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    Registered 03darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Awaken View Post
    Perhaps I can share another more "personal" point of view.
    My son Eric died in combat in Iraq on Sept. 20, 2006. The Humvee he was driving was hit by a road side bomb. He was 20 years old.
    Politics aside, I will tell you that my home and my family's personal space was invaded by the media. Television cameras were parked outside my house, family could not come in or out without being bombarded by the media. My daughter could not even go to the neighbors. They went so far as to try and get into the church for the funeral service and the priest had to ask them to leave because they were disrupting the service.

    I understand the opinion on the one side that thinks we need to take a picture each time the plane lands in dover - that made sense in the early wars - it reminded everyone that we are at war. However, now we have cameras at the war zones and one only needs to turn on the TV to see what is going on. From a personal side My opinion is that we should respect the privacy and wishes of the soldier's family.

    I did have personal contact with President Bush (phone call followed by personal letter). I also was invited to the Governor's mansion in Maryland and had a private lunch with then Governor Robert Ehrlich. Niether used our meetings or conversations for any political gain and there were no "photo - ops" for the Governor to put in the local paper.

    My son was awarded a Purple Heart and a Gold Medal. Our family was invited to Obama's Inauguration ball honoring our Nations Heros. President Obama was the first president in 50 years to snub this ball. Actions speaks louder than pictures.

    i salute you, your family, and you son. may he rest in peace. and he has my thanks and gratitude for his sacrifice.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 03darkshadow View Post
    i salute you, your family, and you son. may he rest in peace. and he has my thanks and gratitude for his sacrifice.
    Me too.... Thanks...
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Well this thread takes you all over the place. Amazing how peoples attitudes change when real saccrifice is shown to us.
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    I only wish he did the Presidential thing because it was the right thing to do, and not for a photo offense but no one will convince me otherwise. say what you will about previous presidents, but I honestly feel they did the right thing for the soldiers (even Carter)... I don't believe President Obama for one second. I doubt his compassion runs deeper than his agenda.
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    Any doubt has been removed at least for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LotoSteve View Post
    Any doubt has been removed at least for me.
    I dont understand your comment. Could you please clarify.
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    The first thing out of his mouth should have been condolences to everyone involved in the ft. hood massacre. Instead he chose to spend the first part of his speech trying to make political points. Makes me sick.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LotoSteve View Post
    The first thing out of his mouth should have been condolences to everyone involved in the ft. hood massacre. Instead he chose to spend the first part of his speech trying to make political points. Makes me sick.
    Clearly it was a News Conference scheduled for a different subject and he only just heard of Ft. Hood.
    The clip was obviously biased once you see where it came from. Subsequent News Conferences show his sincerity and anyone with any common sense can see all that.

    I suspect he would make you sick whatever he said.
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    Charter Member Sea-Dated's Avatar
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    I don't care what the news conference was scheduled for. He should have led off with comments about the massacre at Ft Hood. Any time an Americans life is taken it SHOULD take priority over politics but that is not the way Barry see's it in my opinion. Ratings and politics first, America and her people second.
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    Alec, how can a clip be biased just because of where it was aired? They started at the beginning and played through till he talked about Ft Hood. I do feel he should have led with Ft Hood and then gotten on to his prepared remarks. Did it make me sick? No, but it does show a certain lack of foresight and handling by his people, much the same as the First Lady's poor fashion choices and the shmaltzy gifts for the Queen and Prime Minister. No man can handle the job of President. He MUST have the best and brightest around at all times, and there is just NO evidence that is happening in this administration. Whether it's because he has "true believers" that are not necessarily good operatives or he has hired too many cronies with lackluster resumes, it shows constantly. And that hurts all of us, because the real players in places that don't like us pay attention and use this weakness against us and for their benefit. Add to that the fact that as the President's power is diminished the Congress' power is increased, the same Congress that has a 17% approval rating with the people for very good reasons. This is the problem with a neophyte President and a bad set of handlers.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted View Post
    Alec, how can a clip be biased just because of where it was aired? They started at the beginning and played through till he talked about Ft Hood. I do feel he should have led with Ft Hood and then gotten on to his prepared remarks. Did it make me sick? No, but it does show a certain lack of foresight and handling by his people, much the same as the First Lady's poor fashion choices and the shmaltzy gifts for the Queen and Prime Minister. No man can handle the job of President. He MUST have the best and brightest around at all times, and there is just NO evidence that is happening in this administration. Whether it's because he has "true believers" that are not necessarily good operatives or he has hired too many cronies with lackluster resumes, it shows constantly. And that hurts all of us, because the real players in places that don't like us pay attention and use this weakness against us and for their benefit. Add to that the fact that as the President's power is diminished the Congress' power is increased, the same Congress that has a 17% approval rating with the people for very good reasons. This is the problem with a neophyte President and a bad set of handlers.
    Go back and look at the clip, look at the news agency it came from and look at the written title on it..Thats not honest.
    Have you seen his broadcasts when he was truly aware about what went on?
    Is he not sincere, was it not a sign of respect to leave the flags at half mast till Rememberence Day?

    My posts here are like handing glasses to blind people. Doesnt really matter.
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    Quote Originally Posted by catastrophe View Post
    Clearly it was a News Conference scheduled for a different subject and he only just heard of Ft. Hood.
    The clip was obviously biased once you see where it came from. Subsequent News Conferences show his sincerity and anyone with any common sense can see all that.

    I suspect he would make you sick whatever he said.
    I cant deny that. He is damaging my country with his socialist agenda.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Nothing matters on this thread once you read the story of Pfc. Phelps' journey home and the mention of Eric.
    I just skimmed the political BS that detracts from what this thread became.
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    Charter Member Baja Fresh's Avatar
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    When I was stationed at Ft Lewis in the 70's I was assigned to a funeral detail. I had played the trumpet from the 4th grade on so they found out and had me playing taps.

    In school we used to march on Memorial Day and would always end up at the local cemetery. The noise of the band playing and marching and the spectators, cars, trucks and all would stop and there would be a noticeable silence. As a youngster, I didn't really appreciate the significance but I still remember the sound of the Honor Guard bearing arms, and the call of "Ready, Aim, Fire".

    Flash forward several years to the funeral detail. We would periodically get called to duty and leave our regular assignments. We would pile into the OD green Army bus and travel for miles through the North West to obscure little towns. Places like Moses Lake, Kalispell. Sand Point, Moscow, Livingston.

    It was the 70's so we tended to party on the bus and when we got to our motels and into the night. The next morning would see us in our dress uniforms and a somber mood would prevail. I would practice my taps and get warmed up for the ceremony.

    We would drive up to the cemetery before the funeral procession and guests would arrive. Things were quite different back then and Veterans were not given the honor that they receive now. Most of the time these soldiers were poor and the military funeral was provided at no charge. There wasn't always a lot of people attending.

    Because I played taps I was always standing way off in the distance but still close enough to hear what was going on. I would prepare as the eulogy was being presented and concentrate on not screwing up! The familiar sound of the call to arms from so many years earlier would be my signal to get ready. Just as the final of three rounds were fired it would be my time to play.

    Inevitably, the sound of my horn would start the flow of tears from the relatives and it was always the hardest part of the detail. It was then that the significance of the duty hit me. That we were honoring people that had given sacrifices that so many others take for granted. That sometimes you have to do things that are more than you, that are a part of something bigger and have been done for generations before you.

    This scenario was repeated many times during my tour at Ft Lewis. The remote locations became a welcome respite from the daily duties and gave us all time to reflect on the next upcoming ceremony. I'm a road dog and love to travel so it was great to see all these new isolated small towns. This was real America in the 70's. Those long trips home were always more solemn as it gave us time to think about what we had just done and wonder about the soldier we had just buried.

    There were many things I hated about the Army but there also life changing event and these details would certainly fall in the later category. I wish more people in this country would appreciate what they have and especially those who allow them to keep it.
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    Registered Expensive Date's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Nothing matters on this thread once you read the story of Pfc. Phelps' journey home and the mention of Eric.
    I just skimmed the political BS that detracts from what this thread became.

    Fund I agree I thinks the previous few posts need to be removed.And for reasons mentioned thread closed unless the political stuff can be posted some where else.I know that was the start of this thread but Pfc. Phelp's changed that.
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    Thank you for bringing PFC Phelps story to light.
    Some where in Kenya a village is missing an Idiot!
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expensive Date View Post
    Fund I agree I thinks the previous few posts need to be removed.And for reasons mentioned thread closed unless the political stuff can be posted some where else.I know that was the start of this thread but Pfc. Phelp's changed that.
    Having organized a funeral last week, having a Purple Heart father.... and remembering that I stood guard over my Mom's body like a german shepard after she took her last breath in my presence two weeks ago this morning.... it was particularly touching. And the rest particularly meaningless.
    Warning: This post may contain language unsuitable for minors or math not suitable for liberal-arts majors.
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