentment that you feel for a former president simply can't be contained or controlled.)
    The wars are democrat wars now until they come up with a way to end them. Which they can't, even though they are of supposed superior intelligence and have better strategy than the repubs.

    The only way for this country to move forward is to stop incentivizing being a loser, which is the backbone of the democratic party.

    I don't give too much of a phuck what unproductive pseudo intellect democrats think since they statistically don't produce jack chit and pay a mere sliver of the taxes paid by hardworking and productive conservatives.

    And when the next election comes around, their opinion will mean even less.
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    Eliminate all social programs and arm conservatives. We'll have our country back in one generation.
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    Wait, conservatives are already armed. All we need to do is be home when the looters come.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Although the premise is that the war belongs to Bush fact is the majority of Democrats in the Senate voted in support of it, inlcuding Dodd, Clinton and Kerry. Going into Iraq was certainley more bi-partisan than the stimulus was or the health care plan will ever be. As far as the Repubs being blamed for ruining the economy we've been thru that too many times and identified countless Democratic lead and /or supported policies that contributed to the problem. Our current form of politics is fvcked up and needs repair.

    Regardless of who is to blame, that doesn't give Obama and company an excuse to wreck whats left of our country. His defecit will far outweigh what Bush ever did, all for the sake of entitlelments, payoffs and his socailist agenda, not to mention his newfound love for the "surge" he once condemmed. Instead of correcting past problems he is magnifying them; that is not is stupidity.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    From a deficit watch site:

    President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.
    President Bush began a string of expensive finan*cial bailouts. President Obama is accelerating that course.
    President Bush created a Medicare drug entitle*ment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new govern*ment health care fund.
    President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. Presi*dent Obama would double it.
    President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already in*creased this spending by 20 percent.
    President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.

    President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt), President Obama’s budget would add $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt), President Obama’s budget would add $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.
    We can't tax our way out of this amount of debt, the net worth of the Forbes 400 is only $1.27 trillion
    Run until it sounds expensive
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    Can you print money your way out?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gun View Post
    Although the premise is that the war belongs to Bush fact is the majority of Democrats in the Senate voted in support of it, inlcuding Dodd, Clinton and Kerry. Going into Iraq was certainley more bi-partisan than the stimulus was or the health care plan will ever be.
    Of course they voted for it.
    Which limp rag senator wanted to appear soft on terror? not many.

    To say any different is ludicrous.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Gun View Post
    Although the premise is that the war belongs to Bush fact is the majority of Democrats in the Senate voted in support of it, inlcuding Dodd, Clinton and Kerry. Going into Iraq was certainley more bi-partisan than the stimulus was or the health care plan will ever be.
    Quote Originally Posted by jayboat View Post
    Of course they voted for it.
    Which limp rag senator wanted to appear soft on terror? not many.

    To say any different is ludicrous.
    So the dems that voted for it can't be held accountable for their vote to support the war because if they didn't vote for it they would appear soft on terror?

    Wait I remember wasn't it Kerry that voted for it after he voted against it before supporting it after he spoke out against it before............
    Run until it sounds expensive
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    This is exactly like the old steam train in the movie back to the future ,Barry is driving with reid and pelousy throwing logs on the fire thinking that when they hit 88 mph it will go poof and instead of running into the capital steps all will be perfect in never never land. nancy says its a gift we get to see whats inside after its law! hmmmmm reminds me of an std the gift that keeps on giving! well as this train is gaining speed now this entire country is watching what is going to be one huge train wreck on the capital steps! smile and wave barry the engineer!
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