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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    you are uninvolved in the Alec > Ned issue at hand
    If that is your litmus...

    None of us are involved.

  2. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    If that is your litmus...

    None of us are involved.
    And if that is the litmus, then in fact, only 2 parties would be able to post on any topic??????????

  3. Collapse Details
    exactly..... let me summarized MY OPINION here, if Dave doesn't agree he can change my postings...

    Ned confronts Alec concerning strong arm tactics with one of his employee's (instead of Alec going straight to Ned, or vice versa) for a debt/amount not rightly owned (or yet proven to be owned) by Alec, Ned does it on the 'net instead of a street corner, where there are gangs on 2 corners, this is NO BUSINESS of anyone else here to jump into the fray... then each side doesn't like what's being said, so a fight ensues in the middle of the street, happens every night in the Bronx... no need for a fight here... If Ned and Alec can't work it out, and the claims are proven legit/unlegit on both/either side/s, THEN and ONLY THEN, does it become Bad Business. OSO and SOS are not jury pools...
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

  4. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by scarabman View Post
    And if that is the litmus, then in fact, only 2 parties would be able to post on any topic??????????
    good point, maybe in the Bad Business section only those directly involved in an *instance* should be allowed to post... not my call, but a very good point, this pile-on mentality is what boils things to a head, mostly needlessly, and what John seems to be trying to convey (and I personally agree)
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    exactly..... let me summarized MY OPINION here, if Dave doesn't agree he can change my postings...

    Ned confronts Alec concerning strong arm tactics with one of his employee's (instead of Alec going straight to Ned, or vice versa) for a debt/amount not rightly owned (or yet proven to be owned) by Alec, Ned does it on the 'net instead of a street corner, where there are gangs on 2 corners, this is NO BUSINESS of anyone else here to jump into the fray... then each side doesn't like what's being said, so a fight ensues in the middle of the street, happens every night in the Bronx... no need for a fight here... If Ned and Alec can't work it out, and the claims are proven legit/unlegit on both/either side/s, THEN and ONLY THEN, does it become Bad Business. OSO and SOS are not jury pools...
    I'm reading all of these very good points and am not sure how I feel about it. Obviously, anyone else who was strong armed in the same manner by the same sort of person would want to post. Anyone who had strong feelings on either side would want to post. And, anyone who felt they had been harmed in anyway by anyone who posted would want to post.

    I probably should not have moved this into the GB&U, but, this was two guys with first hand input about a business transaction and they were obviously looking to be judged by the members of this site who cared enough to give their input.

    Where should it have gone?

    And the other topic (Internet Bullying), it would be a bar thread, but Jim is right. It would be a tough one to keep within our rules, just as this one is.

    I will say again, overall this thread has been well mannered and the attempts by all to keep it within the parameters we set as a site are certainly appreciated. If some of you think that is not true, look at the self edits by the posters at the bottom of their posts.....Thanks again

    I say start a thread about internet bullying in the bar, but have the discussion start about what type of discussion should be allowed.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!

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    Charter Member TEAMBAJA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post

    If Ned and Alec can't work it out, and the claims are proven legit/unlegit on both/either side/s, THEN and ONLY THEN, does it become Bad Business. OSO and SOS are not jury pools...
    Ned and Alec dont have anything to work out. Ned and Jay have the issues that need ironed out. Ned should quit dragging his dick in the dirt, get this resolved with Jay and focus on the new magazine. I am actually looking forward to the new magazine and hope it does well. Alec needs to step away and maybe consider doing infomercials with Sally Struthers if he wants to continue trying to save the world.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEAMBAJA View Post
    Ned and Alec dont have anything to work out. Ned and Jay have the issues that need ironed out.
    au contrare.. Alec clearly stated he bought Jay's debt, and it was his to collect..
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratickle View Post
    Interesting Frank,

    You probably know more about this than I do, but here is what I can figure out.....

    The system has no idea who you are other than your sign-in name and password combination. So, if you can't sign in, and request your password reset information be sent to a legitimate email address , That The System Has Loaded, (such as Chris's, Stecz's, Mine, Alec's, Yours, etc.) it does that.

    If you request it be sent to a non-loaded email address that the system does not recognize, it says it does not recognize that email address.

    I'm running more tests, but you may be able to assist at this point.

    I can see no way for the system to have a clue who you are until you sign in. If you do not sign in and make a request, the system looks at what is loaded and says "Sure, I can send your request there", or "No, I can't send it there, it doesn't exist", (as far as it knows).

    From what I can find, all V-Bulletin systems do the same thing.

    Back to the regularly scheduled program.

    See ya'll on the water.

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    Charter Member TEAMBAJA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    au contrare.. Alec clearly stated he bought Jay's debt, and it was his to collect..
    Yeah, I read that. Funny stuff.

    This was my reaction when I read that......

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    Charter Member phragle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUIZILLA View Post
    au contrare.. Alec clearly stated he bought Jay's debt, and it was his to collect..

    So at this point, and after that statement, is it safe to assume that Ned owes Jay no money because Alec hs satisfied the debt with Jay by purchasing it for a dollar for dollar ratio?
    P-4077 "The Swamp" S.B.Y.C. and Michigan medboat mothership

  11. Collapse Details
    Since some of you are so intent on believing the crap that Cloke is trying to convince you is the truth, here are the FACTS.

    Cloke harrassed my admin guy continuously and so we just decided we had had enough of him and I made my post here as his trump card was "he was going to post on the forums that we tried to stiff Jay".

    He continues to mislead people that Nicholls is owed anything and many of the blind idiots that are star struck by him on OSO seem to believe him. The plain and simple, irrefutable facts are as follows:

    1. Nicholls had ALL his expenses paid to go to the Virgin Islands to cover a Poker Run there for us. The agreement was for him to send us story and images, not one or the other, but BOTH. He sent us a SMALL selection of images. He DID NOT send us the text for the story. Therefore we could not run the story as you cant run one without the other. Because he did not supply the story by the required deadline we had to have a layout redesigned which cost me over $2K so wasnt impressed, on top of the airfare and hotels we had already paid for.

    2. We paid for Nicholls airline ticket to Patchogue. He was supposed to supply BOTH images and TEXT. He supplied nothing. He freely admitted to "Tony" from Serious that he ONLY supplied a few images, which we didn't get. Even so HE ADMITTED he DID NOT send the text, therefore he did not keep the agreement we had. That is why we are not paying the $1135 in expenses Cloke is trying to extort from us. Nicholls DIDNT supply what was agreed, therefore isnt owed anything.

    I see Cloke is still posting about how Ned doesnt pay his bills on OSO which is blatant lies because of the bull$hit Jay has told him so it must be gospel and all these idiots on OSO that are believing him are a joke. Cloke also states that the debt owed is $4K which is again B/S as if you look at my earlier post with info from Nicholls himself HE says it was only $3K before we pulled it apart.

    Cloke seems to disregard the facts of the matter which are above and has it fixed in his head that no matter what, WE owe Jay, but in reality Nicholls actually owes us a refund for all the expenses we paid for the Virgin Islands trip and Patchogue as he didnt supply the agreed story and images therefore he should refund what we paid out. Maybe we should also demand a refund of the additional $1000 Nicholls spent on a rental car at Grand Lake that wasnt approved before hand.

    Anyway this is my final post on this topic and for those who want to believe the B/S Cloke is spouting, do yourself a favour and get a life, the facts have been stated above and Nicholls is owed NOTHING and wont ever get a another cent from us - end of story and if Cloke thinks he can bully his way and get it, then he is smoking the same **** Nicholls is when he tries to sell an "imagined" debt to Cloke.


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