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  1. Collapse Details
    What is a "Progressive"?
    I was listening this on Fox Radio the other night. One of the most interesting things I've ever heard.

    Make sure to watch the video. Well worth the time. I definitely learned something.
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    Charter Member clayinaustin's Avatar
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    and what did you learn? Did you learn that Beck will say anything to keep his ratings and huge paycheck?
    If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
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  3. Collapse Details
    i posted this here already but this prez is scaring the hell out of me its his country and he can do whatever he pleases...... get the little people out of my way there bothering me.......6 hours of narcissistic psychosis........

    on live tv

    it all fits obama's psych profile........

    A failed embittered Presidency can be extremely dangerous--
    so a profile of Obama's like FUTURE actions is critical.

    In his monumental work "Hitler and Stalin" Alan Bullock notes both Hitler and Stalin were narcissists. ProCounsel is NOT stating Obama is either Hitler or Stalin. But his analysis, written long before Obama's ascendancy, is a useful model.

    Bullock explains narcissism on page 11:

    "In such a state only the person himself, his needs,feelings and thoughts, everything and and everybody as they relate to him are experienced as fully real, while everybody and everything otherwise lacks reality or interest."

    Bullock describes the effects of narcissism and provides a predictive model useful for Obama on page 343:

    "Narcissistic personalities are convinced of their special qualities and their superiority over others, and any threat to this self image--such as being criticized, shown up, or defeated--produces a violent outrage and often a desire for revenge."

    Bullock cites 3 psychological reactions Stalin used to guard his narcissistic self image. Bullock credits Robert Tucker for these insights on page 356. The 3 reactions to expect for the Obama profile would be:

    1. Repression–simply blankly deny the truth, no matter how obvious or even if caught on video

    2. Rationalization-Admit but use the fault as proof of his zeal

    3. Projection-Obama will attribute to others the motives and attitudes he refuses to admit in himself

    Ironically, per the Profile Dems in the House and Senate will be in much more danger from a wounded irrelevant White House than the Republicans, as Obama will deem the Dems unworthy of him--THEY failed NOT him.

    Don't believe the profile??

    Just go back and review Obama's response to the Detroit airplane bombing. Obama went through all 3 stages above and that analysis is especially instructive as Obama was naked--without senior staff.

    Posted by: ProCounsel | February 25, 2010 7:35 PM | Report abuse

    Ram it down America's throats, Mr President. Shove that ugly baby right up those seniors caboose. That brilliant strategy will pay great dividends in the Fall, and frankly, I look forward to the result. Go for it, boss. And in the immortal words of Don Meredith, "Turn out the lights, the parties over."

    Posted by: donchew1 | February 25, 2010 7:35 PM | Report abuse

    We the People have a right to expect Congress to act in a manner consistent with due process of law.

    Due process includes "the right to be heard in a meaningful forum at a meaningful time."

    Reid and his cohorts excluded any GOP participation in any legislative endeavors since the Kenyan was elected. Reid has also circumvented the fundamental protections for the initiation and negotiation process for proposed legislation.

    Isn't that how the governments acted in the Third Reich and the Kremlin?

    Is this the way we will now conduct legislative activity in the US of A?

    The Kenyan was elected "president", not dictator. He fooled the electorate once. Let's see if he can do it twice.

    He needs to rush through every socialist program he can before he is "canned" by Ameri-cans.

    As to the healthcare plan, its "constitutionality" is in question, and with all excessively large documents "the devil is in the detail", which no one can fully comprehend when something this large is being rammed down our throats.

    God Bless America, and its critics be "damned".
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  4. Collapse Details
    was anyone else bothered by that christmas eve hold them hostage till you pass this dirty trick? i think that was a huge red flag something is very wrong i thought that was called a mafia trick of shaking them down?
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    and what did you learn? Did you learn that Beck will say anything to keep his ratings and huge paycheck?
    Unlike your comedic news source Stewart? Not judging either host, but when was the last time you actually watched Beck?
    Warning: There will be no warning shots.
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayinaustin View Post
    and what did you learn? Did you learn that Beck will say anything to keep his ratings and huge paycheck?
    Well Clay, I learned that you can separate the message from the messenger- but I learned that a long time ago. I've posted many times that I don't really care for 95% of political commentary and that those commentators are entertainers looking for an audience. But every once in a while even the PT Barnum's can give you a golden nugget.

    Mostly, I appreciated the matrix he used and the insight on what Progressiveism really is.

    During the last presidential election, one of the lesser commenatators did a "manb on the street" thing- asking questions about issues. First, they asked "who do you support". The crowd they were in overwhelmingly stated Obama. Then they went down a list of positions on issues. The interviewees overwhelmingly took positions contrary to Obama. Ironically, at the end, the still supported Obama.

    The exercise is something I believe everyone should do- to really understand what their position is on things. In addition, watching those people on Beck's show makes me realize how little thought some people put into their positions. Particularly how quickly someone is willing to surrender a portion of their rights for something that on the surface "sounds" like a good deal. If more people put deep thought into their positions, this country would almost immediately be a better place.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    I was listening this on Fox Radio the other night. One of the most interesting things I've ever heard.

    Make sure to watch the video. Well worth the time. I definitely learned something.
    I watched that segment and found it very interesting also.
    No Beaks, No Pads, No Steps, No Bull
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    If more people put deep thought into their positions, this country would almost immediately be a better place.
    People of Wal-Mart, we salute you.

    It's very difficult to give anything about Beck a drop of credibility.
    Any poll can be slanted to reflect a specific viewpoint. Specially-framed questions is a major industry within polling establishments.

    boosbros: A failed embittered Presidency can be extremely dangerous--
    so a profile of Obama's like FUTURE actions is critical.

    The 24hour news cycle has grown so shrill to me that fringes at either end are hardly worth a look any more. And so much energy is expended on SPECULATION OF POSSIBLE FUTURE ACTS BY OUR SOCIALIST PRESIDENT. (is it possible for us to have any more right wing imminent danger scenarios, a la Jack Bauer 24?) that all seems so 2003.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boostbros View Post
    He needs to rush through every socialist program he can before he is "canned" by Ameri-cans.
    Our politicians have never overturned any program passed by a previous Congress to my recollection. Will this be the time if health care and Cap and Trade pass? It would certainly be warranted.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    I'm not suggesting that any particular position is right or wrong. I'm suggesting that most people don't even truly know what they believe. Myself included- and I'm typically pretty resolute in my thinking.

    Further to what Beck was showing with his matrix, I was thinking last week about something- why do we even have two political parties? By that, we don't have one group that thinks one way and one group that thinks the other. So why divide them?

    Take Beck's matrix for example. If you were to take the top 20 political considerations of the day and aggregated them into one "dot" on that chart, you'd pretty clearly have a picture of your political thinking. If you took everyone in Congress and did the same thing, I think you'd have no two dots in the same place and a pretty fair number of intermingled red and blue dots.
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    Registered hotjava66's Avatar
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    I agree with Chris, I listen to Beck, Rush, sometimes although I dont particularly like them personally or some of their opinions. The main reason I listen is the info they provide, they give out a lot of information the mainstream media does not. And those of you that deride it as b.s., I think in their situation they have to fact check every tidbit to death because if they were caught in a misinformation situation they would be crucified by the mainstream media and the government. Opinions are another matter and that is what they are selling, bottom line. But their history, current info etc is very good. I too found the clip interesting, and even went to the website and took the quiz. I found it to be a bit like Jayboat was talking about in framed questions. There were few questions that represented exactly where I stand, had to pick the closest one. Bottom line I was libertarian, which I am somewhat but not to the degree the test shows IMHO.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=jayboat;448666]People of Wal-Mart, we salute you.

    It's very difficult to give anything about Beck a drop of credibility.

    Regarding Beck...I guess when he was on CNN he had credibility, but lost it when he moved to Fox?

    As for the people of Wal-Mart; well there are always exceptions!
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