Quote Originally Posted by Dunbar 104 View Post
Alot of money for one day of racing. Prize money??? is there any???


I mean no disrespect, but your trying to tell me that you guys cant find a 1000 sponsor per race, with the CBS pkg especially using the fact that you guys were the only showcased team on the OSS telecast today. Your a very marketable team. You guys not only have incredible talent but the proof is in the pudding to back it up from a marketing standpoint with todays broadcast alone. I know you are a loyal OSS team and I applaude you for that, but yes I can see it as being unmarketable with your season in the books and no further confirmed races on the schedule. Its hard to sell something that might or might not happen.

Everyone has their opinions on how this deal works, but I feel us as teams need to be proactive and quit waiting for OPA, SBI, or OSS to give us handouts. I also feel that it can be as expensive as we want it to be. If I want to sit on my arse and wait for handouts then yeah, prolly will be expensive, but if I go out on my own and get a 1000 sponsor per race then that eliminates some of the expense and makes it more affordable, heck then maybe a 100 or 500 or maybe even a 1500 sponsor per race will come on board. It all adds up. Ryan is the perfect example of this. He is very proactive for Double-Edge and it minimizes his out of pocket expenses.
