Quote Originally Posted by cosmic12 View Post
dennis, sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I have been outa town working and haven't had much time to myself.
I hope it all works out for ya with the deal, you will love the boat --------I did
The speed with the mufflers on is or was 71 or so depending on all the B.S. that goes on the boat, you know, this that and every other thing you can stow away and forget about
Take those mufflers off and you will pick up alot but I really liked the sound and in N.Y. we have to have them.
To answer your question........No I had no problems and you won't find a 28 with the paint that has, at least I have never seen one.
Keep me posted on how it works out.
Nice to hear from you. I will keep you posted I should know something this week. Thanks for posting the pictures. Boat looks great.