Quote Originally Posted by jayboat View Post
All those stars in your eyes seem to have confused you- accolades are not 'accomplishments'
that's total bullsh1t... you have to have accomplishments BEFORE you get accolades.. that's the way it works in an honest working world, one of nonentitlement, .. Oby got his Nobel for just the opposite, quite hypocritical of the facts..

I'm not trying to make less of the guy- he never would be where he is if he wasn't good at something. But, again, rising through the ranks of the military does not automatically qualify a person to be president.
so tell us all again, which you have NEVER done >> what EXACTLY, in YOUR eyes, qualifies Obama to be POTUS??

Without exception, every lifer I've ever known has been extremely inflexible in his thinking.
does that apply for lifer Dem's?