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  1. Collapse Details
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    Jan 2009
    What does the cost of repairing your boat if you crash have to do with SBI??
    I know you dont see the return, you look at the small pic and narrow minded, if you step back and look at the big pic u might get it. But again maybe you r smarter and know something they dont.

    Who and by the way what boat do you Race ?????????????????????????
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  2. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeRacing View Post
    Dave ,

    Again the BS flies do your home work, SBI hasnt hadnt mandated buying gas like OSS does in yrs.
    If you think he is making so muh money u should pick up the tab for the 500k KW cost. Do you think the 60 -70 teams that pay 3-4 equipment and reg. fee (280,000) cover his cost. I think you should run it this yr and give it a go, bring your CK BOOK.
    lat yr in kw - mandatory fuel purchase- ALL BOATS, it was right in the racers packet. then he cuts the racing down to bare minimun laps,

    the p class guys were running 2 and half laps, you call that good racing??
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  3. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeRacing View Post
    What does the cost of repairing your boat if you crash have to do with SBI??
    I know you dont see the return, you look at the small pic and narrow minded, if you step back and look at the big pic u might get it. But again maybe you r smarter and know something they dont.

    Who and by the way what boat do you Race ?????????????????????????
    i'm not talking about the repair costs, just comparing that other orgs set up tow boats so that when their race boat gets back to the crane their not told to cough up 5k for the half hour tow job.

    as for the return, i'm looking at the big pic and still don't see the return?

    and also can't afford to race don't have the 5 k to get towed in if something goes wrong.
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  4. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by stevequick View Post
    I know we are not supposed to get personal. And trust me I don't know or care about Dave, so how personal can I get?
    I want to apologize for calling Dave a dick on the other site. Bad call on my part. Dave has made it clear that he is actually an idiot.
    I would defend his right to be an idiot. I am confused about his desire to remove Carbonells right to be a capitalist.
    i'm all for capitalism, but if i showed up in kw and had enough money, i'm pretty sure carbonell would give my own class and then i could call myself "worldchamp".

    that is whats wrong with offshore. JUST to start with!!!!!!!

    steve as for being personal, since you seemed to cross the line yourself, i would take a close look at your own boat before you call me an idiot. i'm being serious here, do yourself a favor and get a doug wright, unless your sponsors have paid enough in commercail spots to get you that tv spot for what was it....... "steve dick jewerly" as you get lapped as always by the DWs. better yet if you get enough sponsors just pay carbonell off and have your own connected-vee bottom cat o/b boat class. and that way you can tell your sponsors that your the " world champ connected-vee bottom cat o/b boat class".

    i'm going out on a limb here and going to predict that carbonell will get bought for some ridiculous amount of money by the big sponsor conglomerates, racing will continue to focus on just those boats that have the big sponsor conglomerate's names on them and you all will be here next year having this same arguement
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  5. Collapse Details
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    Jan 2009
    Dave sorry when i first replied I didnt know who you where, but now that i made a few calls and found out your post make scence. Your right you shouldnt be racing and should keep your DW on a trailer on the side of your house.

    I only replied because i thought you were a racer. Best of luck and I hope thing work out for you.
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    Where the summer never ends
    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeRacing View Post
    Dave sorry when i first replied I didnt know who you where, but now that i made a few calls and found out your post make scence. Your right you shouldnt be racing and should keep your DW on a trailer on the side of your house.

    I only replied because i thought you were a racer. Best of luck and I hope thing work out for you.

    Ok,,he will take most ,,,but it helps!!!!!!!!!
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  7. Collapse Details
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    Jan 2009

    Just so we are crystal clear I just checked with Sea Tow to make sure i wasnt posting BS like some people. My Sea Tow membership ( Captains Choice) does cover unlimited towing so if you arent smart enought to have towing coverage whos fault is that.So again your BS about not racing because you cant afford a tow for 5,000 is who fault because your not smart enough to spend $99 dollars.That is just another excuse to blame someone else, instead of yourself. Salvage is something different and Boat US has the same program.So what does that have to do with SBI ????

    You might want to call Jeff from JBS and see how much he wrote SBI a ck for in Miami for putting pumps in his boat and getting him on a crane. Let me help with that to save sometime NOTHING.... Or maybe u might want to call Pig Iron after they went over and where in the water for 6 hrs in Biloxi.

    None of your claims so far r valid, sounds like your bitter because you cant race.Go back to the drawing board to dream up a few new ones. you are 0-7 so far.

    Maybe you should think about it and start a thread about see tow, stop talking sh** about someone that has nothing to do with the cost of a salvage.

    The fuel in KW was not mandatory Sunco was there was a vender for the racers and we thanked them for being there for us. U might want to call Sunco and ask them about the ck they didnt write SBI .I can give you the number if you need it and maybe you can let us know what they say.
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  8. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by skaterdave View Post
    i'm all for capitalism, but if i showed up in kw and had enough money, i'm pretty sure carbonell would give my own class and then i could call myself "worldchamp".

    that is whats wrong with offshore. JUST to start with!!!!!!!

    steve as for being personal, since you seemed to cross the line yourself, i would take a close look at your own boat before you call me an idiot. i'm being serious here, do yourself a favor and get a doug wright, unless your sponsors have paid enough in commercail spots to get you that tv spot for what was it....... "steve dick jewerly" as you get lapped as always by the DWs. better yet if you get enough sponsors just pay carbonell off and have your own connected-vee bottom cat o/b boat class. and that way you can tell your sponsors that your the " world champ connected-vee bottom cat o/b boat class".

    i'm going out on a limb here and going to predict that carbonell will get bought for some ridiculous amount of money by the big sponsor conglomerates, racing will continue to focus on just those boats that have the big sponsor conglomerate's names on them and you all will be here next year having this same arguement
    I rest my case. For the record we have never been lapped by a Doug Wright. Doug Wright is a great boat. We have had the honor of racing some of the best racers in the world in Doug Wrights. Somtimes we win sometimes we lose. We have also attended many Kilo events with Doug Wrights and Skaters, as you know we have NEVER lost.
    I'm sure Doug Wright is proud to have you as a representative.
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  9. Collapse Details
    how come if you three are all about unification and supporting racing you guys are not over in sunny isles racing ?
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    As far as i know there isnt a race in Sunny Isles this weekend?
    They had a ocean run and a poker run today.
    Not that it matter or that you would know but my motors are out of my boat and at Larrys shop right now. Getting new power for Sarasota I know there is a race there for sure because its on the SBI schedule.

    But if I know you were going I would of went for sure, and I know Steve would of also.
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    U say us 3 ........well if your so much about racing,,,,,how come u don't race at all ???
    So please Dave shut up !!!!
    Show us how u would do it,,,don't talk about it ,,then i will shut up !!!

    NUFF SAID,,,you are a mouth racer..........

    And as far as Mr Quick,,,,if u ever have that much time or years in a raceboat ,,then u can call him out ,,before that..... think about what u say !!!!!

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    Charter Member phragle's Avatar
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    Serious is the BOMB!
    <======= Offers everyone a prozac, please relax a bit gentlemen, this does seem to be a bit in jest between you, but things like this can go bad quick., feel free to bust each others balls but please refrain from harsh attacks. Thank You.
    P-4077 "The Swamp" S.B.Y.C. and Michigan medboat mothership
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  13. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by DAREDEVIL View Post
    U say us 3 ........well if your so much about racing,,,,,how come u don't race at all ???
    So please Dave shut up !!!!
    Show us how u would do it,,,don't talk about it ,,then i will shut up !!!

    NUFF SAID,,,you are a mouth racer..........

    And as far as Mr Quick,,,,if u ever have that much time or years in a raceboat ,,then u can call him out ,,before that..... think about what u say !!!!!

    i never called him out, he calls me a dick cause i laughed at the "tv" deal. like someone over at cbs is going to see my post and pull out??

    you guys make me laugh, EVERYONE i talk too says exactly what i have posted yet its not ok to say it out loud. sssssshhhhhhhh JC might hear you and not give you any tv time!!!!!
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  14. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by F1-00 Racing View Post
    I have heard the excuse JC, is that the factor as why more boats dont show?
    Very well could be... ???

    Trent, Has anything changed since this deal was done ?

    You were in Panama City in 2007. It appeared I was the only Professional Photographer that was in the air that day hired by a team. Possibly the only or one of the few that was there covering that race. The only SBI race I would have covered for the season and had no immediate plans of returning unless I was needed.

    I wanted to make sure I was to do everything right especially with JC's reputation. SBI wanted me to pay $1,000 to shoot the event, they wanted all copyrights of my images signed over to them, copies of my images, and wanted me to sign a contract in which to this day was never received.
    Because as I was hired by a team they allowed me to shoot, being as they did not have a contract with them at the race site... and as long as I did not make my images available for sale. Regardless, I could have done whatever I wanted with those images but chose not to be bothered by the BS.

    I have heard of the lawsuit threat given to another photographer who was covering the Key West race for OSS but if that was not bad enough, I also was told about a lawsuit filed against a magazine that had a shot of the World Trades Center taken during an SBI event on the Hudson River. The magazine sold posters as a fund raiser after 91101 for the NY Firemen Widows. Raised somewhere around $35,000 for the charity and it is my understanding SBI sued for those funds being it was shot during their event. To my knowledge, the courts ruled in favor of the magazine because the image was shot in an open public venue...
    Simply put as I quote one photographer, "If you can see it you can shoot it" as long as there is no expectancy of privacy.

    So my question stands. Has anything changed?

    With the TV and CBS and all of the multi million dollar sponsors of a 12 boat fleet, will they now welcome photographers to their sites to provide them the PRESS and MEDIA Exposure that they are all desperately seeking ?

    One more question before I drop below the surface....

    With all of the sponsors, and of course the photography from FFV, where have all their names and links gone to on the SBI website? If it wasn't for the watermark left behind on the photos, no one would know who shot them or where to go to buy them?
    I always thought FFV had a logo and link on the SBI site?

    Perhaps all of the media is now owned by CBS?

    That might be a breathe of fresh air.
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    I'm done I think I made my point, I just replied to Daves post we didnt open the door he did. I didnt attack him personal just stated fact and said he should do the same. There is enough BS on here and we dont need BS state fact not lies.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHARKEY-IMAGES View Post
    Very well could be... ???

    Trent, Has anything changed since this deal was done ?

    You were in Panama City in 2007. It appeared I was the only Professional Photographer that was in the air that day hired by a team. Possibly the only or one of the few that was there covering that race. The only SBI race I would have covered for the season and had no immediate plans of returning unless I was needed.

    I wanted to make sure I was to do everything right especially with JC's reputation. SBI wanted me to pay $1,000 to shoot the event, they wanted all copyrights of my images signed over to them, copies of my images, and wanted me to sign a contract in which to this day was never received.
    Because as I was hired by a team they allowed me to shoot, being as they did not have a contract with them at the race site... and as long as I did not make my images available for sale. Regardless, I could have done whatever I wanted with those images but chose not to be bothered by the BS.

    I have heard of the lawsuit threat given to another photographer who was covering the Key West race for OSS but if that was not bad enough, I also was told about a lawsuit filed against a magazine that had a shot of the World Trades Center taken during an SBI event on the Hudson River. The magazine sold posters as a fund raiser after 91101 for the NY Firemen Widows. Raised somewhere around $35,000 for the charity and it is my understanding SBI sued for those funds being it was shot during their event. To my knowledge, the courts ruled in favor of the magazine because the image was shot in an open public venue...
    Simply put as I quote one photographer, "If you can see it you can shoot it" as long as there is no expectancy of privacy.

    So my question stands. Has anything changed?

    With the TV and CBS and all of the multi million dollar sponsors of a 12 boat fleet, will they now welcome photographers to their sites to provide them the PRESS and MEDIA Exposure that they are all desperately seeking ?

    One more question before I drop below the surface....

    With all of the sponsors, and of course the photography from FFV, where have all their names and links gone to on the SBI website? If it wasn't for the watermark left behind on the photos, no one would know who shot them or where to go to buy them?
    I always thought FFV had a logo and link on the SBI site?

    Perhaps all of the media is now owned by CBS?

    That might be a breathe of fresh air.
    I don't know who ownes the rights...but i can assure u,,that i have seen change ....OH YEA....and i can also assure u that everybody will see that sooner or later...then again,,i don't know why everybody keeps bringing up the boatcount??????
    Sbi has more reg. boats then anybody else,,,,if they don't show...what does that have to do with SBI ?????
    I don't get it.
    If u like burger king better next sunday then MC donalds ,,,is that mc donalds fault ??? just because u like it that day ???
    If i had more money ,,,i would race everywhere,,just like i had planned ,,but it did not work out with a BIG sponsor and all i hear is the check is in the mail,,,,so no money ,,no go .
    And thats the case for most of the teams,,,,but i do think that this is getting to be a big thing,,,so i spend my last dime doing what i do ....if i am more broke then i am now ,,,i will join the bashing group and be one of u instead of trying to get involved and REALLY make a diffrents !!!!

    Also ,,,why don't u come to sarasota and ask all this to the people that are in charge ,,,that way u would get straight answers and then u know whats going on .

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  17. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by DAREDEVIL View Post
    I don't know who ownes the rights...but i can assure u,,that i have seen change ....OH YEA....and i can also assure u that everybody will see that sooner or later...then again,,i don't know why everybody keeps bringing up the boatcount??????
    Sbi has more reg. boats and anybody else,,,,if they don't show...what does that have to do with SBI ?????
    I don't get it.
    If u like burger king better next sunday then MC donalds ,,,is that mc donalds fault ??? just because u like it that day ???
    If i had more money ,,,i would race everywhere,,just like i had planned ,,but it did not work out with a BIG sponsor and all i hear is the check is in the mail,,,,so no money ,,no go .
    And thats the case for most of the teams,,,,but i do think that this is getting to be a big thing,,,so i spend my last dime doing what i do ....if i am more broke then i am now ,,,i will join the bashing group and be one of u instead of trying to get involved and REALLY make a diffrents !!!!

    Also ,,,why don't u come to sarasota and ask all this to the people that are in charge ,,,that way u would get straight answers and then u know whats going on .

    The copyright owner is the photographer that hits the trigger from the moment the image is produced.

    "Sbi has more reg. boats and anybody else,,,"You obviously know the only reason for this is that Key West gets attendance from at least 4 different racing organizations and being as it is considered the 1st event of the 2009 season, that number will always artificially inflate the numbers in attendance at any of the future races throughout the SBI season.

    In comparison, OPA held it's 1st race with 38 boats in attendance, even more were registered for the event, but some circumstances kept boats home. Prime example: Augie and the Delicate Sound of Thunder. (Health reasons)

    Until I see there is (REAL) change in how the media is treated by the SBI organization, it is unlikely I will cover their event unless of course I am hired to.

    Sarasota conflicts with another event that I will be covering that weekend in which it is just a few minutes drive. As a freelancer, I need to keep the expenses low and hope to make more than breaking even.

    There are already enough people in the Sarasota area that will give the event plenty of coverage. They surely do not need me and I do not need the air flights or hotel expenses.

    Best of luck!
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  18. Collapse Details
    after hours of taking we got him to 9k!
    Joe Skrocki
    JBS Racing
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  19. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by audacity View Post
    after hours of taking we got him to 9k!
    After an incident with a towing company, I can remember OPA worked out a group rate for all of the racers and it just came out of the registrations. This was the year they raced in Ortley Beach which is a good 8 miles to the closest inlet. Everyone was already signed up for the season whether they knew it or not...
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHARKEY-IMAGES View Post
    The copyright owner is the photographer that hits the trigger from the moment the image is produced.

    "Sbi has more reg. boats and anybody else,,,"You obviously know the only reason for this is that Key West gets attendance from at least 4 different racing organizations and being as it is considered the 1st event of the 2009 season, that number will always artificially inflate the numbers in attendance at any of the future races throughout the SBI season.

    In comparison, OPA held it's 1st race with 38 boats in attendance, even more were registered for the event, but some circumstances kept boats home. Prime example: Augie and the Delicate Sound of Thunder. (Health reasons)

    Until I see there is (REAL) change in how the media is treated by the SBI organization, it is unlikely I will cover their event unless of course I am hired to.

    Sarasota conflicts with another event that I will be covering that weekend in which it is just a few minutes drive. As a freelancer, I need to keep the expenses low and hope to make more than breaking even.

    There are already enough people in the Sarasota area that will give the event plenty of coverage. They surely do not need me and I do not need the air flights or hotel expenses.

    Best of luck!
    OK ,,about the rights.........lets say i rent a park for a concert / rock to public ,,,for a fund raiser or whatever,,,,do u think i would allow any body to take pictures and try to make money from the rock band i have to pay ????????

    I don't think so ,,and i think its my right not to do so !!!???

    Just quessing here,,but do u think that just because u have a camera that gives u the right to shoot what ever u like ?

    No bashing ,,,just curious !!
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