I put our 16 Donzi up for sale on craigs list and i am getting all kinds of scam responces

I got a request for more info and i got this resoponce

Thanks for the prompt response.. I am ready to buy it now for birthday gift for my brother and i am at sea at the moment as i am a marine engineer and due to the nature of my work, phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. I really want it to be a surprise for my brother so i wont let him know anything about it until it gets delivered to him, i am sure he will be more than happy with it. I insisted on PayPal because i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay from my PayPal, as i have my bank a/c attached to it, i will need you to give me your PayPal email address and the price so i can make the payments asap for it and please if you don't have PayPal account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to www.PayPal.com. and get it set up, after you have set it up i will only need the e-mail address you use for registration with PayPal so as to put the money through. I have a pick up agent that will come and pick it up after i have made the payments...


I realize this is a scam but what are they trying to accomplish here ??

I am also getting these notification (again a scam i belive)

Subj: Important Information From Craigslist Security

Due to a power failure some of the servers containing user information have suffered irreparable damage.
According to our security department specialists some of our databases may have been severely damaged.

In order to check if your account is still available, please click on the link provided below.


We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

Craigslist Security Team.

Apparently some people have nothing else to do