Quote Originally Posted by baywatch View Post
Thanks for the Chronolocial boat biography Bob!!! That is awesome to see the progression down the line. I am currently waiting for the "someday boat" (pun intended) but hope to one day have a diesel performance.

I think the next story is going to have to be about how you sunk your boat.

I have often said that you do not need to have a big boat to enjoy being out on the water. Sometimes at the cottage in the summer I will take the kids 19 ft Sea Ray out and be as happy as a clam. A lot less responsibility and can be very relaxing and enjoyable as well.

In my next story we will forget about some of the crazy stuff and get back to a serious boating story. It will be about a 3 day solo circumnavigation of Florida. I wish i had not left my laptop in FL and could have written it while flying today. I will have some time after the weekend to write it I expect. It shouldn't be too long.
