So we got together and moved the needle on Terry's fundraising efforts in a major way. But in the last 24 hours the pace has downright died.


Between 10 PM tonight and 10 PM tomorrow, any donation of $50 gets you your choice of a Freeze Frame DVD or a not-available-in-stores SeriousOffshore T-shirt.

Donate $100 and you get both. Donate $500 and you get stuff for your family and friends. You get the picture.

So let's see if we can get Terry's total moving like it was yesterday.

SeriousOffshore exists for two reasons and two reasons only. First is for a place for all our friends to congregate. Second- and most important- is to be a catalyst in moving our community and our sport towards a goal of giving back to those less fortunate that ourselves. And there's nothing more worthy than helping a sick kid.

Thanks for all you've done so far and thanks for your continued efforts.