Funny thing i sprayed Imron today and to tell you the truth in my opinion it still is a very durable paint that i use all the time ( 555- U ) which is old school Imron with the green & white label that has all the good Poisons opposed to there paints with a lower VOC , and might i mention that most boats i see with blistering ( cruiser's ) are around the waterline / boot stripe , that are left in the water all summer long with bottom paint but....... on the other hand ( excample / past experience ) most boats with a painted bottom ( Imron ) not left in the water over a short period of time would blister on the trailer or where the boat sat on the bunks . Hey everyone Imron is a great paint with Awlgrip being even better ( durable ) with both paints if used properly and common sense are great products to use on your boat .