Kind of an off the wall request, but I'm hoping I can engage the power of the board here.

My good friend (and hunting/fishing partner) owns The Dog Ranch kennel in Romeo, MI. Todd and Monica are the definition of "good people" and they treat the boarded dogs as if they were their own. I can't tell you the number of times they've rescued abandoned dogs, or helped owners with health or behavior problems, or supported any number of adoption organizations. They've put their heart and soul (and checkbook!) into their facility and it is truly impressive, with heated and air-conditioned runs, play yards, and a swimming pond for the guests. You can check out their website at: to see for yourself.

They've been nominated for "The Best Of" in the pet category in an annual contest on a local TV network. If they win, they'll get a nice write-up and a blurb on the news, maybe a story from the kennel as well. This would be a significant piece of advertising for them. If you could take 3 minutes and give them a vote, it would be both well-deserved and much appreciated! The link is, then the "Pet" category, "Boarding." You do have to sign up with a legit e-mail address, but I've not had any spam issues from them.

Many, many thanks!


Oh, the dog on the sign is actually one of theirs - Dakota, 140 lbs of lap dog