Quote Originally Posted by hotjava66 View Post
ok, so now its the end of next week and still no boat. the guy working on it told me he doesnt mess around, would get it done asap. well that was bs, was in there monday to drop off my swim platform for paint, he told me everything done by the end of the week. stopped by there yesterday and they havent done a thing since monday, good thing noone was around or they would have gotten an earfull. i have a lot to do before its time to get on the water and they are putting me behind, i have half a mind to go start working on it in his shop, maybe he will get the picture.
Sorry, but I've been through this before.
Had some issues with my old boat.
Guy tells me "two weeks". Just not real happy about this idea, but it needs done.
Ok, I can deal with two weeks (in season, none the less ).
After two weeks with next to nothing getting done, I started showing up EVERYDAY after work, and I would keep him working until ten every night, and working alongside him. Show up with a 12'er, and get to work.
I didn't really care that I was working on it myself also, and his work was good. Took 5 weeks to get it done, and I made the 4th fireworks by only a few hours with a new custom paint job.