Quote Originally Posted by MarylandMark View Post
As if you Mods don't do enough already but how about making it so post on that thread have to be approved?

That way saying "thanks for sharing" and so on (which I am guily of as well to encourage the OP to post more) will be eliminated and keep the "good stuff" intact.

Example is here: http://seriousoffshore.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9637

That one is starting out great but we know in time 15% of the post will be the "good stuff" vs 80% of the 1st 10 post as it is now.

No offense to those that posted- I want to post keep it coming as well; just saying it is nice to keep it trimmed as well. Top Banana will be able to tell by the views on the main page how much we like it. The only issue would be how to keep them for being buried without having 1293 stickys
The nice thing is to have the interaction during the thread creation. If you guys pick the someone to start the thread, they can continually update the first post based on what is discussed. Also, It can always be transferred to another, final, thread that is stickied at the start of the Apache forum.

It doesn't take long to wipeout, cleanup a thread.

My opinion, start two threads at the same time. One with what is known now, one for discussion. If the thread for the final facts gets something in it that should be in the other, quote it into there and we can then hard remove it from the "clean facts" thread.