Hey All,

As a lot of you know, I am really big on empowering boaters when it comes to insurance. I feel that an informed client and knowledgeable client is the best kind. So, I would like to start posting regular articles and posting on topics that will help those looking for assistance but I need your help.

What topics do you think would be

a) informative to anyone coming to this site in search of information about insurance on boats
b) any unanswered questions or aspects of insurance that you don't understand or want answers to?

I do not want this section to become like the Insurance sections on other sites where someone says they need help and an advertiser replies back with "call me, I got something good" That doesn't help anyone! So, help me out and post the topics you want me to write up "articles" or summaries on and I'll post them here periodically.

Thanks guys!