Changes In Store For Detroit

After returning from an exciting UIM World Championship in Doha, Qatar, the energy here at H1 continues unabated. We’re pleased to tell you that we’re going to be ramping up things on the US series for 2015. That begins with a change in the organization of the Detroit race.

The DRRA has announced that they will not be hosting the Detroit APBA Gold Cup for Unlimited Hydroplanes in 2015. As a result H1, along with a dynamic group of Detroit area business people will be conducting an Unlimited race on the Detroit River on or about our previous race dates.

We look forward to joining forces with all of the volunteers who have helped to make the Detroit race a legacy of 100 plus years

We wish DRRA well, as we’ve had a long and successful relationship.

Stay tuned as we update you in the coming weeks. For now, we’re racing in Detroit and look forward to all of our friends and fans joining in the new energy of H1.

Steve David

H1 Chairman