Quote Originally Posted by phragle View Post
ok..somebody please explain to me, just how this is going to work ('im not saying it wont, just trying to understand) an org. (powerboat p1) is going to come here ( a place with more orgs and classes than boats) and spend a gazillion dollars adding another org and even more classes to get racers to play. And it has people so excited they want to change the names of their classes... some people seem to be on their knees with their arms outstretched singing hallaluya.... Maybe Im wrong (I hope so) but whats in it for powerboat p-1 besides hemmoraghhing cash? I don't know boat racing that well thus I am asking for an explination, but usually when something is so wildly heralded as the second comming shows up, it's usually followed by the anti-christ and great discontent as unreal expectations are not met.