
Regarding the Schumacher/Vilwock return to Doha, let’s all catch our collective breaths for a moment.

Your enthusiasm, either pro or con is definitely acknowledged. Let me take you back in time to another driver who was under heavy scrutiny. In fact he was told in no uncertain terms: “Mess up again, and you’ll be watching from outside of the pits for a long, long time”.

This Driver was penalized at Detroit and wiped out 5 buoys, lane encroachments in TriCities, the same in Seattle and San Diego. In fact he cut off so many boats at San Diego, that the Madison (Frosted Flakes) driven by Mike Hanson won from the trailer position. Drivers said “The guy’s a nut”, another said “we have a problem child who needs removed”. Four drivers told the chief referee that they wouldn’t race with him again. That Driver went to the 1993 Honolulu race thinking it was his last. Well, he won Honolulu, and set world records for the fastest lap and the fastest final heat in the history of the sport. The records still stand.

That Driver is your current H-1 Chairman.

I think I have more deck to deck laps against Dave Vilwock than any current driver. We’ve collided (Madison), crashed each other(Evansville) , and said lots of unkind things to and about each other for over 20 years. I know him.

I spoke with Dave on Tuesday of this week. We talked about a lot of things. One of them was my sharing the same concern that many of you have. Dave has his arguments about what happened. That said, we both clearly understand that whatever his belief, he is now on the same bubble I was in 1993. One mess up at Doha and he’ll be on the beach for a long time.

What do I hope for? That he drives the best race of his life: Clean, fast and safe. I also hope that we have the greatest race we have ever had, and that at the end of the day 10 boat are safe and sound, 10 drivers are safe and sound, and the winner won on the water, fair and square. I can guaranty you that we’re all going to give it our very best, and that includes the Schumachers and Dave.

Thanks gang.
