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  1. Collapse Details
    Purpose of Forum Business Thread
    Charter Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Cedar Creek Texas
    Please explain the purpose of the Forum Business thread. My wife has a she start a thread in this section reference that service???
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  2. Collapse Details
    Last I heard we were killing that section, so I wouldn't recommend something there. It sounds like a great idea your wife has, maybe we can put here on as a sponsor? Maybe we need to look into a Business Listing section so members can list what they do and other members can patronize them.
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  3. Collapse Details
    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Lake Nasty
    I am sure that member Stecz would be able to help her out with some option. I would think that this would be a great target market for her.
    Warning: This post may contain language unsuitable for minors or math not suitable for liberal-arts majors.
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  4. Collapse Details
    Yes, it's gone- Replaced with boardroom, issues and mod room. That's plenty of board-related coverage.
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