My uncle is dying as I write this. He is 56 and until yesterday in perfect health. He fell through a rotted balcony at his house last night and landed head first in the driveway. The house is 110 years old and the balcony broke as he was leaning on it. Brain swelling, broken vertebrae, no brain activity so they are pulling the plug tommorow at 9 am with the organ donor team standing by.

This guy tore up Ft Lauderdale in the 80's, rode Harleys throughout Europe and the US and loved poker runs! He did the Miami Boat Show Run with me this year and loved FL in the winter compared to New England. He rolled cars over in high school, broke knees skiing...really was a wildman and to die falling through a balcony is simply retarded!

He loved Nortech's the best and being from New England the flash of the boats and women was always a highlight of his FL trips. New England is very conservative compared to S. FL. He called me Tuesday to brag about the great weather and to tell me he was riding his SeaDoo at the lake in NH as I was working.

So tommorow at 9 am think of all the things you always wanted to say or do and get it done.....You never know when your time is up...

My Uncle John was the guy in the middle waving at the chopper.......