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  1. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Don't laugh. I will put this together. I can see the campaign now:

    "I am Michael Phelps. I am the fastest human in the water and I have more gold than Reggie Fountain. When I want to go faster... I run Joker Powerboats."

    "Try and smoke that."
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    Charter Member phragle's Avatar
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    Serious is the BOMB!
    HA!! now the news is saying the pik might send him to court.. right.. it's a pik on the internet, good luck finding out where it is/jurisdiction and provingjust exactly what he was smoking out of the bong... the only prosecutor that would pick that up is Mike Nifong
    P-4077 "The Swamp" S.B.Y.C. and Michigan medboat mothership
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  3. Collapse Details
    Just makes all those wins even more amazing!!

    The kids today don't do anything that we did not do when we were younger, I say some of the stuff we used to do was way worse! They just get caught because there are cameras every place now. He admitted it, end of story if you ask me. More then I can say for the Democtrats and the tax cheating they all seem to be doing these days.
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  4. Collapse Details
    At least half of AMericans smoke up. It is a national disgrace that we believe weed is bad. Think about it, he is arguably the fastest swimmer ever. Do you think weed is keeping him from being a strong part of society? Half of you smoke up, but you work, bring home money and pay the bills. Are you any less likely to buy the products he endorses becasue of this?

    Hell, most of the executives from the companies he endorses blew past weed years ago and have huge cocaine parties with their lobbyists. . . oh, wait, those are the defense companies.

    In this time of tight budgets and recession, we really need to rethink the BS stigma the public has on weed and some other substances. This of the money saved by not chan=sing them, arresting, trying them, incarcerating them and NOT TAXING THE DRUGS. Legalize tham, the crime rate goes down, gang territories are weakened, legal system expenses plummet. Let's be realistic here.

    Think about it, what gangs are going to battle over territory to sell liquor. You can buy it everywhere and pay a tax.
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  5. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    At least half of AMericans smoke up.
    Actually, the CDC research says that approximately 70 million Americans have used marijuana at least once. That's about 23% that have tried one or more times. Frequent usage is 5.1% of the population, or about a million and a half people.

    But that's not the point. The point is that this dumbass is squandering alot of natural talent and significant personal effort. The point was made "he can do it AND use dope". How about the other perspective- how good could he be if he weren't using drugs? Plus, how long is the professional career of a swimmer? I know I wouldn't pay to attend a conference he was speaking at, nor would I sit quietly if he were being paid to speak at a school I'm paying for my children to attend.

    Lastly, take a look at the horrific violence going on in Mexico right now. The ongoing drug war is crippling their country and littering their northern areas with bodies daily- I believe their daily death count is in the mid-teens right now. All because of U.S. demand for their product- marijuana. And guess whos problem it will become when Mexico finally can't deal with it?
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  6. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingCat View Post
    In this time of tight budgets and recession, we really need to rethink the BS stigma the public has on weed and some other substances. This of the money saved by not chan=sing them, arresting, trying them, incarcerating them and NOT TAXING THE DRUGS. Legalize tham, the crime rate goes down, gang territories are weakened, legal system expenses plummet. Let's be realistic here.

    Think about it, what gangs are going to battle over territory to sell liquor. You can buy it everywhere and pay a tax.
    I don't think legalizing it is the right answer either... Maybe weed but not any other controlled substances like cocaine etc...which is disguisting pathetic drug IMHO...

    I grew up a beach bum surfer...yes I smoked weed... I grew out of it at 19-20 yrs old and don't do it anymore.... Time to grow up and move on...

    As for Phelps... I don't really care.. People do what they do and it's none of mine or the media's business.. This is just another example of the media ruining a persons life for ratings....
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    Registered DollaBill's Avatar
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    Weed gives me heartburn.

    As for Phelps, I still can't believe you can have a "career" swimming in a pool. But, I also have a problem with all "professional" sports. A professional is a brain surgeon, not a guy who runs down a field holding an inflated piece of leather
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    Founding Member Tony's Avatar
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    My opinion of Phelps from another site: At the end of the day Americas hero is nothing more than a dork who can swim fast and happened to stumble across a semi attractive skank in the process. He will spend the rest of his days doing ads for Speedo and Long Jon Silver.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    My opinion of Phelps from another site: At the end of the day Americas hero is nothing more than a dork who can swim fast and happened to stumble across a semi attractive skank in the process. He will spend the rest of his days doing ads for Speedo and Long Jon Silver.
    Maybe Visine....
    Warning: This post may contain language unsuitable for minors or math not suitable for liberal-arts majors.
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    Booze, tobacco, marijuana, coke....what's the difference? They're all bad, they're all addictive, they all have the capability of killing you. Yet, the government deems booze and smokes okay, but the latter two not. It seems stupid and arbitrary. It should be up to individuals to moderate their lives. Imagine the revenue and jobs we can create by legalizing and regulating (and taxing) some of these now-forbidden recreational drugs - not to mention completely eliminating drug cartels. There's some stimulus for ya!

    As far as Phelps smoking some dope? what.
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  11. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Actually, the CDC research says that approximately 70 million Americans have used marijuana at least once. That's about 23% that have tried one or more times. Frequent usage is 5.1% of the population, or about a million and a half people.

    But that's not the point. The point is that this dumbass is squandering alot of natural talent and significant personal effort. The point was made "he can do it AND use dope". How about the other perspective- how good could he be if he weren't using drugs? Plus, how long is the professional career of a swimmer? I know I wouldn't pay to attend a conference he was speaking at, nor would I sit quietly if he were being paid to speak at a school I'm paying for my children to attend.

    Lastly, take a look at the horrific violence going on in Mexico right now. The ongoing drug war is crippling their country and littering their northern areas with bodies daily- I believe their daily death count is in the mid-teens right now. All because of U.S. demand for their product- marijuana. And guess whos problem it will become when Mexico finally can't deal with it?
    About 75% of the balance of the people that said that they do not or have not smoked it lied!!! I would venture that more die from alcohol then weed but that is just a guess.
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  12. Collapse Details
    No doubt- alcohol places a very substantial drain on our society.
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    Registered dwtinc's Avatar
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    What a dumb ass to let someone take a picture
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwtinc View Post
    What a dumb ass to let someone take a picture
    Ding Ding Ding

    Even more of a dumbazz for admitting it! Even though it was an honorable thing to do, what was he thinking!!! He needs to spend a little time with Bill Clinton or some other Dems.

    Possible excuses
    1. "Listen to me, I did not put my lips on that bong"
    2. "Look, we were just playing around. Do you really think that I could swim like that if I was on the weed??"
    3. "That water pipe is designed for tobacco smoking and I was just trying it out"
    4. "That beeotch set me up"!!!
    5. "I took a hit but didn't inhale"

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    Quote Originally Posted by CigDaze View Post
    Booze, tobacco, marijuana, coke....what's the difference? They're all bad, they're all addictive, they all have the capability of killing you. Yet, the government deems booze and smokes okay, but the latter two not. It seems stupid and arbitrary. It should be up to individuals to moderate their lives. Imagine the revenue and jobs we can create by legalizing and regulating (and taxing) some of these now-forbidden recreational drugs - not to mention completely eliminating drug cartels. There's some stimulus for ya!
    With your plan Senator, would rich people have to pay more for weed than poor people? Please don't tell me that it would be patriotic to do so!!
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    In my plan, poor people will pay more. They're more likely to abuse, so hit 'em harder!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dollabill View Post
    Weed gives me heartburn.

    As for Phelps, I still can't believe you can have a "career" swimming in a pool. But, I also have a problem with all "professional" sports. A professional is a brain surgeon, not a guy who runs down a field holding an inflated piece of leather
    Correct regarding pro sports.
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  18. Collapse Details
    I'm kinda in the middle on the sports thing having family/friends who have been there and done that... The amount of "work" and "dedication" to get to the professional level is more than anyone could possisbly imagine and it's also the reason such a small percentage of the population can actually do it.... Are they over paid...well that's a seperate subject... Are they all professional, well thats yet another subject..

    I think a career is anything you do to earn a living and most important, enjoy doing... Lot's of people don't think sales is a good career but that's what I do... I may not think a broker on wallstreet who looses my money is a career. We all have different "jobs" so can't we all just get along..
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  19. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by CigDaze View Post
    Booze, tobacco, marijuana, coke....what's the difference? They're all bad, they're all addictive, they all have the capability of killing you. Yet, the government deems booze and smokes okay, but the latter two not. It seems stupid and arbitrary. It should be up to individuals to moderate their lives. Imagine the revenue and jobs we can create by legalizing and regulating (and taxing) some of these now-forbidden recreational drugs - not to mention completely eliminating drug cartels. There's some stimulus for ya!

    As far as Phelps smoking some dope? what.
    good in theory but it wouldn't work.
    for example, coca cola used to have real cocain in it, now its gone and the sweeteners and everything else used in sodas as well as caffeine is the addictive part. the same chemicals are used in chewing gum, makes them addictive.
    As for the government legalizing drugs. they make tax money off of cigs and alcohol. there would have to be a whole new branch of government to control the use and manufacturing of drugs. they cant agree on how to help the economy, how would they decide what percentage is too much for cocaine on the street and what it has to be cut with? As the ATF monitors the bad things about alcohol, the fda monitors the ingredients and levels and what must be made/done to make it fit for consumption. by the time they got done with it, it would be highly diluted and overtaxed.
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    Charter Member Tommy Gun's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Chris;99767]Actually, the CDC research says that approximately 70 million Americans have used marijuana at least once. That's about 23% that have tried one or more times. Frequent usage is 5.1% of the population, or about a million and a half people.

    But that's not the point....QUOTE]

    Yo Chris, by any chance is their a Funk or a Wagnell in your family tree?
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