Quote Originally Posted by Ned@TheEDGE View Post
What a load of rubbish Cloke.

First off yes we were slow paying jay for some of his work and I admitted that in my post. We paid h2o bills from h2o income and when we got stiffed by companies such as extreme marine and Outerlimits then yes we were slow and not going to make excuses for that.

Secondly the text for bvi story was never sent to us, no matter what your bosom buddy says. Remind him about the conversation I had with him about s week before patchogue where I reminded him that I needed the text to go with the pics as we needed to go to print. He promised he would send it before leaving and he didn't.

Patchogue pics were never submitted at all and Nicholls never told us text was done so obviously you have been drinking more of the same cool aid. Any how the heck could we do a layout wi just the images and without the text - gimme a break.

So does Nicholls deserve his expenses paid for patchogue when he never bothered to submit the complete package of story and images for pubcation, nope not in our view.

And what amazes me is your audacity to try and claim to be the savior of the industry when you have stuck your nose into something that has nothing to do with you. Your claim that it was $4k is a joke and when get home will cut and paste Nicholls pm that shows that with everything he wanted it only came to $3k. Maybe the extra is your fee for being such a good Samaritan.

bottom line nicholls is not getting his expenses reimbursed because he didn't do the work.
As I said to Ian, No problem, dont pay him.

It's $ 3200.00 We thank you for yesterdays payment of $ 1000.00 that has brought your debt to that level.