Thread: Tv

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    Founding Member/Contributor Sean Stinson's Avatar
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    Are we done here yet???? I am pretty sure everyone has the jist of everyone's opinion so lets all agree to disagree at this point......Romper Room needs to close up!!!!

    I will give all of you one thing.....You are passionate about your views!!!!
    God forgives.....The 1% doesn't!!!!!!
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    To Frank and Trent,
    Thanks for your input, I sincerely hope the best comes of this where ever the chips fall.
    hope to see at least one race this year.

    As for everyone else, thanks for being here whether you agree or not, It's like having a piece of home wherever I travel to, and should have camera's in a couple of weeks!
    Some where in Kenya a village is missing an Idiot!
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Pete...If you think thats what this thread is about....I will answer the questions you have made with personal attacks about me and my team....

    Glenn did not fix the sterring we were low on fluid....and it got air in it...

    Next...your question was "why do I not have a crew"...I don't know...why don't you ask Bobby B, Jim A and his brother...they have been helping me crew for 2 years...but also...and yes...I drive the boat to races, wash the boat...turn wrenches, handle sponsorships and PR..and I will tell you ..I suck at all of them...but..I enjoy doing that a problem for you...I'm sorry...I run my team on sponsorship yes outside of buying my boat..I do not use any of my own money...and you can ask any of my throttleman..I do not threw my money around on racing...I stay in the biggest dump hotels to sleep if I can not get a hotel to sponsor us a room...

    Your next question was "why do I show up without a throttleman"...real simple...Jim A could not make a race for me in 2007 in Patchaque and I already taked to two guys that were willing to throttle in place of the drivers meeting they change the race starts and Vale jumped in with me...and by the way...we won thanks to Vale....and in 2008 in Cambridge after letting Glenn go...Bobby B jumped in and we took a second in the first race and won the second race....

    Also in 2006 for the Worlds in Orange Beach...Gary B jumped in the boat with me...and even with a fuel pressure issue we still finsihed 3rd...and had a ball running with him...also Paul W helped us in crewing...

    I have also said on here I am a terrible racer...I'm not good at all...its always been my throttleman thats done a great job..

    But is my race team the problem with Offshore racing or is this another one of your personal attacks..... you started this thread about TV..and now you want to talk trash about my team...anyways...I will continue to answer your questions you have about my team
    Yes I have been racing for 9 years...
    And I stink at it and cannot drive...but I love it so I will keep doing it....will that be OK with you....

    Your next question was "why would I run a boat that had problems and put other crew members in harms way" Making that accusations of me and my throttleman is a very serious comment to make...but I will respond to it......It is my responsibility for anything that happends to my team...but I do not throttle...I if any of my throttleman ever thought they were putting themselves, me or any other racer in harms way...then you would have to ask the throttleman that question...becasue I know if it was me on the throttles and I really felt I was going to hurt my crew or other racers...I would come off the throttles no matter what.....and I'm sure you would do the same...would you not agree..

    And to answer your question how I do nothing for my team.... I'm sure if you ask any racers...they will tell you that I arrive on Thursday morning for a race and I am working on the boat if you think I do nothing for my team..and I'M QUOTING YOU NOW FROM YOUR DELETED POST as you put it... " I walked around with your head in the clouds, dreaming of fame, fortune and your name in lights."
    You have not seen me at races when I'm always covered in greese and dirt....but are a fan....nothing your intitled to your opionion....

    But are you done with your personal attacks on my team....since this thread is about Offsore Racing...
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-28-2009 at 01:40 PM.
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    We welcome your open debates, and encourage your exchange of ideas, but please keep it respectful and tone it down on the insults. Let's keep this on the high road.
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    Charter Member boatme's Avatar
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    Putting it in perspective a bit

    1) Gino is a well seasoned well respected racer (It took guts to run his little yellow boat in the crap he ran back in the day AND WON) He deserves some respect
    2) Pete takes great photographs and has had some great stuff published He deserves some respect
    3) Many others posting here have great credentials in racing and promotion They deserve respect
    4) TV is a good thing for offshore racing and will bring Respect and credibility to offshore
    5) Unity in race orgs needs to happen but probably is still a ways off because there is to little RESPECT of each other to make it work
    6) My opinion is worth about as much as my 3 past marriages but I keep trying anyway I can't get NO RESPECT at all

    Keep on plugging along guys dialogue is good but personal attacks don't help get this sport RESPECT
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    Founding Member/Contributor Sean Stinson's Avatar
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    If I was to come up with a solution.....not saying I have one BUT if I could come up with a solution....Would the heads of all 3 orgs be willing to sit down at a meeting face to face and listen?????? It is a simple yes or no question!!!!!!!
    God forgives.....The 1% doesn't!!!!!!
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    That a great question you should call them and ask them. I dont think anyone here could anwser that question for you . They have talked in the past dont know why they wouldnt again. I know Smitty and John talk on a regular basic. But they r not pushing the united we race so i dont think it comes up in their conversations.

    SBI # 1305 296-6166
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    Founding Member/Contributor Sean Stinson's Avatar
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    I will talk to Bubba later but I was more interested in what Smitty has to say!!!!! Ron and I have just spoken and he promises to listen to every word I have to say!!!!!
    God forgives.....The 1% doesn't!!!!!!
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    I'm not really sure you need the Org. to have a joint race. There are races already that race together from all the ORG.. So i guess that would be a joint race ????

    Good example is you will have teams from all 3 org. racing in Sarasota they always do, again it goes back to the racers if they want to race they will . Again and i know we r beating a dead horse but all the teams that will be in Sarasota are reg. SBI boats so is it a Joint race or a SBI race with SBI reg. boats that also race other Org. ????
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  10. Collapse Details
    I have sat back and just read all of this. First I congratulate SBI in their TV venture. We took a run at it, the ends did not justify the means.
    As far as everything else goes, I can only comment on what the OPA is doing.

    Our mission from the very beginning was to develope the North east. Move up towards Michigan, and then bring in Long Island. We drew a 12 hour circle on the map, and decided we would stay within that circle. Knowing full well the majority of our teams are just the regular working guys, we wanted to keep the series within reach of all our teams. Our race sites are for the most part run by our racers. Guys who put their effort into moving the sport forward, not sitting here Typing away wasting away valuable energy.

    Our goal was and is to provide the OPA teams with quality race sites, that they can bank on for years to come. We have already singed up two new race sites for 2010, that are fully funded, and ready to go.

    The unification dream.....It's like this. Our teams have the luxury of racing in their own back yards, with little travel time involved. If for instance we merged with another org, what would the goal be? Take 4 OPA sites, and Maybe 4 OSS, or SBI, sites, and develope a series. This would then force our teams into traveling all over the country. Something I know they would not do. So in the long run It hurts what we have put together. Instantly our boat count would be cut in half. After all it's not their fault, Other series are having problems. We are moving forward with our package, and our goals.

    Our races are still free to the teams, Our prize purses are all in place. Any team is welcome to race here, although we do not petition other teams to come. Unlike other series, we built it from scratch. The majority of our teams are either new to the sport, of came out of hibernation to join in the fun.

    If a series needs a site to fill in their schedule, the door is open. The OPA teams have always supported SBI. Three times we picked up and ran with OSS. So I you want to say we have not tried, better look back.

    My job is to run the OPA for the OPA teams. I am proud of every one of them, and will do what ever they need to race their stuff.

    In closing, 2009 will be a challenge for all of us, I wish John, and Ron only the best. I know first hand how hard it is to keep a series running. You efforts should be applauded, not criticized. OPA guys....see you in a few weeks, Ocean City is ready to rock. I know you all enjoyed Friday Night at Seacrets, so we have also moved the awards there for Sunday night. Bring the Tylenol.
    To all the other teams....race hard be safe....and just have a blast. Smitty
    Wazzup Racing Engines
    OPA Racing
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    That was a great response, and with 'Class'. Thank you for your tireless efforts, we do appreciate it! 33 days to Ocean City!
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    Founding Member/Contributor Sean Stinson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wazzup Racing View Post
    I have sat back and just read all of this. First I congratulate SBI in their TV venture. We took a run at it, the ends did not justify the means.
    As far as everything else goes, I can only comment on what the OPA is doing.

    Our mission from the very beginning was to develope the North east. Move up towards Michigan, and then bring in Long Island. We drew a 12 hour circle on the map, and decided we would stay within that circle. Knowing full well the majority of our teams are just the regular working guys, we wanted to keep the series within reach of all our teams. Our race sites are for the most part run by our racers. Guys who put their effort into moving the sport forward, not sitting here Typing away wasting away valuable energy.

    Our goal was and is to provide the OPA teams with quality race sites, that they can bank on for years to come. We have already singed up two new race sites for 2010, that are fully funded, and ready to go.

    The unification dream.....It's like this. Our teams have the luxury of racing in their own back yards, with little travel time involved. If for instance we merged with another org, what would the goal be? Take 4 OPA sites, and Maybe 4 OSS, or SBI, sites, and develope a series. This would then force our teams into traveling all over the country. Something I know they would not do. So in the long run It hurts what we have put together. Instantly our boat count would be cut in half. After all it's not their fault, Other series are having problems. We are moving forward with our package, and our goals.

    Our races are still free to the teams, Our prize purses are all in place. Any team is welcome to race here, although we do not petition other teams to come. Unlike other series, we built it from scratch. The majority of our teams are either new to the sport, of came out of hibernation to join in the fun.

    If a series needs a site to fill in their schedule, the door is open. The OPA teams have always supported SBI. Three times we picked up and ran with OSS. So I you want to say we have not tried, better look back.

    My job is to run the OPA for the OPA teams. I am proud of every one of them, and will do what ever they need to race their stuff.

    In closing, 2009 will be a challenge for all of us, I wish John, and Ron only the best. I know first hand how hard it is to keep a series running. You efforts should be applauded, not criticized. OPA guys....see you in a few weeks, Ocean City is ready to rock. I know you all enjoyed Friday Night at Seacrets, so we have also moved the awards there for Sunday night. Bring the Tylenol.
    To all the other teams....race hard be safe....and just have a blast. Smitty
    Smitty I have the utmost respect for you....Auggie is the man....All I am asking if I could present all 3 of you guys, yourself, JC, and Ron P with an idea to a solution are you willing to sit in a meeting and listen to a proposed solution????? I will even suplly coffee and donuts!!
    God forgives.....The 1% doesn't!!!!!!
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  13. Collapse Details
    Any time.
    Wazzup Racing Engines
    OPA Racing
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    Founding Member/Contributor Sean Stinson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wazzup Racing View Post
    Any time.
    Thank you Smitty.....I will take that as a personal favor and that means alot to me!!!!
    God forgives.....The 1% doesn't!!!!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Shafts View Post
    That was a great response, and with 'Class'. Thank you for your tireless efforts, we do appreciate it! 33 days to Ocean City!
    Thanks Bob, See you there.
    Wazzup Racing Engines
    OPA Racing
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    The Godfather AugiePensa's Avatar
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    JERSEY! Where Else.
    Very Professional Partner! And to think Smitty and I took on OPA/The Jersey Boyz for ONLY TWO YEARS...Five Years ago! Now he won't let me out. Well I guess we're in it till ???
    .......Augie Pensa.......

    The Godfather
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    774 could not have summed it up better.....
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    Quote Originally Posted by AugiePensa View Post
    Very Professional Partner! And to think Smitty and I took on OPA/The Jersey Boyz for ONLY TWO YEARS...Five Years ago! Now he won't let me out. Well I guess we're in it till ???
    Augie, I know have son #2 working his way up the ranks. We're Fked. Gonna be here a long time.
    Wazzup Racing Engines
    OPA Racing
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  19. Collapse Details
    Sean, I just have to ask one question. I have no problem talking to Ron or Bubba. But before we begin, just answere one simple question.
    Why was Serious Offshore Created. I'll tell you. Some people wanted a change from OSO. Now you have divided everyone. Why, People like options.
    Last edited by Wazzup Racing; 04-28-2009 at 04:38 PM.
    Wazzup Racing Engines
    OPA Racing
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  20. Collapse Details
    Contributor ChiefApache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wazzup Racing View Post
    Sean, I just have to ask one question. I have no problem talking to Ron or Bubba. But before we begin, just answere one simple question.
    Why was Serious Offshore Created. I'll tell you. Some people wanted a change from OSO. Now you have divided everyone. Why, People like options.
    Interesting comparison.
    Queen of Bammin'
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