Do we pass up this opportunity to make a difference while we wait for the "Great Unification"?
Someday we will all race under one banner for people we all respect who have rules in place we all agree upon. Thirty boats will compete in each of three classes and we will all have the time and sponsorship money to travel the continent end to end March to November.

Someday someone will lead us there and no one will be happier than me.

We can continue to wait or we can make the most of the deal SBI put together to show the world what we do.
Millions of households will be seeing Offshore racing for the first time beginning this October. They don't care about what has been or what will be. SBI/OSS and OPA are meaningless to them. They will be entertained and "hooked" or they will not. Much of that choice is up to us. We have plenty of boats and we certainly have the personalities to make these programs successful. Will we be sorry if we don't?
No doubt there are questions about these programs and their production , but if we like the answers why would those of us who can afford to participate not do so? Why would any boat with a sponsor not take advantage of this exposure? I am not minimizing or criticizing the efforts of those who are trying to improve Offshore.
I would be curious to hear the reasons we as a group would not take this opportunity to help create the buzz we know Offshore can generate?