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    eBay My World: wesaleautoz( 8 )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nordic95 View Post
    Thanks for the heads up LAKEN.... One phone call and he is shut down...OOOPPPSSSS did I say that....

    you said it, and must have made the call cause he is obviously shut down.

  3. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    you said it, and must have made the call cause he is obviously shut down.
    I also got a call from the Idaho Agricultural Department and they are looking into some deliquency on the potatoe spuds....

  4. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    you said it, and must have made the call cause he is obviously shut down.
    Call me if you want.......

  5. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Nordic95 View Post
    Call me if you want.......
    there is no need for contact between you and i right now. however i know your seat in this matter is reserved at the front row and you will be contacted before its over. i would watch what information you post on the threads, ldd might own you in the end if you want to contiune.

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    Charter Member boatme's Avatar
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    sounds like LLD does not own anything LOL

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    Charter Member phragle's Avatar
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    Serious is the BOMB!
    irreguardless of whether I think LDD is a jackass or not, there are a couple of you who only post to this site (this thread inparticular) to sling mud. If you have something you want to discuss, please due. If your sole purpose in comming here is to stir chit and make empty lame attempts at threats, there are many other boards that may better serve your purpose.
    P-4077 "The Swamp" S.B.Y.C. and Michigan medboat mothership

  8. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    you said it, and must have made the call cause he is obviously shut down.
    and even if he did do it, all he did was warn them of potential fraud. It was their choice to remove it/him...nothing illegal in that. unless Steve wants to file for tortious interference, which wouldn't hold up because there is a lawsuit filed for fraud. moot point

  9. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Offshoredrillin View Post
    and even if he did do it, all he did was warn them of potential fraud. It was their choice to remove it/him...nothing illegal in that. unless Steve wants to file for tortious interference, which wouldn't hold up because there is a lawsuit filed for fraud. moot point
    just because fraud is alleged does not make it proven, as of yet but these are 2 seperate issues. fraud was alleged in the lawsuit that was filed by mr. wilde, no mention of mr. rogosich (nordic95) as an interested party in that suit regarding the boat. which means if mr. rogosich wants to continue to hinder ldd's ability to make a living then there is nothing stopping ldd from a claim against rogosich.

    the part i still dont understand is why would someone file a lawsuit against ldd, then others hinder his ability to make money so that if the other party won the lawsuit ldd would have no way to pay it back. it seems to me that you would want ldd to continue working so in the event he lost the suit he would have a means to pay back mr. wilde. seems to me like those hindering his ability to make a living are just as bad as some of you make ldd out to be for keeping the money.

    ldd is no longer self employed, he is employed at a used dealership. his employer has a right to conduct business on ebay and his employer is aware of this pending action. rogosich and others have no right to interfere with ldd, his employer, ebay, or any other avenue in which ldd and his employer decide to sell cars, boats, or other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    just because fraud is alleged does not make it proven, as of yet but these are 2 seperate issues. fraud was alleged in the lawsuit that was filed by mr. wilde, no mention of mr. rogosich (nordic95) as an interested party in that suit regarding the boat. which means if mr. rogosich wants to continue to hinder ldd's ability to make a living then there is nothing stopping ldd from a claim.
    true, but again, but by letting someone know of it/or a pending lawsuit isn't committing a crime. the burden of proof becomes ebays. If they act on a "tip" they still have to justify the reasoning to ldd for termination and no one else.
    whether or not ebay did their due diligence has no bearing on any tips they receive. IF ldd was to go after him, that would be a very hard case to prove, I would say impossible, even with a blurb on a site insinuating it. For him to try to prove that would cost 10's of thousands of dollars and the evidence would have to be overwhelming, not to mention it would have to be filed in the state that Nordic lives in, therefor ldd would have to secure representation there as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Offshoredrillin View Post
    true, but again, but by letting someone know of it/or a pending lawsuit isn't committing a crime. the burden of proof becomes ebays. If they act on a "tip" they still have to justify the reasoning to ldd for termination and no one else.
    whether or not ebay did their due diligence has no bearing on any tips they receive. IF ldd was to go after him, that would be a very hard case to prove, I would say impossible, even with a blurb on a site insinuating it. For him to try to prove that would cost 10's of thousands of dollars and the evidence would have to be overwhelming, not to mention it would have to be filed in the state that Nordic lives in, therefor ldd would have to secure representation there as well.

    You hit the nail right on the head.I am simply a traffic cop pointing the right people in the right direction. I have no say on what goverment and web sites say or do to Steve. If they for some reason feel that actions are to be taken then they must have prior reasoning.He made his bed and now he has to lie in it.As far as payment we have that all figuared out already if we win.Matter of fact Prostock has already won this case a couple of weeks ago as far as we are all concered here in NJ...Now its just a waist of time and money but we will follow thru with our promise to give him his day in court.I also thought that LDD was the one that said that a forum will never affect his boating,buisness,and personal life?His battle is not with me but the people he is blind to see that also feel that he is wrong.Once he acknowedges them he will become a better person and I really feel that thats what he wants out of all this.If he does the right things in life he will be rewarded in return,do the wrong things and they will linger to haunt him at a later date.


  12. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    ldd is no longer self employed, he is employed at a used dealership. his employer has a right to conduct business on ebay and his employer is aware of this pending action. rogosich and others have no right to interfere with ldd, his employer, ebay, or any other avenue in which ldd and his employer decide to sell cars, boats, or other.

    Just cause you have a silient partner now doesnt mean you are employed by them.They have realestate ties not used car buisness ties.So ebay must have felt that you were the one listing these cars not them.So hence the shut down....

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    Founding Member cosmic12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phragle View Post
    irreguardless of whether I think LDD is a jackass or not, there are a couple of you who only post to this site (this thread inparticular) to sling mud. If you have something you want to discuss, please due. If your sole purpose in comming here is to stir chit and make empty lame attempts at threats, there are many other boards that may better serve your purpose.
    Thank You.

  14. Collapse Details
    Just think, if he would have just done the "right thing" and not held tune to a obvious one sided irrelevant contract.
    Unfortunetly ya just can't fix stupid. I highly doubt at this point in his life he's anywhere near smart enough to ever be anything other then a wannabe big shot, who's bed he made himself. Live with it LDD and get over yourself, perhaps someday you can be a better person who will have the chance to succed because of being a good person.

  15. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Offshoredrillin View Post
    IF ldd was to go after him, that would be a very hard case to prove, I would say impossible, even with a blurb on a site insinuating it. For him to try to prove that would cost 10's of thousands of dollars and the evidence would have to be overwhelming, not to mention it would have to be filed in the state that Nordic lives in, therefor ldd would have to secure representation there as well.
    this is not exactly true and can be justified by the same means in which mr. wilde demanded a struck jury against ldd. i will not get into case specifics online, but there is a reason a jury was requested, as well as there is a reason fraud was alleged. the same things mr. wilde and rogosich are hoping for against ldd can come back and bite rogosich should he choose to continue his activities. assuming a ldd vs. rogosich case is brought to court my safe assumption is that it would cost ldd nothing unless he won against rogosich. this case would have juristiction in alabama as thats where ldd lawfully resides and would be the plantiff, therefore your claim for a case in nj is not correct.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nordic95 View Post
    Just cause you have a silient partner now doesnt mean you are employed by them.They have realestate ties not used car buisness ties.So ebay must have felt that you were the one listing these cars not them.So hence the shut down....
    again your wrong, and your resources are very late with information. ldd is employed, not a partner, but employed by someone.

  17. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    again your wrong, and your resources are very late with information. ldd is employed, not a partner, but employed by someone.

    LDD has already lost and will continue to lose in the future.. You'd think both of you would have realized that by now, courts or not.

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    Registered Offshore Ginger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phragle View Post
    irreguardless of whether I think LDD is a jackass or not, there are a couple of you who only post to this site (this thread inparticular) to sling mud. If you have something you want to discuss, please due. If your sole purpose in comming here is to stir chit and make empty lame attempts at threats, there are many other boards that may better serve your purpose.
    I agree 100% with you and COSMIC 12 well said and to all of you who like to sling $hit go in the bathroom and think of the most beautiful girl in the world and JACK OFF because like phragle said there are many other boards out there that may better serve your purpose .

  19. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by randomboater View Post
    again your wrong, and your resources are very late with information. ldd is employed, not a partner, but employed by someone.
    Even better this will be easy to garnish wages if PS wins....You can make all the money you want,no one is stopping you but your own past actions.

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    Founding Member Wrinkleface's Avatar
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    Right on Phrag!! C U in a couple weeks Brotha!!!

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