Thread: For the record

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  1. Collapse Details
    For the record
    It is more like 100 of your buddies all ready in the driveway talking about how cool the boat is and trying to help sell it. But whatever. If that's the way you guys want it, we will quit having so much fun in that section.

    I yeild sir.
    Last edited by jeff1000man; 04-16-2009 at 11:47 PM.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    The intent was not to hurt your feelings Jeff. Our priority is the member experience, so please know that the intent was to create a fair marketplace, not to restrict discussion.
    I am sure that you understand the problem. Talking about poofing is silly when you know full well what was poofed and why.

    For others, the subject at hand is the thread in which Tres is trying to sell a boat and we keep asking and asking people to follow the simple rules that we established because of the "chat" format of the marketplace. It has been a struggle. I have asked nicely, and finally had to resort to locking the sellers thread.

    We will soon have "regular" classifieds, which won't have a mechanism for people to come along and comment. That should put an end to the problem of people disrespecting the ads of others.

    Here is Chris' comment from the thread. It is now unlocked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    The site has rules.

    We're big on courtesy around here. We offer this section to our friends so that they may offer items for sale to our other friends. We have a rule that only legitimate questions about the item for sale may be posted in the ad. If you'd like to start your own thread about this boat in the appropriate forum, I encourage you to do so. But comments and discussion not specific to the purchase of the boat are unfair to the seller. If you want to buy the boat, ask your questions. Other than that, you're interfering with this gentleman's ability to sell this item, and that's rude- among other things.

    Imagine for a minute that you has a boat in the local newspaper and a gentleman came to look at it. While there, Tres Martin pulls into your driveway and starts making comments about the boat- comments about it's "true" value, condition and such. Would you appreciate that? I think not. So why should Tres have to endure that here? Or anyone?

    And for that matter, why should I even have to explain this? You would think the average person could recognize common courtesy for themselves. Or maybe not.

    To your comment about "no difference", I beg to differ. We care quite a bit about each and every thing that goes on around here. And that concern isn't focused on shielding people or brands that pay to advertise here. Our focus is 100% on the member experience. If your preference in a site is one where people can say and do whatever they please, no matter what that is, this isn't the place. If you want high drama, pointless confrontation and conflict you won't find it here.
    Warning: This post may contain language unsuitable for minors or math not suitable for liberal-arts majors.
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    Jeff- we enjoy having you here and your contributions as well.

    I think you'll agree that there are varying degrees of commentary that occurs in these threads. Sometimes it's positive reinforcement and sometimes it's blatant "downing" of the item. And sometimes it's oblique commentary that can be taken as good-natured jabbing or just as easily as veiled insults. I saw a little of all in that threrad.

    We take everything with a grain of salt around here and if you regularly follow the items in the Swap section, you'll notice that we come nowhere close to strictly enforcing the "no comments" rules. But this particular thread has taken a wrong turn on three seperate occasions now.

    I think we provide many places for commentary and fun banter. If someone wants to go to tech and directly reference the issues with that particular boat's engines and exchange viewpoints on what it's going to take to fix it, that's perfectly acceptable. If someone wants to go to the Cigarette section and solicit advice on what it woulkd take to get this boat back on the water, that would be absolutely wonderful. But Swap is purely about the transaction of business.

    Lastly, I want to thank you for going about this the right way. You brought the topic to the proper place to discuss it. Through the open exchange of ideas, we can all make this a better place for everyone.
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