Quoted from the JOTJ Pres. on the other site:

Its official July 11,2009 !!! All the details have been worked out and arrangements made with the Hotel and various Marinas. Plus the Worx band will be returning for the Saturday night banquet.

For those of you that don't know I have taken over the job of President of the RPBA from Steve Gresham. Steve took this from a small local run with less than 15 boats and turned it into one of the top 10 Poker Runs in the Country. I'm very fortunate to be able to take over a organization that has been run so well and doesn't need anykind of overhaul. All of the people who assisted him have agreed to continue with there voluntary assistance for me next year. Without there support I wouldn't have wanted to take on this endeavor. I'm very excited about what's ahead and what I have to do to make this run as great or better in the future.

I hope everyone from last year is able to return and that we can attract some new participants that don't know what there missing.
Mark Shackelford
2009 President
Richmond Powerboat Association