It was a twin small-block Sonic that won the first year around Long Island.

There are good reasons for classes, the ones you just listed are the best. Allows comparable boats to run for the win without a speed or time limit. Somewhere I have the old APBA classes for offshore. They were interesting to say the least. I'll dig them up and get them posted.

As for comparing anything out there to a boat like Geico, you are not the only one who feels that way as there was no one they had to beat across the finish line the entire year. Also, don't forget, Turbine is also a GPS class with a maximum breakout speed of 150 in OPA and 155 in SBI. The penalties are pretty stiff for breaking out because of insurance issues. I do believe they can exceed that speed in Extreme Turbine in APBA with a special insurance writer if an extreme boat attends the event, but the only APBA offshore race currently scheduled is the OSS race in Biloxi. They do have the writer this year for the APBA santioned Kilo run scheduled. There may be more, just not positive at this time.