No mater how much you plan and prepare, the only thing i can count on is something going wrong to throw a wrench in my plans.
Weeks of preparation, making plans and 2 days before the boat is scheduled to leave for Havasu, we hurt a motor during testing. For 2:00 yesterday until 5:00 pm today I have done nothing but try and get a replacement motor or pair of motors. At 5 pm today I went home with a migraine, beat like a whipped dog. Out of options. I laid on the crunch and took a nap and just woke up recharged. I'm going to give it one last try tomorrow.

Anyone have a set of Sterling 1550's quad rotors they want to sell. I figure it's a long shot but it's worth asking.

I'm not out yet and really want to make it. Anyone have any feasible solutions, let me know.