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    SBI has 65 reg. boat and if the money comes so will the boats. Miami was one race and as always no suprise it is rough and not a race of choice for alot of teams for the first race of the yr.
    SBI is talking to alot of teams as we speak and working on sponsors for all it will take time but it all we have going for us now, unless you know about something better that i dont know about.
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Now back to Pete's question....

    Here are the POSSITIVE comments on the TV deal:

    1. Exposure to a race team and the sport is very big.
    2. Approaching sponsors...the first thing any potential sponsor will ask you is how many households will there product been seen on TV
    3. With a National TV bring crediility to the sport.
    4. You can have just as good as a show with 3 boat racing deck to deck then have 15 boat all spread out over a 5 mile all comes down to the producing of the show..
    5. It will bring in new teams to our sport when they see the visability the sport is getting..
    6. It will bring in more teams to race there so they also can get the benifit of the exposure.

    So if the comment is the show will suck becasue there will only be 12 boats there...then the question should be to the racers...then why not step up and do some races there to get more boats at a race site...instead of saying 12 boats racing is a joke....the invitations are out to all race teams....if all you want to do is complain on how that Org is being run...then put your own TV deal together and all the race teams will come to your site...
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-27-2009 at 12:23 PM.
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    Gino, Randy started and ended his thread on his own. I can only say I tried to defend and open the discussion of unity.. It seems hopeless at times...The resistance is obvious.... I will remain hopeful and support a different group than you.

    The first event at Biloxi was a good one. I expect the remaining events will be great. Cumberland is excited, Sunny Isle is a awesome with the Bimini run and FRC poker Run. Copeland's Kenner race will be good as well. I am proud to be a part of it. I hope some other teams will attend an Event and witness OSS first hand.

    I entered all the events in the Forum special events calender. There are some conflicts with dates, but overall they have a nice spread to them. It is possible to attend everyone's final races.
    Last edited by MOBILEMERCMAN; 04-27-2009 at 12:31 PM.
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  4. Collapse Details
    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    Randy started and ended his thread on his own. I can only say I tried to defend and open the discussion of unity.. It seems hopeless at times...The resistance is obvious.... I will remain hopeful and support a different group than you.

    The first event at Biloxi was a good one. I expect the remaining events will be great. Cumberland is excited, Sunny Isle is a awesome with the Bimini run and FRC poker Run. Copeland's Kenner race will be good as well. I am proud to be a part of it. I hope some other teams will attend an Event and witness OSS first hand.

    I entered all the events in the Forum special events calender. There are some conflicts with dates, but overall they have a nice spread to them. It is possible to attend everyone's final races.
    Jim...and I think thats great that you are running all big events...and again...united will not happen when the things are going down the way they OPEN SEASONS coming from a board can say well that in the past..but its not...OPA and SBI/APBA have been tried to be back doored on there you cant talk united with this type of thing is going on....if other Orgs don't see things the way you do then let it be and let things take there course...

    and I have not seen any negitive post on OSS's race in Biloxi or any of your race sites...all the Orgs are consetrating on there own race sites....thats my point...Were have the negitive posts come from...

    OSS's sites are great and I wish you the best of luck on them...and I'm sure most if not all racers feel that way...So why can't we just be positive on everything thats going on in our matter what Org it is.....
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-27-2009 at 12:39 PM.
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    I didn't say I was running all big events. The opportunity is there.

    So, in response to your back door comment. Ron is the only one willing to discuss things with the other orgs. He has stated that publicly more than once.

    The fans, the media, some racers have called for some unifying discussion. Only OSS has made any such attempt. So keep dragging up the past. It is just a spin tactic to me.
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  6. Collapse Details
    Could some one (anyone) please explain to me the benefit in having a joint OSS/OPA/SBI race?

    Seriously... I keep reading how the OSS openly would like to work with other Org's, but the question is How?
    Last edited by 2TR; 04-27-2009 at 12:55 PM.
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    Great question.
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  8. Collapse Details
    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    I didn't say I was running all big events. The opportunity is there.

    So, in response to your back door comment. Ron is the only one willing to discuss things with the other orgs. He has stated that publicly more than once.

    The fans, the media, some racers have called for some unifying discussion. Only OSS has made any such attempt. So keep dragging up the past. It is just a spin tactic to me.

    We all have asked for joint races...but if terms cannot be worked out then so be it...all racers have been invited to every Org to race...and you and I will run which ever races that benifit our team...along with ever other racer...

    Every Org has there sites posted....some overlap each other...that is going to happen...if things cannot be worked out between the Orgs there is nothing stopping the racers from attending other Orgs has been happening...

    What you call a spin tactic...others call fact...personally like I have said in other post....I have heard many things...first it what you want...but they have been right on with there we should let them play the mean time Smitty, JC and Ron will do there jobs in running there Orgs....and we the racers will race.....
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    Could some one (anyone) please explain to me the benefit in having a joint OSS/OPA/SBI race?

    Seriously... I keep reading how the OSS openly would like to work with other Org's, but the question is How?
    Quote Originally Posted by XtremeRacing View Post
    Great question.
    The million dollar question for sure.

    Having all the racers together can make a better show and event. Will it or can it happen I am skeptical. There have been numerous discussions by fans , some racers, and some promoters to unify the Offshore racing effort.

    It may not be possible, but everything starts with a discussion, some compromise, and an agreement of sorts.
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  10. Collapse Details
    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    Could some one (anyone) please explain to me the benefit in having a joint OSS/OPA/SBI race?

    Seriously... I keep reading how the OSS openly would like to work with other Org's, but the question is How?
    Simple...and correct me if I'm wrong....
    The Org...wheater OPA or SBI/APBA would have to pay for OSS to attend a race...and/or...not pay the full membership fees for the year just a entre fee for that race....also there inspectors and staff that will have to be paid to attend...and prise money would have to be paid to there racers in addition to the normal pay out to OPA or SBI/APBA race teams...which means that the hosting site would have to raise more money to pay them for attending....vice the higher dollor amount that is need to put on a race then OPA or SBI/APBA.....I have heard that if OSS brought there own prise money and paid there own staff and put up some money for the extra safety and assention needs it would be done....but heard that they would not do that... that about right....or can someone on here tell us what was proposed for OSS to attend another Orgs site...
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-27-2009 at 01:18 PM.
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    Competitor F1-00 Racing's Avatar
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    When Pete first started this thread, I gave a simple answer of lets see at the end of the year. Why now does that question have to be answered? TV brings a lot of potential, will it be capitalized on? Who knows. The proof is in the pudding and the only way is to answer it is to wait and see. We can all go back and forth.

    Bottom line, if your happy with OSS, knock yourself out and go race your 2 confirmed race sites, I am sure that more will fall into place, hopefully. Go race in OPA with the new SV class that isnt teched or sealed, but there in the same ballpark class, knock yourselves out. Go race SBI keeping in mind all the promises in the past and their results. Ya know, do your thing. If you want to do your homework and go behind all the orgs with what they are saying and call the tv channel directors of programming then do it, I do.

    I was always told that potentials would love to sponsor me if we had tv, now I get to call BS as I am in the process of calling them back with the CBS deal. CBS is only a tool, if you want to benefit from it, great I'm sure I'll see ya in a few places this year, if not to quote Allweiss via Jim "Shut Up and Race"



    "El Racing boat es una pasion que se lleva en la sangre"
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    Could some one (anyone) please explain to me the benefit in having a joint OSS/OPA/SBI race?



    A single, unified group succeeds. Most of us are in this because of growing up and knowing about Rocky, Betty, Rich, Charlie, Tom, etc. And that was because they had coverage. Now we don't have the coverage, therefore we don't attract like we should.

    And it wouldn't even matter if it was a weekend event at one location where the GPS classes ran on Sat's (Nationwide series) and the spec classes ran on Sunday (Cup series). It just needs to be an event unlike anything that's been seen for years.

    I am not a promoter, and I bet I could arrange coverage for a race where all the racers were at.
    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Simple yes. OSS has a complete staff and doesn't rely as much on volunteers. Yes, there are paid professionals on the staff. Yes, it is possible to attend OSS races at little expense as a visiting team. Yes, OSS has a strict inspection staff. Yes, OSS is more expensive. Yes, that involves meetings in rooms and banquet halls. Yes, OSS cuts a check at awards, Yes, OSS is willing to discuss future seasons. Yes, OSS is interested in growing the sport and answering fans needs......
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratickle View Post



    A single, unified group succeeds. Most of us are in this because of growing up and knowing about Rocky, Betty, Rich, Charlie, Tom, etc. And that was because they had coverage. Now we don't have the coverage, therefore we don't attract like we should.

    And it wouldn't even matter if it was a weekend event at one location where the GPS classes ran on Sat's (Nationwide series) and the spec classes ran on Sunday (Cup series). It just needs to be an event unlike anything that's been seen for years.

    I am not a promoter, and I bet I could arrange coverage for a race where all the racers were at.

    You are right....the bottom line is racers need to races and promoters need to many chiefs not enough indians
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1-00 Racing View Post
    Bottom line, if your happy with OSS, knock yourself out and go race your 2 confirmed race sites,


    This is hopeless discussion.

    There are more than 2 races this season. In fact OSS will have completed two before an other group has its first.
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post
    Simple yes. OSS has a complete staff and doesn't rely as much on volunteers. Yes, there are paid professionals on the staff. Yes, it is possible to attend OSS races at little expense as a visiting team. Yes, OSS has a strict inspection staff. Yes, OSS is more expensive. Yes, that involves meetings in rooms and banquet halls. Yes, OSS cuts a check at awards, Yes, OSS is willing to discuss future seasons. Yes, OSS is interested in growing the sport and answering fans needs......
    Thanks Jim....and I don't think anyone is saying that you don't have a very professional staff of do....but the bottom line costs alot of money to bring in a joint race with OSS....and if the other Orgs cannot afford that...then so be it...that dose not mean we don't want a joint means your cost to bring you in cannot be done....

    So the bottom line is....its not that Orgs don't want a joint race...they just don't agree with your teams to do so due to funds....

    But is it possible for OSS to raise these funds to come to another Orgs site...
    Maybe have your staff do a one race volunteer with no pay...for the sake of a joint race..
    Maybe have a fun rasier to rasie the prise money needed and help out on the extra safety...
    Raise your entre fee's to help pay for a joint race...
    Just some thoughts...
    Last edited by MANITIE; 04-27-2009 at 01:43 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MANITIE View Post
    I have heard that if OSS brought there own prise money and paid there own staff and put up some money for the extra safety and assention needs it would be done....but heard that they would not do that...
    So OSS's idea of a "Joint Race" is to have another organization (or site) pay everything for them to show up and race. Well if thats the case I would be pushing for joint events too if I was OSS...

    As for the TV Coverage; who care if it's one boat driving around in circles. Someone is willing to pay for this to on TV and it will get some attention (and some is better than none)
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    But you need a schedule to do all of that Jim, and sites are getting harder and harder to get.

    Jim I have a question I guess just like everyone else, why does OSS keep races on their schedule that are cancelled and one that are not signed and possible not going to happen. Nothing meant dont add or reading anything in to it, it is a far question.
    Jupiter isnt even done I know its being talked about and as of the conference call last tues it isnt done so how is everyone talking about a Worlds that might not even happen.
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    Charter Member / Competitor MANITIE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    So OSS's idea of a "Joint Race" is to have another organization (or site) pay everything for them to show up and race. Well if thats the case I would be pushing for joint events too if I was OSS...

    As for the TV Coverage; who care if it's one boat driving around in circles. Someone is willing to pay for this to on TV and it will get some attention (and some is better than none)
    Thats what I have been told from first hand knowledge...and you for one know how hard it is to raise money to put on a race since you are involved in the Harrison race...its just not lets have a joint race....
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2TR View Post
    So OSS's idea of a "Joint Race" is to have another organization (or site) pay everything for them to show up and race. Well if thats the case I would be pushing for joint events too if I was OSS...

    As for the TV Coverage; who care if it's one boat driving around in circles. Someone is willing to pay for this to on TV and it will get some attention (and some is better than none)
    No, There is more to it than Gino's simplified version .

    OSS has extended offers to other groups to do just that show up and race..
    Last season there were open invites to race and one races special entry fees.
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