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    Respectfully guys I am done trying to offer a balance of opinion. My views are not necessarily OSS views. If you don't want to see what it is about don't. Everybody is welcome to race with OSS. If you haven't raced with OSS please don't judge on here say.

    Best of luck everyone.. I am going to now shut up and race
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    Likewise everyone is invited to race any or all of the SBI events they like.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    No, There is more to it than Gino's simplified version .

    OSS has extended offers to other groups to do just that show up and race..
    Last season there were open invites to race and one races special entry fees.
    Thats Great, and there have been open offers from every Organization to every team, That's not my question mine was the "Joint Race" part.. but I'll let it go for now, but if Ron or Randy wish to e-mail me I'm all ears about Harrison, MI.

    MM, I agree If a team wants to race with OPA, SBI or OSS or all three more power to them.

    Myself I'm trying to do Cumberland with OSS and some OPA rounds.
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    No, There is more to it than Gino's simplified version .

    OSS has extended offers to other groups to do just that show up and race..
    Last season there were open invites to race and one races special entry fees.

    Well Jim...thats why I ask is it correct or not....So OSS would attend a race with no money given to them...what about prise money...the sites would not be able to pay your prise purse...if you guys were ok with that and would put up some money to pay for extra safety....I would think other Orgs would be up for that...

    I'm just asking a question here..see maybe were not that far away from putting something thogether...
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-27-2009 at 02:27 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratickle View Post



    A single, unified group succeeds. Most of us are in this because of growing up and knowing about Rocky, Betty, Rich, Charlie, Tom, etc. And that was because they had coverage. Now we don't have the coverage, therefore we don't attract like we should.

    And it wouldn't even matter if it was a weekend event at one location where the GPS classes ran on Sat's (Nationwide series) and the spec classes ran on Sunday (Cup series). It just needs to be an event unlike anything that's been seen for years.

    I am not a promoter, and I bet I could arrange coverage for a race where all the racers were at.

    Here is the rub. I don't believe a single group succeeds. APBA didn't. At this time OPA has the largest boat count, but if OPA ruled the country, I highly doubt the majority of the Teams would travel the entire country racing. Few could afford it and many of those who could wouldn't because we don't want a hobby to become a job. I am assuming this is why the OSS boat count is dropping.

    The second point is why would the "GPS" classes accept racing on Sat? At this moment, they are offshore racing like it or not. I suspect that that attitude of GPS classes being Amatures is a huge part of joint events not happening.

    Finally, as a promoter, why would we take on additional costs to bring in a second Org? If you want to race, race with the Org in charge at that event. I have asked this of Randy with no response, just deleted threads. How does a joint event make the promoter money? Are you bring a purse, sponsors, and or cash? What can the second Org bring to the table? SBI could bring TV and I like that thought. You guys want to do a joint race in Harrison?
    Last edited by Wahoo 214; 04-27-2009 at 02:27 PM.
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    Competitor Hauling Trash's Avatar
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    Is it True that Hard Rock is buying SBI ??????? Or is that a done deal ?????????
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    The Godfather AugiePensa's Avatar
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    Guys, I remember back in 2004, 2005 SBI had TV and even earlier. When I was able to get home on a Saturday to watch the show with my Family it was GREAT. My kids were so proud of their Dad even when we didn't win so TV to me is very good! TV for any racing association would be benifical to us all and remember, TV adds 10 pounds...In my case, 20 to 30 pounds. Oh, and by the way...OPA SUCK$
    Last edited by AugiePensa; 04-27-2009 at 03:06 PM.
    .......Augie Pensa.......

    The Godfather
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    Competitor F1-00 Racing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    No, There is more to it than Gino's simplified version .

    OSS has extended offers to other groups to do just that show up and race..
    Last season there were open invites to race and one races special entry fees.
    ok let me try and sum this up, Jim please work with me and correct me if I'm wrong.

    Due to past history, beyond Polli's control(before Polli) OSS has not been perfect and has pulled some shady moves to the other organizations. Ron came in full of we we and vinager and saw the need for unification and tryed to work things out, unfortunatly he was told no by the other 2 organizations. It isnt his fault, by any means, its the fault of the previous regime of OSS. I will quote a current BOD member directly to me"Our past is coming back to haunt us" So now it is obviously been noted that there will be no joint races in the future. With it being stated that OSS is the bestest by Candy, Pete, and others, why are they beating a dead horse and when it doesnt happen, whine and cry about it. They are the bestest!!! They shouldnt need to approach the other orgs for unity. If they are so great they will stand on their own 2 feet and succeed w/o the other orgs. SBI and OPA arent calling them to come and race. Jim you yourself has stated that you are a SBI/OSS member, ok you did what you needed to do to become both. Why cant Candy? Now instead of being adult and telling SBI congrats on your tv deal, they want to question it and down it, but if OSS had pulled off the same deal it would be the bestest. I get the private messages to behave, after I was told that I am a POS racer and because I am not on any BOD, I know nothing.

    uggh this isnt achomplishing anything except wasting my time and keeping me off the phone trying to capitalize on the CBS deal.

    In summary, OSS is the bestest and can do no wrong, they are perfect and us other crappy orgs only wish to be half the org that OSS is. Maybe one day they will let us in the inner sanctum and fill us in on how the perfect club is run. With Candy pointing out that I am a no knowing racer, it is proper for me to bow down to the almighty when he walks in the room? Do I have permission to even look at him?

    Funny thing is Ron inherited a total mess, it was on life support, but that shows what a heck of a job he has done, OSS is still going strong, congrats to him, seriously!

    Also Jim, in my last post you decided to only quote what I said negative(facts) about OSS, why didnt you quote the negative things(facts) I said about the other 2 orgs. Why so defensive about the perfect club? All orgs have fleas, pick the best one or the best race sites that meets the need of your team and this internet banter might just stop.

    Be safe to all and hope to cross paths with you and have a blast doing what we ALL love to do, boat race.


    "El Racing boat es una pasion que se lleva en la sangre"
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    Competitor F1-00 Racing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hauling Trash View Post
    Is it True that Hard Rock is buying SBI ??????? Or is that a done deal ?????????
    I dont believe that is the case, I am pretty sure that JC is still the man, but the Hard Rock sees potential for themselves and their vendors with SBI and they are investing into tv and other things dealing with SBI. I am sure Frank can clarify this but SBI is SBI, Hard Rock is Hard Rock
    Last edited by F1-00 Racing; 04-27-2009 at 03:05 PM.

    "El Racing boat es una pasion que se lleva en la sangre"
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    Charter Member boatme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post

    As for the TV Coverage; who care if it's one boat driving around in circles. Someone is willing to pay for this to on TV and it will get some attention (and some is better than none)
    Let me answer this

    You have one shot to get momentum, the last thing you need is to get it covered only to have the TV guys lose interest

    You need a good field, lots of back stories, a few characters, and some good racing, or it won’t last very long and be even longer returning

    If TV is on the horizon then the key is to build on the momentum or you won’t see anyone in a hurry to try it again
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hauling Trash View Post
    Is it True that Hard Rock is buying SBI ??????? Or is that a done deal ?????????
    No, I think you have that back-wards. SBI Bought Hard Rock.

    Just show you SBI card at any Hard Rock and get a free burger and fry'
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    No, I think you have that back-wards. SBI Bought Hard Rock.

    Just show you SBI card at any Hard Rock and get a free burger and fry'
    You wish.....
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatme View Post
    Let me answer this

    You have one shot to get momentum, the last thing you need is to get it covered only to have the TV guys lose interest

    You need a good field, lots of back stories, a few characters, and some good racing, or it won’t last very long and be even longer returning

    If TV is on the horizon then the key is to build on the momentum or you won’t see anyone in a hurry to try it again

    If it's any thing like Supercross it dont matter.. AMA/FIM/ a 1Hr block and they sell the ads, not the station.

    If someone is to buy a 1hr (or 30min) block on CBS to do with it as he likes so be it. As long as the bills getting paid CBS wont lose interest because it's like a infomercial.
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    Charter Member boatme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    If it's any thing like Supercross it dont matter.. AMA/FIM/ a 1Hr block and they sell the ads, not the station.

    If someone is to buy a 1hr (or 30min) block on CBS to do with it as he likes so be it. As long as the bills getting paid CBS wont lose interest because it's like a infomercial.
    This is true but you want more than a bought show, you want a production

    I hope that the momentum is capitalized and it helps it to grow
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    Competitor F1-00 Racing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatme View Post
    Let me answer this

    You have one shot to get momentum, the last thing you need is to get it covered only to have the TV guys lose interest

    You need a good field, lots of back stories, a few characters, and some good racing, or it won’t last very long and be even longer returning

    If TV is on the horizon then the key is to build on the momentum or you won’t see anyone in a hurry to try it again
    Boat me respectfully, How will the tv guys lose interest, they sold 8 episodes to the Seminole Indians and with this being a multi million dollar deal I am sure, you think CBS cares? The Seminoles however have to keep interest and with them being displaced to OK years ago and them reaquiring America back 1 cheeseburger at a time, I am sure they know what they are doing. They just didnt walk up to JC yest and say we are buying you tv, this has taken place over 3-4 years. Maybe they see something everyone doesnt, I hope so for the benefit of all offshore. Yes I am drinking the CBS Koolaid, there I said it, I had some brief discussions with the Seminole reps in Miami and seeing how they do business is why I am drinking the koolaid on that side of the fence. If another org had better tools to work with, I'd be there. I guess I have drank other koolaids in the past and got shafted, what do I have to lose? Does another org have something better to offer at this time?

    "El Racing boat es una pasion que se lleva en la sangre"
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    I respect Jim's discussions on this subject and I respect him as a racers...
    We all have our views on this subject...

    But we have 3 Orgs...all have invited us to race there...

    If you like what they have to offer..great race there....if not worry about your own Org.

    I don't see any Org paying for another Org to race with Org is that great....I know thats hard for some to swollow that...

    And if you think they should...then lets see if anyone of them will....that will not be for a racer to decide it will be the Orgs to decide...

    Invitations have been made...race were you want....but EGO'S will not fix this....EGO'S are what got us into won't get us out of it....

    I will now shut up and race also....
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-27-2009 at 04:02 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeRacing View Post
    But you need a schedule to do all of that Jim, and sites are getting harder and harder to get.

    Jim I have a question I guess just like everyone else, why does OSS keep races on their schedule that are cancelled and one that are not signed and possible not going to happen. Nothing meant dont add or reading anything in to it, it is a far question.
    Jupiter isnt even done I know its being talked about and as of the conference call last tues it isnt done so how is everyone talking about a Worlds that might not even happen.
    I NEVER did get an anwser to my question,can anyone sheed some light on this for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeRacing View Post
    I NEVER did get an anwser to my question,can anyone sheed some light on this for me.
    So every offshore race has all it permits and everything before the season starts or schedule is released? Really?
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    Ofcourse ...Or atleast a contact with the city. You r talking about a wish list not a schedule two differnt things.
    Why would u keep canceled races on your schedule? Other then to make it look like u real have a schedule that you dont have.If a fan was to look at Orange Beach on the OSS schedule and make plans to go to that race if they didnt know any better i guess you think thats good business. Atleast put pending or TBA like SBI did for Oct Clearwater, it wasnt annonced till a sign contract was in hand.
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    How can u promt something you dont have? How do u get a sponsor and tell them this is our maybe schedule. TV wont even talk to you if you dont have atleast 8-10 confirmed races and beleave me they want to see the contract and also they follow up with the cities before they will even talk to you about putting on a show.

    PLEASE dont tell me you truely beleive that you think a schedule should be post and then you try and get the cities ???????????????????
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