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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    A half a million dollars already Paul. Put her on camera. Get her name right. Can we CGI the link to donate in the lower third?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    This circus has everything but honest dialog about the genesis of violence in the US.

    My friend came back from London last week. Her family was jeered over the Texas shooting when they were discovered as Americans in London. "Are you going to kill your children?"
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    “More than twice as many people have been killed in America with knives than were killed with rifles and shotguns combined, a new report released by the FBI shows.

    What? Semi-Automatic rifles are not even close to the top? Below hands and feet? NO! They would tell us that. They would tell us. They would not lie to disarm us.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratickle View Post

    This is not a serious source. I don't take advice from Bono, either. Update: Read the reviews of this derp on the gun boards. Apparently he is putting himself out as a "gun person." People are embarrassed for him.

    DISTRACTING, EMOTIONAL BULL****. Was he in a movie where this surfer douchebag type guy was also a consititutional expert? Or a psychologist? Or a close quarter entry specialist?

    Nope. He's from there. It's fluff being pandered by Brandon.
    Last edited by fund razor; 06-07-2022 at 06:51 PM.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Lew Rockwell is a serious source. Worth spending twenty minutes on.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    “More than twice as many people have been killed in America with knives than were killed with rifles and shotguns combined, a new report released by the FBI shows.

    What? Semi-Automatic rifles are not even close to the top? Below hands and feet? NO! They would tell us that. They would tell us. They would not lie to disarm us.
    Lew Rockwell quotes Brietbart who quotes the UCR stats from the FBI. But, when I click on thier link and go to the UCR/CDE this is what it shows for 2020:

    In 2020, there were 9,630 homicide incidents, and 10,440 offenses reported in the United States by 9,991 law enforcement agencies that submitted National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data

    Homicide Offense characteristics

    View by: Type of weapon involved by offense

    Sort By: Category

    Handgun 3,500
    Firearm 3,208
    Knife/Cutting Instrument 877
    Personal Weapons 415
    Unknown 415

    Maybe you can find what I'm missing? I sure can't find any official documentation that more people were killed by feet or knives than guns.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    I'll ask Lew.

    Sorry I put that distraction up about knives. Like 9 critical paragraphs of constitutionally based analysis were deprioritized when I did that.

    Did you catch the crime rate with AR15s? Or did the knife thing block that?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    The pediatrician joins the experts on fair and balanced gun laws today.
    With horrific, graphic and unnecessary descriptions/exploitations of wounds meant to horrify and incense people for a political outcome.

    We know what rifles do. Let's talk about what society is doing to weaponize our children. Wouldn't THAT be more in a pediatrician's lane????
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    There are all kinds of idiots out there. The majority appear to become politicians.

    The biggest issue I am having, and no, the knife thing did not stop me. I want to know the facts. The hardest port of real research is sorting out fact from statistical fiction, (like the knife thing). My opinion on that, somebody, (most likely on purpose), took the stats from knives used in all crimes as a percentage and made the statement it was deaths, not crimes.

    However, that being said the issue that makes it tough, Mass Shootings Definition, what do they use for their reporting?

    A. The Congressional Research Service Report, published March 2013, requires four or more deaths, not including the shooter.
    B. President Obama in January 2013, a “mass killing” must involve at least three deaths and occur in a “place of public use.
    C. The FBI has for over a decade tracked "active shooter incidents" in which "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area".
    D. The broad categorization used by the non-profit Gun Violence Archive, which includes any incident in which four people were killed or injured, leading to much higher incident counts.

    If you use the FBI's categorization, here are the worst mass shootings since 1991, (per the BBC):

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mass_shootings_uvalde .jpg 
Views:	5 
Size:	118.2 KB 
ID:	92565

    According to the FBI, there were 345 "active shooter incidents" in the United States between 2000-2020, resulting in more than 1,024 deaths and 1,828 injuries. The deadliest such attack, in Las Vegas in 2017, killed more than 50 people and left 500 wounded. (Interesting on that one, some statistical reporting does not include it as a rifle shooting because the guns used had bump-stocks so they classify it as a machine gun incident, not a rifle).

    If you use Time Magazine's/Mother Jones data as of April 2021, (3 or more killed, not including the gunman), it is much greater:

    The one thing nice about the Time chart, you can click on every incident and get the overview of the incident. Many are domestic violence.

    One thing is for sure, we need some smart people with common sense, (therefore eliminating almost all, if not all, politicians), to come up with a plan to keep high capacity semi-automatic weapons, (rifles and handguns), out of the hands of those who are not of sound mind, or evil intentioned. I believe from what I've found so far, and I'm still digging; of the shootings in the BBC chart, some did not involve rifles, only handguns.
    Last edited by Ratickle; 06-08-2022 at 09:45 AM.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    As for Red Flag laws, there has been two mass shootings in Florida since the implementation of the new law in 2018. I'm trying to see why they happened after the new law was in effect. One was the crazy Saudi pilot training, the other was the jilted boyfriend who shot his ex and friends at the hospital. I think Florida's is probably the basis for a national law, but it also probably needs to be tweaked, I don't know. It certainly needs to be reviewed by both sides for adherence to the Second Amendment but safety from crazies and thugs.
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    They probably used this chart for their knife deal, aggravated assaults. But, it makes zero sense. Definition of firearm in the report, "What are firearms? Firearms are portable weapons used to shoot bullets. There are several different types of firearms, which include rifles, shotguns, machine guns, and pistols".

    But only 39K firearm assaults when there are 69K handgun assaults?????

    Or is a pistol not a handgun?

    And here is statista's murder chart. Same issues in my thoughts.

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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Wake me up when the rest of the class catches up to the part where this all still has nothing to do with any kind of weapon, and everything to do with the fact that the internet has coarsened our culture in 25 short years, reducing our society to the lowest common denominator of dis-association, isolation, self-absorption, parental neglect and heightened perversion and radicalization.

    Nobody gonna ban Amazon Prime.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    It has to do with both.

    Somehow we have to keep high capacity semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of crazies, those mentally immature, and just plain evil people.

    We also have to make it easy for law abiding mentally stable people to have them to protect themselves from those listed above who steal or make them, (somehow get them even with strict laws).

    Then, we have to enforce those laws, and the laws we already have.

    That's my entire reason for those under 25, we know their (including our's at that age) brains not fully developed for empathy. So, to get those weapons, they need to pass stricter background checks and training requirements. Not a big deal.

    We need to do something to try to stop the Texas, Florida, Las Vegas type BS. I would bet money, the exact same kid, with a six shot revolver, would not have killed 21 people. But, HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO PURCHASE TWO HIGH CAPACITY SEMI_AUTO WEAPONS and hundreds of rounds. How do you stop that?

    As for the Amazon Prime, not sure it matters. They tried to outlaw Roadrunner cartoons for the violence portrayed. We watched the Lone Ranger and the Rifleman and Rat Patrol.

    But, if a place like YUBO, who had banned the kid twice for his killing and raping rhetoric and where his knickname was school shooter, do not report that to the FBI, they should be able to be sued by the victims representatives. It's one thing to not know, it's another to temporarily ban them but let it slide and not report to authorities.

    You said it in the beginning:

    "I have zero tolerance for bad behavior while armed.

    Threaten to shoot your neighbor? No guns for you.
    Brandish a weapon during road rage? No guns for you.
    Convicted of violent felony? No guns for you."

    To me those would be the redflag rules. But, the redflag rules have to make sure they do not take away the rights of a safe gun owner just because a girlfriend/boyfriend or neighbor gets mad at them for some reason and wants to get even. There must be some kind of documented proof.

    And I would add, Not properly trained and under the age of 25, (or 21 if that is more sensible), no gun for you without documented training and a more thorough background check, which includes social media postings review.

    So, how does that as a beginning get tweaked and made to happen? The convicted of a felony bothers me a bit now. With the idiots in power now you can be caught red-handed on a felony, but plead down to a misdemeanor. Like the guy who ran over the mom and baby in a stroller on purpose.
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    I will no longer have this conversation with people who use the talking points. Or the word "Safe" as if it can be achieved in a post Eden world on Earth. Or the word "common sense" as if it is not Marxist code.

    Never having uttered the word "freedom."

    Those who would trade liberty for freedom deserve neither. Fix your ****ing kids.

    Cheers fellas. Hope none of us are felons by September.

    Only when we stop asking "who made the gun?" and start asking "who made the psychopath?" will we ever be able to secure our vulnerable. From anything.
    Last edited by fund razor; 06-08-2022 at 05:36 PM.
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    You are missing the entire point.

    It's not "who made the gun", that doesn't matter in the slightest to anyone who believes in the Constitution.
    Who made the psycho does matter but is not an easy fix. It will take generations to correct.
    What really matters right now is how did the psycho get their hands on the gun? That is what needs to be stopped immediately. That is the only fast solution. That is the only thing that should be being discussed other than how did the psycho get access into a school so easily?

    That is where those who believe in both the Constitution and keeping weapons out of the hands of psychos, as you do, can be the most help. How does that get accomplished?
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Fudds. Phucking the rest of us since 1934. And again in 1994. And again in 2022.

    Because pyschos won't migrate to knives. Or swords. Or bombs. Or arson. Or whatever. They're PSYCHOS. They don't give up because fudds passed bullchit feelgood laws to the glee of the globalist overlords. Meanwhile, psychos have all day to think up new and unique ways to be psychos. And they DGAF about laws. There is no legislative path out of this, and only a developmentally disabled person would think there is, based on the available data.

    Fix your psychos. Don't take the lazy way out and phuck the law abiding. But wait... the left wants this. And allegedly conservative fudds will deliver real gun owners on a platter, because "nobody needs that.... whatever. You don't hunt with that. Derp. Derp."

    Well nobody needs an offshore boat, either. Just wait. They will come for those next. Because nanny state knows best. And 99% of people don't own THAT. Liberals will vote against gas guzzling obscene, loud, obnoxious boats the first chance they get. And the Karens/fudds are now the majority.
    Oh well... safety>freedom after all. A world without 2800hp 38 foot cats and drunken captains would be safer.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Actually, when you work the math... 25 million AR15s, and 750,000 "machine guns" and very few incidents. Yet we are all up in the safes of half our nation.
    1,565 people died in "mass shootings" since 2001. ( May or may not be updated, but these people need the highest number they can get. And that's their number.

    In the same time period, 600,000 died in car accidents. 1,700,000 died from diabetes.

    We are fundamentally changing our nation, and we just phucked millions of 18, 19 and 20 year olds because of one of the lowest causes of death in our society. But we sell the weak safety. And they are buying. Because we are living in an age in which emotion trumps logic.

    It should only take one boat and four deaths ("Mass drowning event") at Lake Lanier to get a law passed to install breathalyzer ignition locks on all boats over 1200hp. Because there are more Karens than HP boaters. Sorry. It's not about the constitution anymore. It's about nannies and numbers.
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    I recall 1990 . It think that was the year. Maryland already noise limits that the states Natural Resource Police boats with 115 Evinrudes couldn't pass. Severn river which passes the Naval Academy had the nations first 35 limit. 35 in parts. And the best part BWI law. A friend of mine had the distinction of being the first written up. That's all ancient history.

    As far as what your predicting. I would not make any such suggestions. Sounds to me like asking for trouble.

    I feel your anger. When you put the numbers to it it does sound outrageous. But I thought I heard they didn't lower the age?
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    We shall see what is actually proposed in a bill. So far, nothing appears to be in writing.

    The one thing I found out over all of this is that they have agreed to make a federal law to be able to review a minors record during the application process to purchase a gun. Up until now they could not. I was shocked.

    Anyone who thinks a minor's record cannot/should not be reviewed when they go to purchase a gun, especially a semi-auto capable of high capacity, at age 18, would have to be living in la-la land. Only your record as an adult could be reviewed/in the database for review? So, like the two girls who killed that Uber driver in the carjacking and pled down and were not charged as adults. No record to review because they were minors, 13 and 15. Same with this asshole in Texas. Nothing showed on his record because everything prior to age 18 was not available for review.

    They are also saying that may be one of the stickiest pieces of the proposals to implement because different states have different laws about who, and why, they can review the records of a minor.

    As for red-flag laws, if they do not include the judicial branch as they need to currently for a search warrant, then it should not happen. There has to be documented reasoning to remove anyone's guns from them. Like Fund says, aim a gun at somebody in a road rage incident, threaten to shoot your neighbor while brandishing a weapon, etc. But, there must be some kind of documentable evidence. Otherwise anyone who has a beef with you could use that to get even with you. Kind of like happens now with CPC with divorced people. Use the government to get even because they have to react to each and every CPC report. The issue some are having with the redflag proposal is that it is federal money to the states to implement redflag laws, or use for mental health, or other aspects of background issues that lead to these nuts doing wehat they do. We shall see what is actually put in writing. It could be good, or bad. But, they are not proposing federal redflag currently, just money to support redflag or mental healt corrective issues on a state by state basis.

    But, like Fund, I never trust the politicians. We shall see what they put in writing.

    I am really hopeful on the review of a minors record before the purchase of a gun though. To me that makes the most sense, and as I said, I cannot believe that was not required before.

    As for the boat deal, they are already trying that with race cars, the EPA says it is illegal to turn a car into a race car. We, SEMA and PRI for a couple, are working hard on a federal law to stop that:
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